Chapter 1259 Pay the Price
Xiaozhizhi woke up in seconds, and immediately said flatteringly:
"Master, the promotion of our Gu class is to sleep! There is absolutely no delay in the promotion!"

"Hmph! If you wipe off your drool, it will be more convincing!"

After a brief deliberation, he didn't yell at him in the end, but only sent the sound transmission to expose the other party's tricks.

Xiao Zhizhi flicked his tail immediately, jumped out of the fruit, and was simply pulled out of the space before it landed.

Shoudian Xianjun watched the next simple brew for a while, and then pulled out a white-fleshed worm. The other party was still a little confused, and felt his scrutiny, so he blinked his sesame eyes and looked at him.

Because the presence of the Shoudian Xianjun is too strong, after Xiao Zhizhi changed places, he felt a substantial gaze, and immediately locked on the Shoudian Xianjun above him, and then he twisted a little cowardly Body, with a flick of the little tail, it went from the simple palm to the earlobe, coiled up and pretended to be dead.

"Master, master, why did you provoke such a powerful guy? Little Sesame can't help you!"

Xiaozhizhi immediately transmitted the voice.

"The fairy above said that as long as I give you to him, he will spare me, what do you think?"

"Don't! Master, Little Sesame is very useful, you sent me out, what if the intelligent Zerg wants to hurt you?"

Xiaozhizhi twisted her body anxiously.

"It has already happened. Five days ago, a fairy who was controlled by the Zerg wanted to hug me and die with me."

"What! Master, why didn't you wake me up!"

Xiaozhizhi became a little anxious now, and instead of pretending to be dead, began to sense whether the owner was injured through the contract seal.

"I was lucky. I happened to be with the two elders of the Yu family at that time, so I escaped the catastrophe. Now the sect has caught some suspects and wanted to identify them before waking you up."

"Master, don't be angry, even if you want to give me away, wait for me to find out those hidden Zerg."

Xiao Zhizhi said with some frustration, because he was lethargic and promoted, and almost caused an accident to his master, he felt that it was his fault.

"Heh, the little one you raise is quite interesting, but a little stupid."

From the top came the deep and magnetic laughter of the guardian fairy.

Xiao Zhizhi was not happy to be called stupid, but the situation was stronger than others, whoever told him and his master could not do anything for him, so he could only take a few glances at Shoudian Xianjun quietly, and planned to find him when he became stronger in the future. Back to the game.

"Take them to the dungeon and find out their specific identities."

After watching the lawsuit between one person and one pet, the Immortal Shoudian was in a good mood and invited people to come.

"Yes, Hall Master."

A purple armor guard appeared and took Jian Jian to the dungeon of the Shouzong Hall.

Xiao Zhizhi also realized at this time that the master threatened him when he said that he was going to be given away, but he did not dare to make a fuss now. After all, the master has been attacked and killed, so he should show a good performance and show himself value, otherwise it is really possible to be given away.

Xiaozhizhi is shrewd. He knows that Jianjian is not the best master, but he is definitely not bad. Otherwise, he would not use half of the fairy crystal vein to incubate himself, and the master has never withheld the resources he obtained for his own use. , Generally, if there is a big battle, you will protect yourself.

This time the master was attacked, with the master's shrewdness, he may have already noticed something wrong, because he didn't know the opponent's actions, so he didn't let him go out to distinguish it. We must find the place for the master.

Simply followed the Zijiawei, took two short-distance teleportation arrays, then walked through the long and dark passage with many traps, and finally walked down for a quarter of an hour before arriving at an open space where hundreds of people were imprisoned. From babies to Golden Wonderland.

In an open field, each person is in a golden cage, which restricts their movements. These people should all be sealed in their dantians. Some of them meditate with calm faces, some are restless with ashen faces, and some look at simple things with flaming eyes. a group of people.

"Let us go out without proof, just because of two words, we were arrested. The Shouzong Palace is not defending the Zong, it is destroying the Zong!"

A female golden fairy with a bright face but a hint of arrogance was the first to shout.

"This is Miu Qianjin, the great-granddaughter of the elder of Wanshidian."

Zijia explained from the side.

"That's right, let my lady go!"

There was also a delicate-looking female fairy next to her, who was obviously the attendant of this Miao Qianjin.

Jian Jian squinted his eyes, and said to Zi Jia beside him:

"Let go of that loyal attendant."

The Zijia bit had already received the order from the Immortal Guardian of the Palace, nodded and took out a jade spoon, inserted it into the ground, and with a turn, the golden cage of the female attendant disappeared.

"What do you mean? Why don't you let my lady go?"

"Because I want to explain to your lady why she was arrested, I hope you can cooperate."

Simply said with a smile.

Perhaps because of her overly kind tone and smiling attitude, which greatly pleased Miao Qianjin, she reluctantly said:

"Xiao Qian, just cooperate with this fairy well, I want to see how she explains."

"Yes, miss!"

As soon as the voice fell, a sword light accurately split the attendant named Xiaoqian into two, because the speed was too fast, Miao Qianjin didn't even react, and when he saw the fallen attendant, he took a step forward , Unfortunately, it was blocked by the golden cage.


"Don't rush to curse, take a good look at your attendants."

The action of beheading the attendant with a simple swing of the sword was completed in one go. When Mo Xijian returned to the dantian, the corpse fell to the ground, and the purple armor guard beside him only blinked his eyes, but did not stop him.

Because of the simple reminder, everyone turned their attention to the corpse on the ground.

Then I found that the corpse was changing. It seemed that something broke through from the inside, broke the outer skin, and turned into a black-red beetle twice the size of the corpse, presenting a state of being divided into two. The tentacles were still trembling slightly, showing that the other party was still alive. At this time, the entire dungeon was eerily quiet.

"Fairy Miao, now I know why you are here!"

Miao Qianjin had completely lost her voice at this time, her face was constantly changing, from rosy before to pale, then blue, and finally completely black, she fell back to the ground unsteadily.

The purple armor beckoned to the dark place behind him, and two immortals also wearing purple armor stepped forward and dragged the insect corpse away.

Jian Jian turned his head and said in a low voice to the purple armor guard who accompanied him:
"Please send the carapace of that insect corpse to Qiqifeng. It is a material to increase the hardness of the warship."

Zijiawei glanced at Jianjian, and nodded in response.

Immediately, simply turned his head, smiled and said to the rest of the people:
"Everyone, are you ready? If you want to kill me, you have to pay the price!"

 Friends, the fourth update is here, and a new chapter will be added today!The early morning chapters were delivered on time, and Feng Ling's code words went.

(End of this chapter)

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