Nongmen's elder sister-in-law is the richest in the world

Chapter 826 Sweet potato seedlings sold unexpectedly and encountered rumors

Chapter 826 Sweet potato seedlings sold unexpectedly and encountered rumors
Then their family only charges the cost of cultivating sweet potato seedlings, and sells sweet potato seedlings for the big guys to plant.

It's not that Shen Jianwan doesn't want to give it away directly, but there is a very correct reason, that is, Sheng Mi's kindness fights against Mi's hatred, so she doesn't intend to help others at will without reason.

In addition, charging for sweet potato seedlings can also make the big guys cherish these seedlings more and take care of them carefully.

With the news that the Shen family hired a large number of short-term workers to grow sweet potatoes and sell sweet potato seedlings for everyone to plant, their Qinghe Village and even Qiushui Town were once again boiling.

People who made good friends with Shen Jianwan and the others, such as Aunt Yang and the others, followed the planting without saying anything, and many families in the village who regretted not joining the Shen family in rice field farming also followed this time without much hesitation.

So Shen Jianwan, who thought it would be difficult to persuade everyone to follow this unfamiliar crop of sweet potatoes, was surprised to find that many people came to buy sweet potato seedlings as soon as the news of him spread.

After experiencing the composting method and fish farming in rice fields, normal people in Qinghe Village now feel that they can't go wrong by following in the footsteps of the Shen family.

Within two quarters of an hour after the news spread, almost all the families in the village came to buy sweet potato seedlings from Shen Jianwan.

Shen Jian asked Shen Lancao, Shen Chunyu, Shen Min, and Shitou to help her register the number of seedlings everyone wanted, and then she and Shen Zhan took the hired laborers to the farm to pick seedlings and Plant sweet potatoes.

Shen Jianwan only charged ten cents for one mu of sweet potato seedlings, and only one hundred cents for planting ten mu of land. This price was not known to be much cheaper than rice seeds, so as the news of her selling seedlings spread more and more More and more people who are not from Qinghe Village also come to their house to buy sweet potato seedlings.

And Shen Jianwan also asked the people who came to buy sweet potato seedlings to see how their day laborers planted sweet potatoes, and explained the whole process of planting sweet potatoes to them knowingly.

In the evening, they actually cut dozens of acres of sweet potato seedlings and sold them. Shen Jianwan found out that almost all the families in Qinghe Village bought sweet potato seedlings from them, and only the old Liu's A few households who were extremely uncomfortable with their family did not buy it.

People in the village have Shen Jianwan's courage to grow sweet potatoes in paddy fields, but basically half of the dry land used to grow corn is used to grow sweet potatoes, so that each family generally has three to five acres of sweet potatoes. .

In addition, many people in Qiushui Town came to buy sweet potato seedlings, and the quantity they wanted was similar to that of the villagers. Only some rich households with more fields bought more.

In addition, Shen Jianwan's largest sales of sweet potato seedlings came from various landlords and gentry in Qiushui Town. Mu started it.

Originally, these landowners and squires did not think about planting so many sweet potatoes at once, because this is an unfamiliar crop after all, but after seeing Shen Jianwan's courage to actually replant all the fields with sweet potatoes, he saw the planting not difficult.

During the period, Shen Jianwan also asked people to cook a dish made of sweet potato leaves for everyone to taste. This sweet potato is not only high-yielding, but also can be picked for cooking or feeding pigs and other animals during the planting period. The most important thing is that it is Drought resistance is very suitable for planting now, so seeing here Chen Dayou took the lead in buying [-] mu of sweet potato seedlings, and the rest of the landlords and gentry also bought sweet potato seedlings generously.

Their thinking is that there is no certainty that there will be a good harvest for planting corn anyway in the dry weather, so it is still within their acceptable risk range to plant sweet potatoes on this dry land of more than [-] acres. It wouldn't hurt them too much to eat the leaves, and based on what they knew about Shen Jianwan, they still believed that she would not fool them into buying sweet potato seedlings for copper coins.

And if the sweet potatoes can really be grown by then, it may be a great achievement based on Shen Jianwan's previous rice field fish farming. If he can use this dry land to have a chance to make contributions with Shen Jianwan, People like them who only have money but no fame can be very happy.

It has to be said that these landlords and squires are more knowledgeable than ordinary people, and before Shen Jianwan said anything, they thought of going to a very far place.

Then these landlords and gentry bought a large number of sweet potato seedlings, which made the ordinary people around see them and have greater confidence in Shen Jianwan's sweet potato seedlings. In this way, Shen Jianwan grew up in just one day. The seedlings of dozens of mu of sweet potato fields were sold. This is because she has not released the information about the real yield of sweet potatoes, nor has she deliberately promoted the effect.

And the reason why Shen Jianwan didn't tell everyone that the specific output of this sweet potato might reach thousands of catties or even several thousand catties, and she didn't deliberately publicize this sweet potato was also due to her considerations.

The current weather situation has not reached the point where people feel that rice can no longer be planted, and corn will fail to harvest. If she promotes her sweet potatoes in a very high-profile way at this time, some people will doubt her intentions, so greedy for a while Soon it will hinder her from promoting this sweet potato in the future.

When the weather is so dry that people will shake the planting of rice and corn, then is the time for her to vigorously promote sweet potatoes.

And Shen Jianwan's worry is obviously not without reason. Their sweet potato seedlings have only been sold for two days, and there are more rumors outside, saying that she is selling these sweet potato seedlings to make money, and no one has grown these sweet potatoes before. How do you know it is really food.

Shen Jianwan's original intention of selling sweet potato seedlings now is to allow people around him to plant sweet potatoes earlier, so that they don't have to wait until the time when rice and corn can no longer be planted. Planting sweet potatoes is a waste of energy, not to mention affecting the yield and having food later. However, she did not expect that she would sell dozens of times more sweet potato seedlings than she expected when she "started selling", which instead caused her to be attacked by people with malicious intentions.

However, Shen Jianwan said that she is not afraid of this kind of attack!
So after this rumor spread, she immediately released the news that she bought sweet potato seedlings from her, but then felt that those who were cheated can return the goods now, as long as she can return her sweet potato seedlings, she will immediately refund the original price of the copper coins, absolutely nothing lie.

Seeing that Shen Jianwan made such a decision, no one in the Shen family objected. Although Shen's mother and the others felt that Shen Jianwan's actions were too bullying, they agreed with her to do so. A dubious silver.

After the news spread that the sweet potato seedlings could be refunded at Shen's house, the people in Qiushui Town were stunned, because they had never seen such a sold product that could be returned in this way. It's all because they picked it, so under such circumstances, Shen Jianwan can still let them back.

(End of this chapter)

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