Simply glanced at the Heavenly Demon Bone Flute, and felt that her soul was being restrained. The next moment, the sound of drinking violently pulled her out of that special perception.

Shaking his head slightly, he simply suppressed the slight discomfort, took a step forward, mobilized the golden light of merit to cover his whole hand, and directly held the Tianmo bone flute, and the next moment his consciousness moved, a small box appeared next to the beam of light, and the lid opened wide .

Jian Jian directly threw the hot potato in his hand into the small box, and with a "snap" the lid was closed heavily, and Jian Jian was immediately pulled into the Zifu space, and it only took a breath before and after.

Then the uncomfortable feeling dissipated in an instant, and he simply let out a sigh of relief. Looking at the figures of the three of them again, the man with the faintest figure had disappeared into bits and pieces.

As his figure dissipated, he also purified the grievances in the resurging magic power, followed by another man, and finally the woman.

At this time, the woman looked at Jian Jian with complicated eyes. Whether it was the small box that she glimpsed just now, or the magic moon knife guarding her side, it all showed that this woman was uniquely blessed, so she can leave at ease.

"Senior, don't worry, I will abide by the agreement and guard the Heavenly Demon Bone Flute!"

"Good luck!"

The woman smiled slightly, and it completely dissipated. A gust of breeze caressed, and Wan Mo Yuan fell into dead silence.

After confirming that it was safe, the six people opened the guardian circle and surrounded her.

"Moyue, it's temporarily safe here, let's collect some resources first, I think there are quite a few treasures here."

Tianhong suggested.

"Of course, I agreed to the condition of the three seniors, that is, all the resources in the abyss belong to me."

Simply said with a smile.

"Then let's work in groups of two, collect them separately, and leave here as soon as possible. I believe the anomalies here will be discovered soon."

"I want to use the magic power here to impact the Golden Immortal Realm."

She simply stated her plan. In fact, the magic power here is enough for her to break into the Great Luo Jin Fairyland, but she still wants to fight steadily, so she plans to break through to the Golden Fairy Queen Realm.

"Moyue, if you are sure that there is no problem here, Tiantao and I will protect the law for you. Don't worry about advancing. The higher your cultivation level, the more secure our party will be in the Demon Realm."

Tianhuan is not rigid, since he has come to Demon Realm, he must use all available resources.

"Our movement was relatively small just now, and we were at the bottom of the abyss. No one will notice for a while, so it is still safe."

Simply gave everyone an affirmative answer.

"Then split up, they collect resources in pairs, and we will protect you."

Tianhuan finally made a decision, which was unanimously approved by everyone.

Sitting cross-legged simply, running the "Immortal Demon Art" to devour the pure magic power at the bottom of the abyss, as the magic power at the bottom of the abyss decreases, her cultivation base is also improving visible to the naked eye.

Eleven months later, there were only piles of bones left at the bottom of the Myriad Demons, and his simple cultivation had reached the peak of the Golden Immortal Empress Realm.

Looking at the clean bottom of the abyss, he simply greeted everyone to return to the Ziyu Silver Dragon Cauldron, and then grabbed the dry vines and climbed up the Wanmo Abyss step by step.

Standing at the edge of Wanmoyuan, Jian Jianfeng narrowed his eyes slightly, and then Shi Shiran left here.

Northern Fairyland
At this moment, Immortal Sword Sect's spaceship just returned to the Northern Immortal Territory. The moment the spaceship docked, the Immortal Shoudian disappeared, so he went to see Immortal King Ziyin first.

Tianjian team also bid farewell to Master Lu Feng and Elder Wan Guan, and agreed that whoever has simple news will send a message to the other party, and then hide in the fairy city again, with erratic movements, so that some people with ulterior motives can never find them trail.

Immortal King Ziyin held a chess record and was playing against himself on the chessboard. The next moment, the Immortal Shoudian appeared opposite him.

"Immortal King, I'm back."

Ziyin looked up at him, immediately put down the chess record in his hand, frowned and said:
"You are hurt?"

The next moment I was a little surprised:

"Your killing spirit has weakened? What's going on? Is it related to your injury?"

Shoudian didn't show off, and told what happened in detail.

If there is anyone in this fairy world who deserves his full trust, it is none other than Immortal King Ziyin. He was the first one to find out that his situation was wrong and evacuate him from the battlefield in time.

When he advanced to the Immortal Sovereign Realm, the situation was very dangerous. Ziyin fought the crisis of falling from the promotion to keep his final sobriety for him. This is how he is today. Otherwise, he would have been controlled by the killing spirit and become a A puppet who only knows how to kill.

Immortal King Ziyin glanced at the Xingyue Bodhi bracelet on Shoudian's wrist, and his smile deepened:
"You kid is really lucky. This is a good thing. It can dispel the murderous aura on your body to a certain extent. It is suitable for long-term wear. As for the simple meditation mantra for you, you might as well copy it several times on weekdays."

The last thing Immortal King Ziyin checked was the Scarlet Seedling Knife, but the sword spirit red clothes did not show up. After all, Immortal King Ziyin’s aura of arrogance made her feel a little guilty, especially since she lost the core of the knife and her strength plummeted. No face was shown.

After Shoudian received the Miao Dao, he said:
"Simply tell me, after I recover from my injuries, I will recognize the Master's Miao Saber again. Does the Immortal King think it is feasible?"

Immortal King Ziyin thought for a while and said:
"This is indeed a magic weapon. The evil energy on the knife has been greatly reduced because of the loss of the core. I don't know what this little girl used to seal this seedling knife. It actually dispelled part of the evil energy, so you didn't Affected."

"The little girl regretted giving me the Miao Dao very much, and said that if I fell into evil because of this, she would kill me!"

The thin lips of the Shoudian Xianjun curled up, and said indifferently.

"The tone is not small."

"He's also very courageous. She's in the Demon Realm now! She won't be back for a while, except for Immortal King Heixiao who knows where she's going. We'll all say she's missing."

"Because of the teleportation warship?"

Immortal King Ziyin seemed to have expected this.

"Well, there's also her Immortal Gu. I guess that Immortal King is in a hurry, and it's easy to get rid of it with this method."

"Then I'll go to Demon Realm."

Immortal King Ziyin said.

"No, it's simply a Daoist fellow practitioner, but being in the Demon Realm will help her hide."

Shoudian's peach blossom eyes slightly raised, as if he was satisfied with the simple card.

"That's why I said you are not in a hurry at all."

Only then did Immortal King Ziyin pick up his teacup, took a sip, and continued:
"Then you put on a show, arrange for the guards of the Zongdian to go out to inquire about Jianjian's news, and cover her up, the people behind will definitely not tell Jianjian's affairs in the Demon Realm.

After all, if we ask the Immortal Emperor to come forward, the Devil Emperor will also give some face, and their calculations will be in vain. It can be said that the longer they stay in the Demon Realm, the later her whereabouts are known to us, the better for them. "

"I will arrange."

While the disciples of the Immortal Sword Sect were inquiring about simple news, as Moyue, she came to a small village closest to Wanmoyuan.

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