Chapter 1260 Personal Revenge
The simple voice was like a death talisman, causing some people to tremble unconsciously. Their fluke mentality of trying to get away with it was completely shattered.

Without saying anything, a team of purple armored guards stepped forward to deal with these bugs, and some people tried to calm down. Miao Qianjin watched the two attendants around her turn into Zerg one after another, and bit her lips tightly to prevent herself from roaring. Voice.

After dealing with the first batch of [-] or so worms who rioted, Jian Jian did not leave, but raised his slender fingers, and began to tap lightly on the rest of the golden cage:
"This, this, and that, take the last three!"

As soon as the Zijiawei waved his hand, another group of people stepped forward and took away all the cages that were simply pointed out.

"I'm not a Zerg, you can't just judge me with a finger from this female fairy."

A big Luo Jinxian shouted directly.

"Senior brother, you let them kill each other directly, and by the way, see if I made a mistake."

Said simply and casually to the purple armor guard beside him.

The purple armor guard waved his hand directly, and the golden cage immediately turned into a killing cage. After five breaths, he directly cut the big Luo Jinxian into more than ten pieces, and then his body returned to its original shape, turning into Zerg corpses.

This Da Luo Jinxian is the one with the highest cultivation level among all the captured people, and he is also the one who behaved the calmest before. Of course, the cage that traps him is also the highest level among them, otherwise the opponent cannot be killed within five breaths. kill.

Da Luo Jinxian, who was still shouting a moment ago, turned into a worm corpse. The facts speak louder than words, and the dungeon fell into an eerie silence again.

All the people who were briefly pointed out were taken away, and she paced again, slowly walking past the rest of the people, and for a while, the only sound of her light footsteps was the only sound in the entire dungeon.

But everyone who passed by looked a little nervous, as if they were afraid of being pointed out indiscriminately, and the footsteps seemed to be stepping on the apex of everyone's heart.

Finally, he simply returned to the entrance of the dungeon, smiled and said:

"Everyone, you are very lucky not to be possessed by the Zerg, but who among them participated in the plan to kill me, you know it well, you will suffer less if you tell the truth early, you should be glad you didn't fall into my hands."

After speaking, he simply hooked his lips into a smile, and bowed his hands politely:
"Looking forward to seeing you again."

Then he turned around and left the dungeon gracefully, leaving everyone sitting on the ground paralyzed.

Two hours later, Jian Jian and the Zijiawei returned to the main hall. The Immortal Shoudian held a list in his hand, and they were the ones who had been identified and screened by Xiao Zhizhi.

"I want to report to the Immortal Monarch, Xiao Zhizhi is lucky enough to live up to her fate, and has already identified the captured sect disciples."

"Well! Good job, it saved us a lot of time."

Shoudian Xianjun is quite satisfied with simple decisiveness and ruthlessness.

"What do you think of the rest?"

Shoudian casually handed the jade slip to the purple armor guard beside him, and then asked.

He simply raised his head and glanced at the guardian fairy, and after some consideration, he said:
"People's hearts are unpredictable. Although they were not directly controlled by the Zerg, since they were brought back, they are naturally somewhat suspicious. You can inquire further.

Zerg has a kind of elixir that can quickly improve the cultivation level, which is specially used to win over human monks. This is the case in the lower realms, so it can be used as an entry point. "

"It seems that you are very experienced in fighting against the Zerg."

"I still have some experience."

Simple and humble answer.

"Your little Zhizhi will stay at the Zongdian Hall for a few days, and he will go to Xianjian City for a walk."

The topic of the guardian fairy changed quickly.


Jian Jian was a little hesitant. Although she disliked Xiao Zhizhi on the surface, she was her own child after all, and she could be abused by herself, but she didn't want him to be bullied by others.

"Don't worry, the Zongmen will not treat the little one badly. He will consume a lot of resources to advance to the rank. Helping us here, and earning immortal stones, why not do it?"

Shoudian Xianjun's peach blossom eyes flashed, and he smiled and glanced at the little sesame with the earrings on the simple earlobe.

"Master, I've accepted this task. We can't afford to mess with this person. Anyway, I won't suffer if I get the spirit stone."

Xiaozhizhi is very knowledgeable about current affairs, and he gave Simple voice transmission at the first time.

"I see, you have to remember that what you eat is your own, and everything is based on your own safety."

"Sesame understands."

One person, one pet reached an agreement, and simply reached out and wiped it on the ear, took off the little sesame, and handed it to the purple armor guard beside him:
"Xianjun, Xiao Zhizhi has never been in a fairy animal bag since he hatched. I usually let him be my earrings. You can put him on the pendant around the waist or on the wristband, so that when he finds something abnormal , you can report at any time."

"Fairy Jian, don't worry, we will ensure the safety of Immortal Gu, he is our trump card now."

Zijiawei took Xiao Zhizhi and put him directly on a jade pendant around his waist.

"That's it, brother."

After Jian Jian handed over again, she bid farewell, and her task was completed.

The Immortal Shoudian waved his hand and asked the Zijiawei to send her back to Qiqifeng.

"Lu Lian has a good vision. He has given him such a talent. If the Zerg race wants to kill her at all costs, it may have something to do with her natal Immortal Gu."

"Hall Master is wise."

Zijiawei, who had gone back and forth, bowed and said.

"Don't waste time, take the little one to Immortal Sword City, walk around the circle of suspicious people, as long as you are sure they are Zerg, kill them all secretly, don't disturb other bugs, let them have a chance to escape their shells."

A cold light flashed in the eyes of the Immortal Shoudian. If he dared to extend his claws to the Immortal Sword Sect, he would chop off all the minions of these Zerg races to see if they dared to plant spies in the sect.

"Don't expose Xiao Zhizhi's existence, protect him, otherwise there will be no chance to borrow it next time."

The Immortal Shoudian exhorted.

"Yes, my subordinate understands."

During this period, Xiao Zhizhi lay obediently on the jade pendant, like a relief on the jade pendant, without any movement.

Then Immortal Sword City ushered in a bloody storm, and almost all the intelligent Zerg hidden here were killed.

The two people who set up traps for Han Yu that day were also found, and they were directly killed by the Zijiawei on the spot. The other party didn't even have a chance to argue. The two were the highest among all the exterminated Zerg, and they were both in the Golden Immortal Realm. , will soon break through.

There are also several shops that were forcibly closed by the Immortal Sword Sect, because it was determined to be the contact point of the Zerg, and some pills that could quickly improve their cultivation were found, which made them sure that there were also human monks controlled by the medicine. A new round of investigation began.

It was not until a month later that Immortal Sword City was reopened, and the masked man, who had not received any news, finally went there himself and learned the reason why his subordinates lost contact.

(End of this chapter)

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