Chapter 1506 Space Retreat
"Simple, this is a shot!"

Jian Qinghuai sensed it, and the sound transmission was Jian Qingru.

"It should be. It took so long for some movement to come out. It is estimated that the Zerg will have trouble sleeping and eating."

Jian Qingru's brows and eyes relaxed for a long time.

"I used to think that no news is good news, but the little girl has not moved, you are also very worried!"

Qing Huai said with a smile.

"Yes, now that something is happening, I'm starting to worry again, whether she can avoid the Zerg's pursuit. After all, to the Zerg, my disciple of the Jian family is a thorn in their side and a thorn in their flesh. I wish I could get cramped."

A killing intent flashed in Qing Ru's eyes.

"Hmph! They also need to have this ability."

Qing Huai said in a deep voice, then turned to Qing Ru and said:
"In the past two days, I will let Jian's disciples go back to the station to rest and see if anyone has come to inquire about us."

Qing Ru immediately understood the intention of the clan brother, nodded and said:
"Okay, I will also keep an eye on it secretly, and if I can find one, it counts as one."

After the discussion between the two, they returned to the station.

Demon King Moqian also seemed to be a little aware of the resident in the Demon Realm. Although he didn't take any action, his spiritual consciousness reached out, but the speed was very fast, and he retracted it before the Zerg could react.

Mo Zhi wandered back just in time, and said to Mo Qian:
"Devil King, the star track in the Star Picking Building just now has someone spread the word that the Zerg will be weak on the battlefield during this period, and this is the best time for us to advance the front line."

Only then did Mo Qian open his eyes, and said directly:
"The little girl just made a move."

Although what he said was endless, Mo Zhi still understood, and his eyes lit up:
"Yo, you have been dormant for so long, and you finally showed your little paws?"

"You said that the Zerg has no power to succeed, it should be that Moyue killed the female insect, otherwise there would be no such effect."

"It should be, I can only think of her for the time being, but the devil just said that the little girl made a move, does that mean she has been discovered?"

"It's not clear."

Mo Qian shook his head.

"The little girl is very clever. If something goes wrong, it shouldn't be a problem if she can't beat her and escape."

Mo Zhi has great confidence in Mo Yue, otherwise she wouldn't have killed Hong Qing Mojun in one face-to-face, and she has more than one life-saving talisman in her hand, so self-protection is no problem.

At this time, the simplicity that everyone cares about is resting in her own space and improving her cultivation. After all, she is in the territory of the Zerg. If her cultivation is higher, the humanoid Zerg team can easily solve it, and she will not be exhausted. full strength.

After that, she simply started to meditate. After all, she had been dormant for a period of time in the first 30 years of entering the Demon Realm, and then she started to stir up wind and rain in the Demon Realm. She really had no chance to calm down and sort out her gains.

This practice couldn't stop, the immortal energy in the space quickly poured into the bamboo building, surrounding the whole bamboo building.

Xiao Gushen also ran over to have a look, and found that the master was practicing, so he immediately transplanted many five-element fairy plants and fairy grasses around the bamboo building, hoping to help the master to the greatest extent.

Then he continued to tinker with his own spiritual field. Since he got the scum of the double-headed vulva, the spiritual fields within his jurisdiction in the space have been upgraded. He is busy adjusting the planting of immortal plants and magic plants, so Xiao Kuan Ginseng is also very busy.

When I am free, I want to go to the Fairy Orchard to see the sesame seeds. I find that the small fleshy body of the sesame seeds breathes and breathes. Occasionally, I can see a golden thread flashing on her belly, so I go to pick the fruit with confidence. He wants to brew these ripe fairy fruits into wine, which is to supplement the immortal energy, and he needs to prepare more for the master.

Being so busy, Xiao Gushen didn't feel bored at all, and occasionally communicated with the fairy plants in the garden. Although he was the only elf in the space, it didn't prevent him from making friends.

In the tenth year of entering the space, he simply broke through the barriers of the Da Luo Jinxian Middle Realm and successfully advanced to the Da Luo Jin Fairy Middle Realm. Then his consciousness expanded, and the entire space was unobstructed. The beasts in the space seemed to be responsive, quiet Bow your head to show surrender.

The simple spiritual sense came to the fairy orchard, and found the fruit that Sesame was waiting for, and found that Sesame was still practicing, only when her spiritual sense swept by, she turned over and continued to breathe and absorb. increasing.

Obviously the little guy hasn't absorbed the power of the mother worm after refining it, so it's better not to interrupt it for now, simply withdraw the consciousness and enter the samadhi again.

This time, it is simple to be familiar with the supporting spells and swordsmanship of the whole realm of Da Luo Jinxian, as well as the comprehension of the rules at a deeper level. These all need to calm down and slowly comprehend, otherwise why the higher the cultivation level, the longer the retreat time, It often takes a long time to comprehend the power of a rule.

Jian Jian never thought of himself as a genius cultivator, so he just took advantage of this opportunity to take a break with peace of mind. Now the Zerg has probably searched the entire territory, and they will continue to be vigilant if they don't find themselves. Why bother at this time? Go out and find bad luck.

It’s simple, it’s been closed for a long time, after Xiaozhima has completely refined the female worm, and the fourth golden thread on her stomach is almost complete, her master is still cultivating in a trance, and the entire bamboo building is also wrapped in the power of immortality With it, it has never been scattered.

After Sesame ran over to look at it a few times, he felt bored, so he went to find Xiao Gushen to play, but Xiao Gushen was a little afraid of Sesame, can you not be afraid?His body is ginseng, and he is most afraid of being burrowed by insects, so he wants to avoid sesame.

However, apart from being afraid of simplicity, Zhima himself is also a big boss. The master is the second, and his temper is third. Both of them stepped on the site after the secret realm was merged with the space.

In a blink of an eye, it took 100 years. On this day, Jian Jian finally put the last trace of immortal energy into his dantian. The cultivation base of the peak of Daluo Jinxian Middle Realm was stable, and he also forcibly swung his sword before to kill the first-order Zerg that was higher than himself. The dark damage has also been repaired.

The simple consciousness that was in a good mood instantly covered the entire space, and immediately alarmed the two of them. Gushen burst into tears with joy in his heart. The master finally came out, and he didn't have to play with Zhima anymore. Zhima was also very happy, and finally he could go out again. Waves.

The two rushed back to the bamboo building immediately, and when they saw the master with a more calm breath, they immediately stepped forward to congratulate:

"Congratulations, master, for improving your cultivation!"

Simply smiled and nodded, then looked at Zhima, who jumped into her palm, revealing her belly, and showed her master his fourth golden thread.

"Master, my fourth golden thread is about to be completed."


She simply expressed her satisfaction. If Zhima was stronger, she would be able to lurk longer in the Zerg territory.

"It's been 100 years, and it's time for us to go out and do some activities, lest people forget about us."

He simply raised his eyebrows and said with a smile.

"Okay! Okay! Sesame has been waiting impatiently for a long time!"

 Babies, today is also Chapter 3!The update is relatively early, everyone can rest after reading it early. I only found out when I was doing nucleic acid today that the little couple upstairs in Fengling was a sheep. Above Ling's bedroom, I was taken aback, but I treat it normally, take care of myself, eat on time, and work hard to earn living expenses. I hope everyone will continue to support it! (づ ̄[-] ̄)づ╭~

(End of this chapter)

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