Nongmen's elder sister-in-law is the richest in the world

Chapter 820 How is Shen Zhan's brother Awan acting?

Chapter 820 How is Shen Zhan's brother Awan acting?

Seeing him, he let out a silver bell-like laughter that didn't match his appearance and leaped towards the tall man. The voice was extremely clear and sweet, and the most important thing was that it was clearly the voice of a little girl!
And the tall man in military uniform couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth when he saw him, and opened his arms to welcome him.

Then, during the leap, I saw the Taoist priest who was still wearing a Taoist robe, his face and figure were changing, and he turned into a little girl, and then he threw himself into the arms of the tall man who opened his arms to welcome her inside!
"Brother Shen Zhan, how was my performance just now, wasn't it very good?" Shen Jianwan looked up from Shen Zhan's arms and asked proudly.

Shen Zhan looked down at the little girl's smug and vivid expression, and the corners of his mouth rose even more. Then, as the little girl expected, he nodded kindly and coaxed: "Well, Ah Wan's acting is naturally excellent."

That's right, this pair of men and women turned out to be Shen Jianwan and Shen Zhan, and the Taoist priest that Liu Ergou and the others invited was actually Shen Jianwan.

At this time, Shen Zhan's reply certainly had elements of coaxing the little girl, but it was also telling the truth.

Because today Shen Jianwan was watching from the dark during the process of pretending to be a Taoist priest, and then Master Shen also had to admit that a certain little girl played a Taoist priest really well, there was simply no loophole. No one in the Liu family knew that she was fake.

Besides, when Shen Jianwan heard Shen Zhan's affirmative words at this time, the smile on his face became even brighter, "Brother Shen Zhan, do you have any rewards for Ah Wan?"

Shen Zhan: "Well, brother Shen Zhan roasted pheasant for Ah Wan tonight."

Then as soon as Shen Zhan said these words, a small orange figure rushed over from a distance like lightning, and landed on Shen Jianwan's shoulder.

"My lord wants it too. Shen Zhan, you can't leave me behind. This time, the Taoist priest can't pretend to be successful this time without the help of my lord in the dark." This little orange thing is undoubtedly the lord, At this time, it landed on Shen Jianwan's shoulder and he couldn't wait to shout to a certain military master.

A certain military master is still holding his little wife in both hands at this time, and the soft jade in his arms makes him feel very good He also nodded with a friendly smile, "Okay, but you have to go hunting, my lord."

The little cat was immediately excited when he heard that, "Yes, yes! My lord will go ahead and go hunting with Dabai first, Shen Zhan, you and Wanwan go slowly."

Without waiting for an answer, she jumped off Shen Jianwan's shoulder, and appeared several feet away in the blink of an eye.

Seeing the impatience of the little cats, Shen Jianwan couldn't help but burst out laughing, and then shouted, "My lord, please slow down, be careful not to fall, and don't bully Dabai them!"

"Understood, I understand, remember to hurry up tonight!" The king had already disappeared in the direction of the back mountain while speaking.

A certain military master listened to the words of a certain cat in his mind, and saw that it was so tactful and took the first step to restore the world between him and the little girl. The corners of his mouth couldn't help but rise again, and he was more satisfied with the certain cat.

But satisfaction is satisfaction, but it is impossible for him to hurry up and grill it.

Because a certain military master said that the time is still very early, and he finally had the opportunity to go home and go out to the mountains at night with the little girl. Naturally, this barbecue thing has to be moved back.

So a certain military master was not in a hurry to carry the little girl up the mountain, and even had the interest to watch the sunset with the little girl along the way, and then enjoy the evening view of the mountain.

When the two really arrived at the Medicine Valley where the king and the others had caught their prey, it was already more than an hour later.

And when Shen Jianwan and the others finally arrived, a certain cat felt aggrieved, "Why are you so slow, Wanwan? How long has my king been urging you? If you don't come to the king and the wolf king, they will catch the prey on this mountain." Woolen cloth!"

Shen Jianwan, who had just come out of Shen Zhan's arms when she heard the little cat's words, couldn't help feeling guilty, but after hearing the little cat's words, she found a chance to "beat them up", "Your Majesty, you bullied Dabai to hunt them again, didn't you?" , you are so much stronger than them, how can you still bully the weak?"

Hearing that a certain innocent kitten was indeed taken astray, he immediately forgot about blaming Shen Jianwan for their late arrival, and replied with a guilty conscience: "Nothing, I understand that they also like to eat the prey roasted by Shen Zhan. So they can't wait to hunt their prey as soon as my uncle gives an order, there is no such thing as my king bullying them."

Shen Jianwan looked at the prey that was already on the ground with a look of disbelief, "Your Majesty, you are sure that you have already hunted so many prey, but they still feel that they are not enough to eat and continue to hunt. Are you sure it's not you who want to store food?"

Shen Jianwan's guess is not unfounded, because a certain cat likes Shen Zhan to bake a lot of barbecue for it, and then store it in its stomach space to eat.

And I don't know how it did it. After Shen Zhan left, it could eat the barbecue every time Shen Zhan came back next time. But when Shen Zhan was at home, it could eat it for a few days. Just kill the barbecue in a stomach space, and even set a record to eat up a stomach space of barbecue in one day, and then tried every means to calculate Shen Zhan to continue to give it barbecue.

As expected, hearing Shen Jianwan's doubts, the guilty conscience on the kitty's face became more obvious, and even Shen Jianwan noticed that its ears and face had turned cute pink.

But it still said stubbornly: "Wanwan, how can you think about my lord like this, even if they understand that they are going to hunt by themselves, they also think that such a small amount of prey is not enough to eat."

Shen Jianwan: "Then let Dabai eat more of these prey, and then let the wolf king take some back to eat, and let me put less in your stomach."

After hearing this, the little kitty really felt wronged, "Wanwan, you don't have the king in your heart now, you only understand them and your brother Shen Zhan, you scumbag!"

As soon as he finished his words, he felt the younger generation's coldness. Sure enough, he took a look with his mental strength and found that a certain military master who was busy starting a barbecue was looking at him with a dangerous face at this time!

And then the king also proved that it didn't feel wrong at this time with its own experience, because then it was pointed at by Shen Zhan to work all the way, at least twice as much work as Shen Zhan used to do when roasting meat. .

Even after Dabai and the others brought back a batch of prey, a certain military lord gave up and let him continue roasting the next prey on his own, while he and Shen Jianwan, and Dabai they ate and rested first went.

(End of this chapter)

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