Chapter 824 Scare the Liu Family Again
But her words finally made the Liu family realize the seriousness of the matter, and they couldn't help but look sad when they heard the words!

Yes, if such a big incident broke out tonight, tomorrow their old Liu's family will definitely criticize everyone, but they are at a loss as to how to solve this predicament. This is because they all know what Chen Cuihua said It is indeed true.

After thinking about it, these descendants of Liu Zhiming and the others can't help but secretly blame Liu Ergou and Chen Cuihua for doing so many shameless things back then, so that the disaster fell on their descendants.

And thinking that the news of his murder will be spread outside tomorrow, Liu Ergou saw Chen Cuihua still holding a piece of wood in the corner of the yard and gnawed on it in a corner of the yard, and he was still talking crazy, so he couldn't help striding away In the past, he slapped the opponent's face with a slap, "Bitch, you are going to kill our whole family!"

Seeing that Liu Ergou slapped Chen Cuihua's face with blood, Liu Fengyue couldn't help frowning.

She didn't really care about Chen Cuihua, what she was afraid of was that Liu Ergou's beating of Chen Cuihua would hurt her face, and people outside would see it and talk about their old Liu family, which would make their reputation even worse.

Can't help but hastily stepped forward to persuade: "Why did Grandpa have such a big fight with grandma, she is also crazy and ignorant to say these words, if people outside see grandma, she is too miserable, others will also say that our old Liu family His character will work.

What we need to do now is to find a doctor to heal grandma as soon as possible, otherwise it will not be a problem for her to continue talking like this, and our reputation will be even more affected if there is a madman in the family! "

Liu Ergou did not disappoint Liu Fengyue either, and immediately understood the meaning of her words.

Yes, it would be even worse if he hit Chen Cuihua to let people know his reputation, and let Chen Cuihua continue to go crazy like this, and then reveal what they did when he met someone. Even a lunatic in the family will drag down his reputation .

So he couldn't help but put down his slap unwillingly, nodded and said: "Sister Yue is right, tomorrow we will go to find a doctor for your grandmother, and we have to invite famous doctors to treat her."

Liu Fengyue was also relieved to see that Liu Ergou understood, and then told Li Shi in the corner: "Third Aunt, take Grandma down to freshen up, and make sure no outsiders see that Grandma is having a bad time in our house after going crazy. "

Li Shi, who has no status in the old Liu's family, nodded when he heard the words.

As soon as Li Shi nodded, Liu Zhiyong, who was also silent beside her, saw that the big guy was about to disperse, and suddenly said to Liu Ergou: "Father, what if the Shen family's grandma finds her again next time?" What about our family?"

Liu Zhiyong's reminder successfully made everyone in the Liu family look paler!
Although what Mrs. He and the others said just now was unpleasant, Mrs. Shen might really continue to harm them.

It was only Liu Ergou before, and now there is another Chen Cuihua, so will it be their children and grandchildren's turn next?
For a moment, thinking about the ugly faces of these Liu family members, Liu Zhiyong couldn't help cursing: "Grandma, I'm going to ask someone to continue to accept this Shen family now, someone will be able to accept her."

Hearing that other people had not had time to speak, Niu was very clever and said: "But the child's father, we have to invite the master to collect the ghosts, and we will not be able to invite someone until tomorrow at the latest, but what shall we do tonight?"

These words also expressed the concerns of everyone present.

But at this moment, the room was still leaking, and when Lian Yeyu said it was coming, a gust of wind suddenly blew out the lanterns and candles around them, and suddenly the whole old Liu's house was plunged into darkness.

In order to illuminate this time, the Liu family lit three or four lanterns in the yard, and some people still held oil lamps in their hands. These mirrors were blown out by a gust of wind, which is unusual!

He didn't realize that this Niu family was the first to let out an earth-shattering scream, and before Liu Ergou could yell at him, he heard Liu Fengying and the others screaming too, and the yard fell into chaos for a while. In chaos.

Then Liu Zhiyong was the first to react and rushed out of the gate, yelling in his hand to run for his life, and the rest of the people also reacted and ran towards the gate.

However, Liu Zhiyong, who rushed to the front, just arrived at the gate of the courtyard. At this time, the gate of the courtyard, which had not been closed because the villagers had left, suddenly closed with a bang!
Seeing this scene, everyone in the Liu family was completely terrified, Niu couldn't help but asked Liu Zhiyong tremblingly, "Father, is Shen trying to catch us all this time?"

This is the first time that Niu used the idiom correctly, but no one cared about it at this time, because everyone was frightened by the meaning of her words and turned pale.

Just when they were frightened, another strong wind blew, and then He's earth-shattering screams sounded in the yard.

It turned out that she let the wind blow down the wooden stake that was usually used to hold the rope to dry clothes in the yard!

All of a sudden, everyone in the Liu family was in a mess in the darkness, and then Liu Fengyue was the first to react and shouted: "Quick, quick, daddy, go and open the courtyard door to see if it can still be opened, we left the house overnight!"

Hearing that Liu Zhiyong, who was closest to the gate of the courtyard, reacted and hurriedly opened the door under the moonlight, and then they found that the gate was still motionless in despair.

"I've hit a ghost, I've really hit a ghost!" Niu couldn't stop screaming this time.

Then Liu Fengyue deserved to be Zhuge in the female middle school, Xinzhi hurriedly pulled Liu Zhiming and Liu Baokai and his son to push the door together, but the courtyard door was still motionless!
Seeing it, Liu Fengyue said anxiously: "Father, let's call out for help from the people outside!"

"Help, help..." Immediately, their earth-shattering cries for help were heard in Liu's courtyard.

But the more they yelled, the colder the hearts of the Liu family became, because there was so much commotion here, and they were still yelling so loudly, that no one from the family had heard the commotion until now!
At this time, Mrs. He, who was injured but had no one to help, finally couldn't help but collapsed and shouted: "Aunt Shen, please let us go, this wrong has its head and its debtor, if you have any wrongs, go to father-in-law and Mother-in-law and the others, please don’t take innocent people like us with you!”

What He said was outrageous, but at this moment, none of the Liu family refuted her.

After her words fell into the darkness, an ethereal voice finally came, "Then let Liu Ergou and Chen Cuihua go to the government tomorrow to surrender and plead guilty, otherwise I will kill your whole family next time.

By the way, don't think about moving or anything, I can follow you wherever you go, believe it or not.

Remember, I will give you one day tomorrow! "

(End of this chapter)

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