Chapter 1507
In this century-old battle field, the warriors of the fairy world obviously feel that it is much easier than before. The destructive thunder insects, the sinister double-headed insects, the hard-shelled flying centipedes, and the quick-response steel-winged bats, The number of appearances on the front line is very small.

According to reliable information, the female worms of these four types of worms had accidents one after another during the ten-year period of weakness, and their old nests were also destroyed. Only a very small number of worms survived, and the new female worms have not yet grown up. To reproduce, so these bugs have faults.

In the next period of time, the immortals of the Jian family in the Eastern Immortal Territory became the key targets of the Zerg, and even fell into trouble for a while, and were finally rescued by the two immortals of the Jian family. With a single glance, he wished he could crush the opponent to death on the battlefield in one fell swoop.

When Qing Ru and Qing Huai got together in private, they also discussed this matter.

"It must have been easy to succeed in the rear of the Zerg, that's why they targeted the Jian family's children like this."

"Well, and it's very likely that they didn't grasp the simplicity at all, otherwise they wouldn't be ruthless on the battlefield."

"From this point of view, this is also good news. Through the actions of the Zerg, at least it proves that the simple hiding is very good."

"Naturally, if they don't catch Jian Jian every day, they will not be at peace every day. After all, there is such a dangerous existence in their own territory. If they are caught, they will definitely kill them in front of our faces to vent their hatred. .”

"Then we'll just wait."

But for a whole hundred years, the disciples of the Jian family were still being taken care of, but there was no simple news, and the two immortals were also very worried, wondering where their junior was hiding?The Zerg have been looking for it for a hundred years but have not found it.

And the most aggrieved ones belong to the Zerg race. Four female insects had accidents one after another, which affected the battle in the battlefield. The young disciples have not been caught until now, and they don't know where they are lurking, which makes them feel like a stick in their throats.

The humanoid Zerg organized elites to search the entire Zerg territory, but they didn't even find a single hair of the Zerg. Do you think it's annoying?

Some remarks that judged that the other party had fled back to the fairyland gradually gained the upper hand. After all, a hundred years have passed in a flash, and nothing has been discovered. With the other party's cultivation base, it is not possible to hide so deeply that he can escape the attack of the intelligent Zerg. Inventory.

Just when the Zerg completely gave up on looking for Jian Jian, Jian Jian left the level, took the sesame of a small promotion, and walked out of the space, quietly groping towards the gathering place of the black beetles.

When he escaped last time, he came towards the black beetle's lair, but this time he came out to complete his planned goal.

Simply teleporting forward in the starry sky, because I hid long enough, the Zerg who were searching for her basically evacuated, so the journey was relatively smooth.

And thousands of miles away from the black beetle's lair, there were groups of low-level humanoid Zerg patrolling. Jian Jian immediately hid himself and observed in secret.

The black beetle's nest is the largest among all the Zerg races, and it already has the prototype of a city, because most of these black beetles are covered with skins, but some are almost the same as the human race, and some are very different. Estimates of the species are skins looted from previous galaxies.

This lair is divided into two parts, one part is those Zerg races that have begun to take human form, they are all imitating the way of life of humans, and the other part is a vast mountain forest, which is a special breeding area for low-level black beetles. was heavily surrounded.

It is probably because the female insects had accidents one after another before, so the security was set up here, and the defense is probably simple.

After simply observing in secret for a while, he transmitted his voice to Zhima:
"This time it's more tricky, do you have any good ideas?"

"I have advanced, and I can suppress the larvae of the black beetle. The adult beetle is a bit troublesome, and it can only interfere with the information they pass between each other. It's just that you have to get close. The effect is not good at such a distance!"

Sesame is a little eager to try.

"Then think of a way to get in!"

Said simply and decisively.

"How to get in? The defense here is much tighter than the previous ones."

Sesame voice transmission.


Simply tap the humanoid Zerg patrolling the periphery with your finger.

"Isn't there a ready-made person here? Find a way to replace one, it should be fine."

Jian Jian still has confidence in his "Thousand Faces", but this Zerg breath needs to be imitated by Sesame.

Sesame's small eyes stared at these humanoid Zerg for a long time, and then said:
"Master, it's hard to handle. These humanoid Zerg in the same patrol team seem to be very familiar with each other, and their auras are also similar. If you replace one of them rashly, it will be easy to reveal your secrets."

Hearing this, Jian Jian frowned slightly. This is not good news.

"Looking for a captain or something?"

she suggested.

"Then observe and observe again, don't worry."

Zhima said that he needs time to gather information.

"It's okay, the most abundant thing we have now is time."

In the next month, Jianjian and Zhima almost went through all the humanoid Zerg in the patrol team, but they still couldn't choose a suitable replacement.

It is true that the black beetle, as the backbone of the Zerg race, has its own system, which is why the black beetle can sneak into the human race and replace the human race quietly, while insects such as flying centipedes and big sword mantises cannot sneak into the fairy world. .

"Sesame, there are almost no orders here, it is difficult for us to find opportunities!"

"Master, let's take another look."

As soon as the sound transmission between the two of them fell, spaceships came from a distance. With a simple sweep of subconscious consciousness, they found that the spaceships were controlled by humanoid Zerg, but some seriously injured immortals were detained on board. His eyes lit up.

"Zhima, I have an idea, let's talk about it after getting on this spaceship."

Immediately, the marshmallow was wrapped in a simple and silently affixed to the spaceship, and when the spaceship approached the black beetle nest, it was also stopped by the patrolling team.

The spaceship opened the defensive cover and greeted the patrol team, as if they were being inspected, simply took advantage of this opportunity to teleport into the spaceship.

Jian Jian sneaked into the cabin immediately, not daring to stay outside for too long, as it would be easy to be discovered.

"Master, there are actually human immortals here?"

Sesame was surprised by sound transmission.

"What do you mean?"

"It seems that the human fairy was captured alive on the battlefield, and was transported back by the humanoid Zerg in front, and used it as the skin of the high-level intelligent Zerg!"

Zhima gave the answer based on the received Zerg message.

After listening briefly, his brows were tightly frowned, and then he condensed his spiritual consciousness into silk and probed into the bottom of the cabin, at least to prove what Zhima said was true.

(End of this chapter)

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