Chapter 1503 Patient Erosion
"At present, this is the only way to go. I don't know how many human races have been mixed in. It will take some time to find out."

The second intelligent Zerg said.

They didn't know it yet, so they simply sneaked in, so after the Zerg got the news, they all became nervous and began to look for the human fairy with great fanfare. After all, the other party has sneaked in and succeeded one after another. succeed.

The Zerg were looking for simplicity, and they had already sneaked into the double-headed worm's lair without a sound.

It’s also God’s help, because the steel-winged bat’s accident happened, and other Zergs got the news. In order to protect their female insects, they also recalled some capable generals from the front line to replenish the empty nest. , It is because most of them went to kill the human race that these lurking human races have a chance, they can't make the same mistake.

And the group of two-headed worms that left the lair before was summoned by the mother worm, so they had to return from the battlefield, which happened to make Jian Jian, who had been lurking for a long time, wait. Then Zhima controlled a two-headed worm, with a simple body curled up, disguised as a spoil harvested on the battlefield, and entered the double-headed worm's lair majestically.

During the period, a two-headed venereal worm came over and wanted to eat Jian Jian, who was disguised as a corpse, with this one, but was swept away by the two-headed venereal worm, and then entangled Jian Jian into his own worm pond.

Yes, every two-headed venereal worm that can only fight independently has its own worm pond, in which are the young double-headed venereal worms hatched by itself, which can be regarded as their own offspring.

The simple mind cautiously poked out, and then found that half of the worm pond were juvenile double-headed worms with thick arms, and some eggs that had not been hatched. With the return of the head worm, the larvae in the worm pond immediately entangled, waiting for the simple ration to fall into the pond.

Looking at the simplicity of the worm pond, he threw out an isolation array immediately, and then lightly moved his little finger "thousands of turns" to shoot out, dragging the double-headed worm into the worm pond. The other party couldn't wait to have a big meal, and didn't pay attention.

As for the simplicity that landed on the mask, all the weak double-headed worms in the worm pool were collected in the Bi Fangdan tripod for the first time. Another phantom disk was placed outside to avoid attracting the attention of other bugs, and then the magic moon flew out, and a vertical chop ended up with this bug.

In fact, everything happened very quickly, within five breaths. Fortunately, it was simple and decisive, with a steady hand, and no flaws were revealed. Otherwise, as long as a slight leak was revealed, what was waiting for her was a sea of ​​double-headed vulva insects. There are no bones left.

At this time, here is a clean small pit of [-] square meters. He simply let out a breath, and then began to refine the collected double-headed worms. Now that he has made up his mind to kill these double-headed worms, Good things naturally cannot be let go.

After refining all the bugs in this alchemy, simply send the dregs into the space, and let the treasured little ginseng go to upgrade the spirit field.

She needs to continue to lurk in the future, and she still needs to observe. After all, if the adult insects fall after the battle, she still doesn't know how to deal with his worm pond, so she dare not give up this pit pond rashly.

And the other Zergs outside have searched the entire Zerg site, but still haven't found any trace of the human fairy. For a while, everyone is guessing whether the other party has fled back to the human site, and some guess that the other party is good. It's easy to sneak in once, it's definitely not so easy to leave, it must be hidden, insist on continuing to investigate.

These are not simple things to worry about. After nearly a month of observation, she found that there are also struggles in the group of these two-headed vulvas.

For example, if an adult insect is killed, his worm pool will be the object of competition. After all, the bigger your worm pool is, the more bugs you can bring out when you grow up, and your chances of survival will also increase. After all, All that are consumed are low-level double-headed worms, and they can be replenished after returning to the nest.

"Tsk, there is someone so active as a receiver!"

Simply touched his chin and sighed.

"Master, what are you going to do?"

Sesame asked through voice transmission.

"Find a big worm pond, we'll find a way to lurk in it, and refine them little by little."

"This is no problem, but you can't just stare at a worm pool, it's easy to be exposed."

"Of course I know this. You can't catch a sheep to pluck its wool. At least three to five worm ponds of the same level need to be found. Let's sneak in first, make a teleportation formation, and then I will control the formation to teleport back from time to time. Dozens of bugs are continuously supplying us for refining, what do you think?"

Jian Jian has already taken out the formation and started to fiddle with it. This must be kept secret, otherwise, once discovered, she will be completely exposed.

"No, the array is easily corroded by the eclipse, which will increase the chance of exposure."

Sesame reminded immediately.

After simply listening to the retracted formation, the sound transmission said:

"What you mean is that I can only do it myself. Isn't it easier to expose?"

"Master, you have me to help you cover up your aura. As long as you are more careful, the risk of exposure will be small. If the array is discovered, these bugs will definitely be able to guess. The people of the fairy clan are lurking here now, isn't it more risky?" Big."

Sesame immediately explained.

"What news have you received recently?"

Hearing what Zhima said, it is easy to know that the Zerg is probably moving.

"What else can there be? The steel-winged bat's lair has been destroyed, and the mother worm seems to have died. They are sure that a human fairy has sneaked into the rear and is searching everywhere!
But they don't know that you are the only one, and they think that there are many people, so they are searching for all possible hiding places, so I suggest that even if you slow down, you must not reveal your whereabouts during this sensitive period. "

Zhima twisted her body, and the sound transmission explained.

"I understand. Just follow what you said. If the formation jade talisman is exposed, we will use other methods so that they will never know how many people have sneaked in."

"Yeah, that's what Sesame means."

Immediately, one person and one Gu lurked deep in the double-headed worm's lair, and began to eat away at the double-headed worm, turning these worms into soil that could upgrade the spiritual field. The happiest thing was the little ginseng.

After the female worm of the two-headed vulva passed through the period of weakness, she found that the number of her offspring had decreased drastically, which aroused her suspicion.

And Jian Jian has been lurking here for five years, using the double-headed vulva to upgrade all the high-level spirit fields in her space, she has already targeted the female worm.

(End of this chapter)

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