Chapter 821 Scare the Liu Family Again

So a certain cat naturally refused, because it was so calculating that Shen Zhan gave it a barbecue. Didn't it mean that he was attracted to the other's craftsmanship?

At this time, a certain little girl also felt sorry for her elder brother Shen Zhan who was always serving a certain cat as a cook.

The point is that the little cat is too direct and often "slaves" her brother Shen Zhan without knowing it. She always asks her brother Shen Zhan to cook a lot of barbecue for it, and then willfully treats her brother Shen Zhan at home The days are so good that I open my belly to eat barbecue until I eat my body and grow up, and I don’t know how to control it, just for brother Shen Zhan to continue to make barbecue for him.

Didn't see the little cat lying on the ground like a rascal after listening to Shen Zhan's words, Shen Jianwan couldn't help coaxing in his heart: "My lord, you know that I can make any kind of food, but this barbecue is really nothing Talent, and although Shen Zhan's barbecue is delicious, he can't be by our side all the time, right?

So, my lord, you might as well learn how to roast meat by yourself. Brother Shen Zhan can teach you anything you don’t understand. It will not be difficult for you who are so smart to learn.

Then after you learn it, you can cook it by yourself when Brother Shen Zhan is not around, so that we can have no shortage of barbecue meat, and we don’t have to always count the time and wait for Brother Shen Zhan to come back next time before we dare to eat it The last point is the barbecue, right? After all, Brother Shen Zhan spends much longer time away from home than when he is at home. If you learn it, you will be able to realize the freedom to eat barbecue for a longer period of time, right? "

Sure enough, a certain little girl knows a certain cat best. When she heard her words, the little orange cat who was "lying dead" on the ground really got up immediately, "Wanwan, you are right, we can stay at home by ourselves when my lord learns it." Grilled countless roasts too.

You wait every night, when the king learns, I will cook meat for you every day. "Speaking, he arrived at the grill as vigorously as before.

Shen Jianwan: ...Eating barbecue every day is unnecessary, but the little cat's heart makes her eyes turn sour. It seems that she has gone too far in lying to her king.

Then, when Shen Jianwan was watching the little cat barbecue with guilt and heartache on her face, a certain military master suddenly joined the barbecue.

Seeing Shen Zhan barbecue again, Shen Jianwan's first reaction was that her elder brother Shen Zhan doted on the king too much. Although she was also guilty of plotting against the kitten, she should do it herself if she wanted to eat it, so she still didn't like it. I agree with brother Shen Zhan to continue making barbecue for the king.

So a certain little girl couldn't help asking Shen Zhan to guide the little cat.

Who knew that she didn't guess what a certain military master was thinking at this time!
In fact, the reason why a certain military master came to barbecue again was not because he doted on a certain cat too much, but because he heard that a certain cat could barbecue for Shen Jianwan when he was away. He was jealous, and then he changed his mind at this time. I don't want the little cat to learn to barbecue!

However, the selfishness of a certain military master did not last for a minute. After roasting the barbecue for 1 minute, and then a certain cat asked him for advice and he ignored it, he softened his heart after a while!

Because although he was jealous that a certain cat could serve Shen Jianwan barbecue while he was away, but he was more distressed that the little girl could not eat delicious barbecue when he was away, so he climbed the wall again !

He began to carefully guide a certain cat to barbecue again!

Then at this time, a certain military master only hated himself for not being able to stay by his little girl's side for a long time, and then secretly vowed to quickly achieve his goal of staying in Ding'an Mansion.

And the change of a certain military master's mind only happened in an instant, and no one, including Shen Jianwan, knew his mind, so Shen Jianwan and the others didn't know that the certain military master's mind had actually changed. It's such a big circle.

What happened next was beyond everyone's expectations. Under Shen Zhan's guidance, the king was very handy in grilling meat, because it was controlled by the mind rather than movements. In addition, Shen Zhan's guidance was also very accurate. The king Grilling this meat is just like opening it.

After the first roast chicken it roasted independently was finished, Shen Jianwan, Dabai, and Wolf King each tasted it, and they all agreed that the roast meat it roasted was [-]% as good as Shen Zhan's, and then it also got a certain The military master nodded.

Seeing this, the little cat was ecstatic, and then took a sip by himself, so its eyes lit up, and it immediately started to roast another pheasant as if it had been injected with chicken blood!
Before the three pheasants and hares came down, the little cat's barbecue skills were already comparable to that of a certain military master. It even roasted half faster than Shen Zhan with mental strength. The important thing is that a certain cat It was also found that using spiritual power to roast meat is also good for its spiritual power!

It was almost dawn the next day. Shen Jianwan and the others came back from the mountain. After camping in Medicine Valley, they went to the jade mine to improve the jade ore as usual. Then they worked hard until dawn. Shen Jianwan and Shen Zhan even watched the day Only then did I come down from the mountain.

When they got home, they heard a great news, that is, the old Liu's family invited a Taoist priest to collect Shen's ghost yesterday evening, and after a night of fermentation, everyone in Qinghe Village knew about it! ! !
Sure enough, as Shen Jianwan expected, Liu Ergou and the others invited a Taoist priest to collect Shen's ghost, and even made the Taoist priest so vicious that Shen's soul would be scattered forever. Everyone was shocked and angry when they found out, Liu Ergou They completely lost the high ground of public opinion that they had not long ago.

Even the reputation of the old Liu family is worse now than before!

And when it comes to the Taoist priest catching ghosts at the old Liu’s house last night, apart from being shocked by Shen’s ghost going to find Liu Ergou’s troubles and marveling at the Taoist priest’s power, the rest is to treat Liu Ergou and the others extremely The disdain and indignation.

Then there is another good thing that Shen Jianwan didn't expect, that is, the Shen's body that she made nonsense yesterday has a dazzling golden light of merit and virtue, which shows that Shen's life is virtuous before and after her death, especially her descendants are in harmony with the world The words of contribution made everyone talk about it even more, so they had more respect and enthusiasm for their Shen family.

Shen Jianwan was naturally very happy to get this benefit by accident, and after seeing Liu Ergou and the others yesterday's idea of ​​asking someone to catch ghosts to pretend to be a Taoist priest, she won the first battle, and then she thought about today. How can I continue to scare Liu Ergou and the others in the evening!

Yes, Shen Jianwan said that she would only let the Liu family lose so easily and threaten them to stop after recognizing Liu Ergou, definitely not.

[Ask for votes and encouragement ~ Bow and thank you, thank you very much for all the votes of today's cuties ~]

(End of this chapter)

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