Chapter 825 Planting Sweet Potatoes

The wind around the words finally stopped!
After the yard became quiet for a while, the Liu family came back to their senses, and then Liu Fengyue was the first to react and asked Liu Zhiming and the others to light the lamps.

When the lights were turned on again, it was already a quarter of an hour after the family sat down in the main room, and at this moment they were still in shock!

At this time, everyone in the Liu family, except the crazy Chen Cuihua, was hesitant to talk to Liu Ergou.

In the end, Liu Zhiyong was the first to stand up and said: " about you go to the government with your mother tomorrow..."

As soon as the official word came out, a teacup flew towards him. Seeing Liu Zhiyong dodge in a hurry, Liu Ergou, who was throwing the teacup, was even more angry when he saw that he dared to hide. He pulled up the crutch beside him and stood up. Hit Liu Zhiyong, "Nizi, the old man beat you to death, you unfilial son!"

When Liu Zhiyong saw Liu Ergou's arm-thick crutch trying to greet him, he naturally refused to resist. Seeing this, he jumped up and ran, and even grabbed Liu Zhiming when he passed by Liu Zhiming to block him. in front of.

Liu Zhiming was caught without any preparation, and then Liu Ergou's crutch fell on his head, and he was beaten to the point of bleeding. It can be seen that Liu Ergou's stick was completely merciless. .

Liu Zhiming almost passed out on the spot, but he refused to let Liu Zhiyong grab him tightly, "Second brother, you actually want to kill me!"

Liu Zhiyong was afraid that Liu Ergou would hit him again with a stick, and couldn't help struggling, "Liu Zhiming, what I said is what you want to say, why the whole family depends on me to speak first, you can't bear it any longer."


Liu Ergou, who was so angry that he touched his chest repeatedly, dared to say this when he saw Liu Zhiyong, and what was even more frightening was that Liu Zhiming was immediately guilty and unable to argue with it, which also showed that the other party thought the same way.

Taking care of the expressions of unfilial children and grandchildren in the room, Liu Ergou knew that what he was most worried about had happened!

As soon as he thought about it, he couldn't help but rolled his eyes and passed out. He couldn't stay awake so that the rest of his children and grandchildren would also have the opportunity to "force the palace"!
However, no one came to pick up his falling body, so he could only fall slowly...

But Liu Ergou, who had just leaned on the table behind him, then heard Liu Zhiyong shouting at him helplessly: "Father! Things have come to this point, can you stop pretending to be dizzy? According to the current situation, you Do you think you and your mother can survive without surrendering?
So you are going to die anyway, why bother to drag our children and grandchildren, you can rest assured that after you and your mother are dead, we will definitely offer incense to you on the first and fifteenth day of the Lunar New Year, otherwise our whole family will be killed by Mrs. Shen Incense you. "

I have to say that Liu Zhiming was a scoundrel in the first place, and now he can say anything just to survive.

And when these words came out, Liu Ergou finally couldn't pretend anymore, he immediately "woke up" and picked up the only teacup left on the table and threw it at Liu Zhiyong again, but the young and strong opponent avoided it. How well father and son know each other.

Then Liu Zhiyong simply ran into the yard this time, and shouted at Liu Zhiming and the others: "Liu Zhiming, Liu Zhiyong, how long are you two grandsons going to act like, don't hurry up and beg father and his old man to surrender himself, otherwise you think father and the others will not come tomorrow I, Liu Zhiyong, am the only one who surrendered to the government!"

The next thing is... After a little hesitation, Liu Zhiming took the lead and knelt down at Liu Ergou.

Seeing the children and grandchildren who were kneeling on the ground all lower their heads and use silence to force him to surrender to the government, the "forced palace" he was worried about happened once again, and this time Liu Ergou finally fainted from anger.


The next day, the news that Chen Cuihua admitted that she and Liu Ergou had poisoned the Shen family spread, and the Shen family became even more angry when they found out the truth.

So under the leadership of Uncle Shen, they killed Lao Liu's house again, but something unexpected happened!
The old Liu's house was empty at the moment.

Seeing that the people inside the door that had been patting for a long time did not respond, and after Shen Jie kicked it open, there was no one inside.

Seeing it, everyone except Shen Jianwan and Shen Zhan was dumbfounded, and then they learned from a neighbor of the old Liu's family that the old Liu's family left half a quarter of an hour ago, and he also heard the meaning of their words It seems that Liu Zhiming and Chen Cuihua were taken to the town yamen to surrender themselves!

Hearing this, the Shen family and the villagers who followed to see the excitement were all shocked.

Then Shen Jie was the first to come back to his senses and suggested to the Shen family to go to the town yamen to see how the government dealt with Liu Ergou and Chen Cuihua.

No one in the Shen family had any objection to this, so the whole family went to the town, and then all the villagers of Qinghe Village who were present also went with them!
After the Liu family of the town yamen had asked Mayor Lu to interrogate them in the courtroom, Shen Jianwan and their mighty group of people arrived and attracted many people from the town to watch.

Because the case has passed for more than 30 years, and the case is a bit complicated, and Liu Ergou's statement after the first trial of Mayor Lu was not consistent, so Mayor Lu was unable to make a decision for a while, and decided to send Liu Ergou and Chen Cuihua to the court. The county government handles it.


The wind around the words finally stopped!
After the yard became quiet for a while, the Liu family came back to their senses, and then Liu Fengyue was the first to react and asked Liu Zhiming and the others to light the lamps.

When the lights were turned on again, it was already a quarter of an hour after the family sat down in the main room, and at this moment they were still in shock!

At this time, everyone in the Liu family, except the crazy Chen Cuihua, was hesitant to talk to Liu Ergou.

In the end, Liu Zhiyong was the first to stand up and said: " about you go to the government with your mother tomorrow..."

The teacup flew towards him as soon as the official word came out, Liu Zhiyong hurriedly dodged it, so Liu Ergou who was throwing the teacup became even more angry when he saw that he dared to hide, pulled up the crutch beside him and stood up Hit Liu Zhiyong, "Nizi, the old man beat you to death, you unfilial son!"

When Liu Zhiyong saw Liu Ergou's arm-thick crutch trying to greet him, he naturally refused to resist. Seeing this, he jumped up and ran, and even grabbed Liu Zhiming when he passed by Liu Zhiming to block him. in front of.

Liu Zhiming was caught without any preparation, and then Liu Ergou's crutch fell on his head, and he was beaten to the point of bleeding. It can be seen that Liu Ergou's stick was completely merciless. .

Liu Zhiming almost passed out on the spot, but he refused to let Liu Zhiyong grab him tightly, "Second brother, you actually want to kill me!"

Liu Zhiyong couldn't help struggling because he was afraid that Liu Ergou would hit him again with a stick, "Liu Zhiming, Lao Tzu said

[There is still a little bit of modification, and I will definitely modify it~]

(End of this chapter)

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