Chapter 1504
Zhima decided to fight for himself this time, so when he simply aimed at the female worm with two heads, he said courteously:
"Master, let me go out this time!"

"Oh? Are you confident? This female worm has already passed the period of weakness, so it's not so easy to deal with."

Simply said with a smile.

"Master, I didn't touch the female worms of the Thunder Falling Worm and the Steel Winged Bat in front of me. This time, at least leave me a mouthful. I want to advance."

Sesame began to twist twists and turns, and his tone was very flattering.

He briefly rubbed his arm, then rubbed his earlobe, and said directly:
"Speak up, what do you need me to do?"

"The master sent me to the mother worm, and then made a good isolation. Don't let the worms outside find me. I will do the rest myself."

Zhima puffed out her small chest and said.

"Okay, you are ready, I will see if there is a suitable time."

Simply agreed to Zhima's proposal.

"Master, you'd better go faster, the mother worm seems to have discovered something, and the worms that are summoning the front to fight today have all returned to their nests."

Sesame immediately offered that he had received the message.


It's easy to know that Sesame doesn't talk nonsense about this kind of thing, so he has already started to take action.

This time she chose to use the talisman, the formation was exposed, and she didn't plan to use it again. She wanted to give the Zerg an illusion that more than one fairy had sneaked behind the Zerg, so that she could fish in troubled waters.

Therefore, when sneaking into the core worm pools in a hidden form, she drove the thunderstorm talisman, flame talisman, and freezing talisman with the highest attack power into the stone walls near each worm pool, or the edge of the worm pool, It is convenient to cause the largest range of damage after the talisman is activated.

Ten days later, Jian Jian successfully approached the worm pond where the female worm was. It was the largest worm pond. Inside was a dark female worm that was at least 50 meters long and had a waist as thick as the mouth of a well. Audio channel:
"Sesame, can you handle your small body? This one is a bit thicker than the female flying centipede."

"Master, don't worry, you just watch it. It's not too late. Let's release the barrier. I want to act as soon as possible. Those two-headed worms who went to the front line are coming back soon."

Sesame urged.

Simple and helpless, he could only throw a formation plate casually, covering the worm pond with the female worm and the five next-level worm ponds around it, and then dodged into it.

Almost at the same time, the female worm also sensed the crisis, and with a twist of her body, the adult double-headed worms entangled in the blood pool began to attack Jian Jian who broke in.

It has reached this point, and it is natural to be simple and cannot retreat. Moyue Zhan flew out of the dantian, transformed into thousands of small crescent moons, and began to strangle the adult insects.

At this time, the little sesame had already left the simple earlobe, flicked its tail, and jumped directly at the female worm.

Then it was easy to see that the little sesame, which was only the length of the index finger, turned into a 50 meters long white adult Gu worm at the moment it ran towards the female worm, and became entangled with the other.

Jian Jian couldn't help but feel that Xiaozhizhi worked really hard in order to advance to the next rank. She usually tried to play tricks and act obediently in front of her, but she didn't expect that once she transformed, she would be so fierce.

The two kings turned the entire worm pond upside down, simply controlling the Moyue Zhan to harvest the remaining double-headed worms. Fortunately, most of them went to the front to participate in the battle, otherwise they would be more passive, after all, ants kill more elephant.

The two-headed vulva worms that were killed and fell into the worm pool were immediately swallowed by the larvae rolling in the blood pool. They frowned after seeing it briefly. These larvae grew faster after devouring the flesh and blood of the adults, visible to the naked eye Gained a lot of weight.

Isn't this cultivating enemies for yourself?With a simple movement of consciousness, he took out his Bi Fang Dan Ding from the storage bracelet, and then slapped the body of the tripod, and the Dan Ding flew out immediately, collecting the insects killed by the magic moon into the tripod, preventing the dead insects from becoming rations for larvae .

In the largest worm pool, the battle between Zhima and the female worm has reached a fever pitch, and fine white steel thorns stand up all over Zhima's body, leaving a mark when they pass across the female worm.

After wrapping around a few times like this, the hard black skin of the female worm was broken, and then the gleaming steel thorn pierced in, causing the female worm to twist her body in pain.

Sesame saw the timing, and bit the soft flesh of the opponent's neck with one bite. The next breath, the female worm began to twist her body crazily, as if she had fallen into a state of madness. The eggs were swept out.

Bi Fang's Dan Ding was even more busy, and all the eggs and insects that did not fall were put into the tripod. He simply took the opportunity to swallow a filling pill, and the two sides had been entangled for almost half an hour.

At this time, some two-headed worms realized something was wrong and began to summon their friends, but because of the effect of the isolation formation, nothing could be transmitted. Since the news could not be transmitted, they went to find helpers themselves, but they were blocked by the formation.

In the end, these bugs were divided into two parts, one part tried its best to entangle Simple and Sesame, determined not to let the two culprits leave here, while the other part used the eclipse energy secreted by itself to corrode the mask of the formation, and waited After breaking through the mask, the news can be spread.

"Sesame, make a quick decision, they have already begun to corrode the formation, and they won't last long!"

Simply moving around above the blood pool, while harvesting the double-headed venereal worms, Bi Fangdanding was also collecting insect corpses, and the speed was obviously faster than before.

"Master, the female worm has already been poisoned by my Gu poison, so it won't last long."

Sesame immediately transmitted the voice.

Sure enough, after rolling for a quarter of an hour, the female worm completely lost its movement, and then was sucked by Sesame's mouth and swallowed into the space in her abdomen, and then Sesame rushed towards Jian Jian, ready to leave.

As a result, Sesame's shrunken body was sent into a ball of water polo, and was released by its owner after being flipped left and right.

"Rolling in the worm pond for a long time, you are too careless."

The disgusted Zhima returned to the simple earlobe with aggrievedness, and then said weakly:

"Sesame will pay attention in the future, let's go!"

Jianjian saw Zhima come back, and immediately flashed out of the formation, Moyue Zhan instantly merged into one, also flashed out of the formation, and returned to the simple dantian.

In the next breath, simply sticking the concealment talisman, he left the nest of the two-headed vulva, because he broke through the circle formed by the eclipse air at the outermost edge of the nest, which aroused the vigilance of the two-headed venereal patrolling outside, and immediately A warning was issued.

The moment he simply left, he enveloped the entire worm nest with his spiritual consciousness, which activated all the buried talismans, and there was a continuous sound of explosions from the core.

The low-level double-headed worms immediately softened their bodies, and the high-level ones rushed out immediately when they realized something was wrong, trying to escape, but unfortunately they were one step too late, being swallowed by the flames, and turned into dross in an instant, and some escaped with the flames. After coming out, the double head kept twisting, hoping to extinguish the flame.

(End of this chapter)

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