Chapter 1505 Escaping into space
At this time, the two-headed worm group, who was recalled, found that there was something wrong with their old lair, and also heard the sound of an explosion, so they accelerated their progress, just in time to see the escaped kin, twisting their double heads with flames on their bodies, and immediately pulled the opponent away. Into the swarm, it can be regarded as saving their lives.

And Jian Jian ran faster this time, because she knew that there was a humanoid Zerg team nearby, just to search for human immortals. Although five years had passed, no trace was found, and many teams had withdrawn, but still A group of people continued to hold on.

This team of six humanoid Zergs was the team that went to investigate the steel-winged bat's lair, so they rushed to this side immediately after the sound of the explosion, just in time to collide with Jian Jian head-on.

This time without sesame's reminder, Jian Jian had already discovered the six rapidly approaching humanoid Zerg within the scope of his consciousness, all of them were in Daluojin Fairyland, and the captain at the head was even stronger than her.

Jian Jian doesn't want to return to the human battle line right now, directly recruits his own Moxi sword into his hand, and then transmits Moxi:

"Mo Xi, be stronger this time, we only have one chance to hit."

"Understood, you switch to the power of chaos!"

Mo Xi Sword Spirit is not stupid, this is related to the life and death of his master, so naturally he cannot lose the chain.

Without further ado, by running the exercises, the magic power all over the body quickly emerges from the dantian, and is transformed into the power of chaos through the yin and yang Taiji disk.

She also found time to swallow a drop of ginseng, and the continuous immortal power quickly filled the meridians around her body, and then quickly flowed into the dantian, continuing to transform into the power of chaos.

At this moment, all the smiles on Jian Jian's face were gone, leaving only a sense of killing. She wanted to show the Zergs the true strength of the Jian Clan, and let the Zergs engrave these into their inheritance memory.

When this team of humanoid Zerg also found the human fairy, a simple attack arrived. A huge gray sword shadow was almost connected to the entire starry sky, and it fell silently with heavy pressure, "Chaos world! Open!" !"

When these humanoid Zerg found something wrong, they immediately gave up their skins and turned into insect bodies, trying to block the sword with the strength of six people, but the sword was attached to the power of chaos that hurt them the most, and the sword light was splitting While their carapaces were corroding their insides, just one encounter seriously injured six tall Zergs.

With a simple dodge, and another move of "Thousands of Swords Unleashed", he resolutely carried through to the end while taking advantage of your illness to kill you, and at the same time took care of the two-headed worms who came to support from the rear.


Simply snorted coldly, although these two swords emptied the immortal power in her body, and even used up the drop of ginseng liquid, but she just felt happy, after lying dormant for so long, she was finally not so aggrieved.

"The master is mighty!"

Sesame shouted cheers in his ears.

Seeing the two-headed worms that had turned into blood mist due to the corrosion of the power of chaos, and the six high-level zerg who had no power to fight back, on the verge of death, she accepted it as soon as she saw it, and swallowed a fourth-order nine Turned around to charge Yuan Dan, and said directly via voice transmission:
"Marshmallow, escape!"

In the next instant, the marshmallow turned into a black mist, enveloped Simple, and disappeared from the battle scene.

"Marshmallow, move towards the black beetle's nest!"

"Yes, Master!"

Marshmallow's little milk voice replied immediately.

"Master, given the current situation, it's not suitable to go to the black beetle's nest. We'd better find a place to hide and wait until the wind blows over before we play it by ear."

Sesame said with some worry.

Although the master's move was very cool just now, but now he is obviously in a state of depletion of celestial energy, if he can't recover, if he crashes into the black beetle's nest now, he will die.

"I know, this is a race against the Zerg!"

In the next moment, the simple consciousness covered the marshmallow and escaped directly into the space. The palpitation just now made her feel the crisis. This is not the time for her to be brave.

Half a quarter of an hour after simply escaping into the space, a powerful spiritual consciousness covered him from a distance, and it didn't stop until it reached the battle scene.

The little ginseng in the space suddenly sensed the master's breath, immediately threw away the jade hoe in his hand, and ran to the bamboo building. Sure enough, he saw the pale-faced master who fell down on the futon.

"Master, what's wrong with you?"

Little Gushen's eyes immediately filled with tears.

Simple and indecent, he rolled his eyes, tugged at the upturned bun of Yanshen, and then said:

"Your master, I'm fine, but the immortal energy is exhausted, why are you crying? Why don't you hurry up and prepare something to replenish the immortal energy."

After hearing the simple words, Xiao Gushen held back his tears and found that the owner's face was pale and there was no injury on his body, so he felt relieved.

"Scared Gushen to death, I'm going to prepare right now."

After speaking, he immediately turned around and left the first floor of the bamboo building.

Sesame also jumped down from Jian Jian's earlobe at this time, twisted his small body, and said to Jian Jian:
"Master, your decisive attack this time is completely exposed. Next, we will lie dormant for a period of time before we attack. It just so happens that you also rest for a period of time, so that Sesame can completely absorb the female insect. Going out in this way will make you more confident." Bigger."

"Okay, I'll listen to you this time, and we'll go out after you improve your cultivation."

"Yes, Master!"

Sesame jumped three feet high, went to the fairy fruit forest, and found the largest fruit, gnawed out a space big enough to accommodate his small body, then got into it, and began to absorb the female worm that entered the belly space bit by bit .

Jian Jian also started to restore the immortal power, because she made a decisive move this time, and the barrier of Daluo Jinxian Middle Realm was infinitely close to being broken. She knew that the time to break through had come, so she wanted to close it with peace of mind, and wait until she broke through before going out to wave. The turmoil of the outside world is blocked out of the space.

This simple shot hit the Zerg's sore spot. The chaotic power of the Jian clan is the nemesis of their Zerg. Not to mention those of the same realm, even members of the Jian clan who are one realm lower than them can break through it. The hard carapace they are proud of, now their own territory, actually sneaked into such a dangerous human race, they really can't sleep or eat.

Immediately began a carpet-like search, vowing to remove this hidden danger, and the two-headed vulva was almost exterminated, and the female insects of four successive families were all exterminated, and the breeding of new female insects was imminent. For a while, the entire Zerg race All became tense.

And this state also affected the battle situation on the front line. The Zerg had to give up the strategy of attacking across the board, and began to concentrate on attacking one point instead, hoping to exchange the least cost for the greatest victory, but can the fairyland allow them to achieve their wish?Obviously impossible.

Immortal Realm also adjusted its strategy, starting to shift from defensive confrontation to active attack, and continued to advance the front in an all-round way.

While making a simple move, Jian Qinghuai and Jian Qingru noticed it, although the feeling was very weak, after all, they came from the same source, and the two of them appeared on the battle line immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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