"It's really tempting, but I don't want to be smashed into scum by the thunder, so I should work harder and practice myself!"

Simple not to be tempted, and then directly hand in hand:
"The three seniors don't trust me, and I don't want my Dao heart to be damaged. In this case, the little girl will leave first. Regarding what happened here, I swear that I will not reveal a word to anyone. If I violate my oath, I will let you go." I'm gone!"

As soon as the simple words fell, the rules of the immortal way fell, and the oath was fulfilled.

"Little girl, wait!"

In the end, it was the woman called Senior Sister who stopped Jian Jian who was about to leave.

"Senior, what else do you want?"

"It's not that we are strong enough. You have purified half of the skeleton army here. Even if we want to continue to suppress, we still have more than enough energy. We really need your help."

The other party's attitude was very sincere, and she simply blinked helplessly. She has always been soft and not hard, and she was so polite, she couldn't just walk away.

"Senior, please speak."

"The three of us have tried our best to suppress the magic weapon that we have to suppress because of our souls flying away. This is a treasure of the demon clan. It is made of the bones of the first demon born in the world. Blowing this flute, all creatures who hear the sound of the flute can be demonized and controlled by the person holding the flute, so this magic weapon cannot fall into the hands of the demons."

"Since this is the case, you should choose to suppress this thing in the fairyland, not in the demon realm."

Asked simply and slightly puzzled.

"In the vicissitudes of life, this place used to be not a demon realm, but after the battle of the gods, it became a bone burial place. When we wanted to leave with the Heavenly Demon Bone Flute, it was too late. The Heavenly Demon Bone Flute was absorbing the power of the magic element and accumulating it by itself. Trying to break the seal."

"So, you intentionally let the magic energy here be full of grievances, so as to delay the time for the Tianmo Bone Flute to unseal the seal."


"The people who fell here were all tortured to death by you?"

Jian Jian frowned in disapproval.

"Not all of them. After all, as a place to bury bones, there are still many good things here. It's just that some people are greedy and affected by the evil spirit. They suspect each other and eventually lead to killing each other and become members of the skeleton army."

The man said lightly.

I just briefly looked at the almost disappearing figure of the other party, and didn't fully believe what they said.

"So, what do you want me to do now? Change the place to suppress the Heavenly Demon Bone Flute? I believe that as long as I leave the Abyss of Ten Thousand Demons with that thing, the Demon Emperor will find me immediately."

"Your merit can cover up the aura of the Heavenly Demon Bone Flute, and the three of us can join forces to temporarily drain all the magic power of Wanmoyuan, so that you can do things more conveniently."

After listening to it briefly, he raised his eyebrows and smiled, it turned out that it was his own meritorious idea.

"What about after that? It's impossible to let me run around with the Heavenly Demon Bone Flute all the time! After my merits are exhausted, can't I hide it?"

Simply spread your hands and asked.

"Leaving Wanmoyuan, you should return to the Immortal Realm as soon as possible, and find any immortal emperor, they will definitely take action to suppress this thing. After all, as a human immortal, you don't want to see the demons grow stronger."

Hearing this, he simply agreed. After all, in the fairy world, the three races of humans, demons, and demons maintain a delicate balance because of the Zerg War, which is not as harmonious as imagined.

"It's not impossible, but I have one condition."

"You say, as long as we can do it."

"I took all the risks. In return, I hope that you can purify the evil spirit of Wanmoyuan, which can also be regarded as compensation for what you have done before. As for the things at the bottom of the abyss, it is my reward, how about it?"

Jian Jian raised her phoenix eyes and said with a smile.

The three looked at each other and nodded in agreement.

"Three seniors, let me put my ugly words in front of you. If you can't keep your promise, I won't waste my own merits and do things that are not thankful."

Simply said with a smile.

"You little girl, be cautious."

Immediately, the three of them made the oath of immortality in front of Jian Jian, and Jian Jian also made the oath of immortality, and the two parties reached an agreement.

The three of them took Jianjian to the core of Wanmoyuan to get the Heavenly Demon Bone Flute. Under a pile of ten-meter-high bones, there was a square formation, and the formation patterns on the formation were divine characters. Be cautious.

"After a while, the three of us will open the array after evacuating the magic power here, and at the same time block the breath of the Heavenly Demon Bone Flute, so that you have the opportunity to cover the Heavenly Demon Bone Flute with your own merits. Remember that there is only three breaths. , you must grasp it."

The woman spoke up.

"Okay, I have a special sealing box. The golden light of merit and the sealing box should be able to completely cover the breath of the Heavenly Demon Bone Flute."

Simple phoenix eyes turned lightly, and said with a smile.

"That's the best! Get ready!"

At the same time, Jian Jian communicated with the small box in the space and the six people in the tripod.

Wan Moyuan's magic power was emptied, which was very beneficial to them. The six of them happened to protect themselves, and the small box was the most important link. With the help of the power of the three gods, they temporarily blocked the breath of the bone flute. So that the little box can take over, so that she doesn't even need to lose her merits, just to guard against the owner of the little box.

"Fairy Jian, there is no problem with me here, as long as you grasp the timing, I will leave the space for a while, and there will be no problem."

"Are you sure? Don't force it."

Simple spiritual communication small box, double check.

"No problem! There is nothing in this world that my little box can't hold!"

The little box said proudly.

"Okay! You are ready, I will call you out of the space at any time."

After the small box was settled, the remaining six people naturally had no problems, so the moment they felt that their magic power was exhausted, Zi Yu Yinlong Cauldron sent all six people out.

The moment the six people appeared at the bottom of the abyss, they moved quickly to form a Dharma protection circle, and immediately formed seals, protecting Jian Jian and the square platform in the middle.

It is not surprising that the three vague shadows of the six people appeared. After all, when the Ziyu Yinlong Cauldron fell, they knew it, but in the end only a little girl came out, and they saw through the fact that they were strong outside but doing nothing.

The four members of the Jian family, Tianhong, and Jianpo all felt very clearly that the air at the bottom of the abyss did not contain a trace of magic energy, but instead contained very little immortal energy. Yuanli, did not absorb the thin Xianyuanli.

"Little girl, we are going to open the formation, are you ready!"

"Okay, senior, please do it!"

Immediately, three light shadows landed in three directions of the square platform, injecting power into the center. With the injection of golden soul power, the figures of the three people became fainter and fainter, as if they would dissipate with the wind in the next moment.

After a full five breaths, a silver beam of light rose from the center of the square platform. A seven-centimeter-long white bone flute was floating in the beam of light, about the thickness of a thumb. On the bone flute were circles of red runes.

"It's now!"

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