Chapter 1502 Lurking Again
At this time, the Great Formation of Annihilation has been fully activated. As long as it is surrounded by all living things, it will eventually be exhausted and completely annihilated. Aware of this, he is attacking the formation fiercely.

And Jian Jian is running away at the fastest speed at this time. Once something happens here, the high-level intelligent Zerg will naturally come to check. This time, because he used the jade talisman to form the formation instead of depicting the formation, it is inevitable to leave traces , which means that the news that people from the fairy world have sneaked here has been completely exposed, so before that, she has to find a way to hide.

Both Marshmallow and Sesame knew that it was a matter of the life and death of their masters. One accelerated to jump in the starry sky, and the other explored the surrounding environment at the fastest speed, trying to find the best place to hide.

If it weren't for being behind the Zerg now, Jian Jian would have fled in her warship a long time ago. Although burning the immortal stone, she didn't need to waste her immortal energy, but the target was too big. Once discovered, she would be easily bitten by the Zerg. I can fight in person.

"Master, speed up, two thousand miles ahead, I found a bug nest."

Zhima immediately transmitted the sound channel.

"What kind of bug?"

Jian Jian sent the immortal energy to Marshmallow while holding the immortal crystal to absorb it, and he must not let his immortal energy drop below the warning line.

"Tsk, two-headed vulva!"

Sesame said with some excitement.

"Why are you so happy?"

Simply follow the direction suggested by Zhima, adjust and continue to speed up, while taking the time to ask.

"Master, if all the worms in the double-headed worm's lair are refined, it should be enough to upgrade the spirit field in the space, so that higher quality fruits can be grown, as well as various immortal plants."

Zhima is imagining a wonderful future.

"Then, for your squandering?"

Simply added a sentence.

"Master, Zhima is for promotion, and you won't let me move the fairy crystal veins, so I can only find other ways."

"Tsk, are you still thinking about the fairy crystal vein?"

Simple is also speechless, raising such a resource-consuming Immortal Gu is really drunk.

"Master can't dislike eating too much sesame seeds. Sesame seeds are still very useful. Accompany the master to go deep into the rear of the Zerg, cover you, and provide Zerg news"

Sesame began to count its own significant role.

"I know you are very useful, and I don't dislike you, but cultivation requires a process. I don't know how your immortal Gu cultivates, but sometimes it's too late, and you blindly use fairy crystals to boost your cultivation base, which may not be stable. If you want I know what's in my mind."

simply reminded.

She never interferes with the cultivation of her spiritual pet, she just let nature take its course, and only give some suggestions appropriately, which can be regarded as stocking. The moon, ink dye and jade are not all well raised, so she has the same attitude towards sesame.

After Zhima heard this, her heart completely returned to her stomach. As long as the owner doesn't dislike it, everything else is just floating clouds.

"Master, don't worry, Zhima has a sense of propriety, and I will accompany Master to ascend to the God Realm!"

It's not big, but it's a big target.

After listening to it, she just smiled, and then a black and irregular mountain peak appeared in her consciousness. At this time, a group of black clouds happened to float towards this side.

Marshmallow also discovered this dark cloud, and led its master to avoid the opponent's advancing route. After the opponent left, Marshmallow brought Jian Jian to this huge red and black mountain.

Simple consciousness circled the mountain, trying to sneak in, but was stopped by Zhima.

"Master, wait a moment. They have the eclipse energy of the two-headed worms here. If you enter and break the circle of the eclipse energy, they will attract their attention."

Nodding simply, her eyes stared at the mountain peak, a blue light flashed in her eyes, but she still didn't notice anything, and then she did not give up and covered her eyes with a trace of merit, this time she saw clearly.

Around the entire huge black mountain peak, there was a very faint black-red halo, and the entire mountain peak was covered by it, and there were no two-headed vulvas entering or leaving for the time being, so she didn't notice it for a while.

"It's not easy. If you want to sneak in, you can only wait for the two-headed vulva to return to the nest."

Simple channel.

"Yes, master, this yin eclipse can't be imitated by sesame seeds, and these two-headed venereal worms act in groups and won't appear alone. After all, a two-headed venereal worm is easy to deal with."

"Then we'll just wait. We've come, and we can't leave empty-handed. We just don't know if the female worms here have recovered."

Immediately, Simplified and Sesame hid his figure, waiting on the only way for the two-headed vulva swarm to return to their lair, so that they could mix in at that time.

Jianjian is dormant here, and the accident in the steel-winged bat's lair has also been exposed.

Because there happened to be a group of steel-winged bats withdrawing from the front line. When they returned to the nest, they saw that their old nest was about to be taken over by a pot. Seeing their fellow bats who were no longer able to destroy the formation, they neighed mournfully, and then began to attack the formation from the outside. , trying to break the formation.

But the formation has already been activated, and with their strength, it is not possible to break through it with one blow. Moreover, in order to achieve the ultimate goal, it is simply a costly effort. The jade used in those formations is unmined immortal stone, which itself contains immortal essence. Power, naturally stronger than ordinary jade talismans, as long as the immortal power is not exhausted, it will not be broken.

In fact, at this moment, the Great Formation of Nirvana is already extracting the vitality of the female worms, but the female worms are supported by the whole family, and the vitality is still very strong, but it is only possible to catch the weak period after laying eggs. so smoothly.

It's just that the female worm was still struggling for the last time. After all, she didn't want to die. When the high-level intelligent zerg arrived, she finally broke through the nirvana formation.

Because the formation was forcibly broken, the entire nest of the steel-winged bat was also blown to pieces. When the female worm was pulled out from the deepest pile of ruins, the female worm was not far from death.

The steel-winged bats began to whine around the female worm, and the high-level intelligent zerg also found the shattered formation jade talisman.

"We have people mixed in here!"

The tall Zerg holding half of the jade talisman said in a deep voice.

"It's no wonder that the female worms have accidents one after another, so it's not accidental!"

said another Zerg.

"Could it be that there are spies planted by the tribe around us, otherwise why would they choose to attack at this time? And they sneaked in so smoothly, this is already the third incident of the same tribe!"

The first Zerg said with a frown.

"Do I need to tell Zongzu about this?"

"It's best not to, Zongzu has not recovered from his serious injury, disturbing his recovery now, I don't know that he will absorb the energy of that race to replenish himself."

The second high-level Zerg shook his head.

After hearing this, the humanoid Zerg who proposed at the beginning also fell silent. After all, this is not a good result.

"First deal with the aftermath, and then inform the group that we have mixed with human immortals here, let them be more vigilant, and the protection of the female insects must also be upgraded."

(End of this chapter)

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