Chapter 1501
After hearing this, Jian Jian also became interested, and said via voice transmission:

"Sesame, let's talk about it."

"Master's elixir is very effective. The female worms of the Leiluo worms are dead, and half of the Leiluo worms are affected by the medicine. If they are not dead, they will not be able to fight in the front for a while. They are considered semi-disabled. state."

Hearing Zhima say this, the simple mood immediately became beautiful, and the heartache of losing half of the Ninth Grade Shengxi Pill also dissipated a lot.

After escaping from the Leiluo Worm's nest, he learned that Sesame had swallowed five Life-Spirit Pills, so he simply held Sesame and shook it for a long time, talking about his prodigal fortune.

Sesame is also very wronged. After all, in order to achieve his goal, he naturally needs to ensure the long-lasting and maximum effect of the medicine. In his words, this is not the time to feel distressed about the pill. The most important thing is to achieve the expected effect. Now the effect is When it is achieved, the master will have no excuse to talk about himself in the future.

"However, master, the female worms have had accidents one after another, which has already attracted the attention of the Zerg, so we have to be more careful in our next actions."

"Okay, I know what's going on."

After making sure there are no steel-winged bats to enter, simply continue along the corridor.

In the battle domain, whether it is the defense line of the fairy domain, the defense line of the demon domain, or even the defense line of the demon domain, there have been no traces of thunder worms for half a year. Not much, after all, this kind of bug is the most annoying. The thunderball is very destructive, and it is not easy to remove. When it cooperates with other Zerg, it will cause a lot of trouble for everyone.

In the residence of Jian's family in the Eastern Immortal Territory, Qing Ru and Qing Huai are chatting while playing chess.

"It seems that simplicity has already succeeded."

"Well, first, the number of flying centipedes decreased, and then the thunder worms almost disappeared on the battlefield. It seems that she has not been discovered by the Zerg for the time being."

"I hope she comes back safe and sound."

Qing Ru said softly after dropping a word.

"According to someone in the family who has been a simple guard, she is a successful person, and she never does things that are not sure. We must have confidence in her."

"What Brother Clan said is that just having confidence is one thing, and worrying about her is also true. It's so easy to recognize such a precious bump."

"Who says it's not! I guess Qingjun is the one who is most nervous."

Qing Huai also dropped a child, and said with a smile.

Similar conversations also took place in the main tent of the Moyu garrison. Mozhi always paid attention to the situation on the battlefield, and naturally noticed such obvious changes.

"Devil King, I reckon, it should be Demon Moon who has successfully strangled the female worm."

"Oh? What if it's the Zerg's strategy?"

Mo Qian asked.

"Probably not. We have advanced the battle line a lot, and we haven't seen the Zerg arrange a thunderbolt attack. It can be seen that something went wrong."

"You are very confident in the magic moon."

"It's okay, the little girl has a lot of ideas."

Mo Zhi said with a smile.

At this time, Jian Jian, who was being talked about by everyone, was running for her life with all her strength, because she destroyed the entire nest of steel-winged bats.

Back to three months ago, she sneaked into the territory of the steel-winged bat. Although she found the mother worm, she had no way to get close to it, and she was surrounded by bats with the strength of Da Luojin's fairyland.

If it was just one, she could still fight, but if there were five of them, she would be dead if she took action, so when she saw that she had no chance to make a move, she retreated to a safe place and discussed countermeasures with Zhima.

"Sesame, can you escape?"

"It's a bit difficult. The steel-winged bats don't distinguish the same kind by their tentacles and breath. I can hide your breath, but if you get too close to the other party, it's easy to be discovered. So since entering this cave, Zhima and his master have mainly avoided it. .”

It's a bit difficult to listen to simply. After all, I can't make it through, and I can't send sesame seeds. Why don't you just watch?After thinking about it for a long time, I finally simply and directly transmitted the sound to Zhima:
"Zhima, can you control a steel-winged bat to fly to the mother worm and explode?"

"This is fine, but if the mother worm is not dead, we will be easily exposed."

Sesame tells the truth.

After pondering briefly for a while, he said directly:
"Then use the 'Nirvana Formation' to destroy the entire lair!"

Zhima's small body trembled again, the master wanted to catch them all!

"Master, you think twice, not to mention that it takes time and resources to arrange the formation, and it is easy to be noticed. If the arrangement is successful, and the steel-winged bat's lair is destroyed in the end, your affairs in the Zerg territory will be completely exposed. After all, the Zerg will not arrange it." If the formation harms oneself, it can only be a person from the fairy world."

"I know this, but isn't there no way out? I thought about it, kill as many as you can, at least you can't sneak in for nothing."

Simply put.

"Since the master has made a decision, Zhima will naturally sacrifice his life to accompany him."

Sesame straightened her chest and said.

For the next three months, one person, one Gu was really careful, and traveled all over the steel-winged bat's territory, fearing that any steel-winged bat would be disturbed, and all previous efforts would be wasted, so he simply chose to use jade charms to arrange the "Nirience Formation" .

In this way, there is no need to draw formations on the stone wall, and the danger of being discovered is also avoided. Just drive the carved jade talisman into the stone wall, do a good job of concealment, and finally attract it directly.

After finally placing all the jade talismans in the corresponding positions, Jian Jiancai and Xiao Zhizhi quietly evacuated the steel-winged bat's lair, just as a group of steel-winged bats flew back to the lair. For the bat in Daluojin Fairyland, it flew to where the mother worm was.

The female insect was still in the weak stage at this time, but because all the eggs had been transferred out to hatch, and there were guards around, her vigilance dropped a lot. It was not until this steel-winged bat rushed over that she realized that something was wrong.

The guards around the female worm also found out, and immediately swung their steel claws, ready to kill the crazy kin, but unfortunately the other party saw that he could not get close to the female worm, so he directly blew himself up.

This is what Sesame meant. Originally, Sesame was a plan. He would explode himself when he was infinitely close to the female worm. This would achieve better results. Unfortunately, those guards were too vigilant, so he had to give up.

A "bang" came from the center of the nest, causing the group of steel-winged bats hanging upside down on the top of the stone wall to become agitated instantly, flapping their wings, and flew to the center.

Simply waiting for this opportunity, immediately raised his hand and patted on a jade talisman in the stone wall, and then the jade talisman began to glow, following the set up formation, driving the remaining jade talismans, after ten breaths, the outermost formation pattern has disappeared. All connections are successful.

"It's done, Master!"

"Go, block the entrance of the cave, we are going to flee for our lives!"

Jian Jian teleported directly to the entrance of the cave, dropped a formation disk, sealed the entire cave entrance, released the marshmallow from the space, and started running away.

The lair of the steel-winged bats behind him began to vibrate, and the formation began to extract all the vitality in the formation. Tens of thousands of steel-winged bats began to impact the nirvana formation, and the sound of impact echoed throughout the starry sky.

 Babies, make up the chapter I owed yesterday, and there are six chapters today!Remember to vote, reward and recommend Fengling!Take a break after reading it, and the update will continue tomorrow!Good night!

(End of this chapter)

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