Chapter 1508
As the consciousness gradually deepened, it was simply discovered that there were individual cages on the bottom floor, in which there were some human immortals, some were seriously injured and comatose, some were only one breath away from death, some were still awake, but their expressions were a little bit different. Frustrated, it is conceivable that being captured by the Zerg will not end well.

And among these people, none of them is a member of the demon race. It is simple and clear. This is because the special medicine that can mark the soul of the magic bile grass mixed with the shadow-pan grass has played a decisive role. The Zerg race is very It is clear that even if the demons are captured alive, they will not be able to use these skins to infiltrate the demon realm, so they will all target the immortals in the fairy realm.

Otherwise, the Zerg wouldn't have deliberately set up a trap in Wanhua City, approaching Bailian and Lucui, just to capture Mo Bicao, but she still remembered that the Cui family's spies never showed up, and she didn't know if they were caught later.

These thoughts are all fleeting, and then simply dodged to find the target he was optimistic about. The female fairy who was locked alone in a boat room, her cultivation base was in the Great Luojin Fairyland, she had a beautiful appearance and did not suffer internal injuries. The dantian is blocked, and the immortal power cannot be mobilized.

At this time, the female fairy was looking at the starry sky through the only small window in the cabin, feeling a little sad in her heart. This time, she was pushed out by her own sister to prevent the disaster and fell into the hands of the Zerg. Even if she did not die, she would peel off her skin , and what the other party intended to keep her alive, she knew very well in her heart.

There are two Zerg guards at the door, which is inconvenient to alarm, and it is simply impossible. In order not to alarm the guards, a short space passage can only be built to go into the room.

When Zi Yan realized something was wrong, she had already fallen into a deep coma, and her body softened and fell into Jian Jian's arms.

A simple divine sense scanned the opponent from head to toe, took away all the accessories and robes of the fairy, and then raised his hand to release an ice coffin, which is a specialty of the Ice Field Secret Realm, and put the fairy in it , covered the ice coffin, directly used the power of chaos to construct a seal and hit it on the ice coffin, and then waved it into the space.

This is the safest solution she can think of, she can't just kill someone to replace someone else!So she sealed it and put it in the space. After she completes the task, she returns to the fairy world and then releases others. After all, her own space must not be exposed.

In this way, even if this female fairy is searched for her soul in the future, she will not reveal any information about herself. It is simple and cautious in this respect. After she advanced to Daluojin Fairyland, she has realized that her Purple Mansion is different from ordinary people. Immortals and magicians are different, and this was only confirmed after several soul searches.

Ordinary immortals or this magician, after advancing to the immortal rank, the purple mansion will appear in the sea of ​​consciousness, marking that the other party has become an immortal. Xinxing began to expand the Zifu, such as palaces, pavilions, mountains, lakes, etc., slowly forming a small world.

The higher the cultivation level, the more perfect and advanced the Zifu will be. When it ascends to the God Realm, this is the basis for becoming a god. If the Zifu is destroyed, all previous efforts will be wasted. Therefore, killing a person in the Immortal Realm is all ruined. The purpose of knowing the sea and dantian is to make the other party have no room to stand up.

It was the same way before, it was a habit left behind when subconsciously killing the possessed Zerg monks, but unexpectedly it was wrong, and her own purple mansion was opened up as early as in the lower realm, and it was also related to her own. The Magnolia space is directly integrated into one.

Her space is almost a small world now, which is no worse than that of the Immortal Emperor. Although she has never seen the powerful Purple Mansion in the Immortal Emperor Realm, but according to her speculation, her Zifu space is unique, so it is only a small world. When Mozhi Mojun wanted to search her soul, the reaction was so big.

Still the same sentence, sometimes people's hearts can't stand the test. If someone knows the situation in her sea of ​​knowledge, they will definitely be tempted. After all, stripping the purple mansion is much faster and easier than practicing step by step by yourself.

Putting the ice coffin into the iceberg, Jian Jian specially explained to the little ginseng, and set a restriction on the iceberg to ensure that no one would disturb her, so she gently brushed her cheeks, and the thousand faces turned into Ziyan's face, and then put All accessories removed before are put back on as before.

In the end, all the breath around the body was restrained into the dantian, as if the dantian was closed, and then he sat back by the small window and communicated with Zhima in secret:
"Now you should be able to enter the black beetle's nest smoothly."

"Yes, yes, but I don't know which intelligent insects those bugs want to keep this fairy to replace."

"Don't worry, when the time comes, let's see the tricks! But how to save the remaining immortals?"

Simply frowned.

"Master, you are going deep alone now, so take care of yourself! Do everything according to your ability, and don't expose yourself just because you rescued a few immortals, so that you will not be able to complete the remaining tasks."

Sesame immediately transmitted the voice.

"Hey, let's talk about the truth now. Who taught you?"

Simply teased.

"Sesame also has inheritance memory. This time, the small promotion has unlocked some more."

Sesame replied proudly.

In the sound transmission of one person, one Gu, the spaceship successfully entered the black beetle's lair after inspection. In fact, the city is more accurate.

After the spaceship landed, a group of humanoid Zerg guards stepped forward to contact the Zerg on the spaceship, and then someone opened the door of the room where Jian Jian was.

"Come out and follow me."

The other party was two meters tall, and his words were a little stiff.

Jian Jian didn't say anything, stood up and left the room, and immediately saw the fairies she found before, some were carried out, some were dragged out, there were only three people like her who came out by themselves , including her, are two women and one man.

The three of them looked at each other and wanted to say something, but a black whip thrown by the other party caught them and dragged them out of the cabin.

After getting off the spaceship, Jian Jian and the three were driven into a black cage, and then they were sent to a dark car, dragged by a giant black beetle, and entered the gathering place of humanoid Zerg.

The black beetle vibrated its membrane wings, and after flying for a quarter of an hour, it landed in a large courtyard. Immediately, the cage was removed, and it was placed directly on this square.

Simply raising her eyes and looking around, this place obviously looks like the former site of a sect, and she guessed it should be a place where the Zerg invaded the planet.

And there are dozens of cages around her, all of them are imprisoned immortals like her who are in good health and have a relatively steady breath.

"Master, just leave you here alone?"

"How could it be? The other party just gave us a warning, exposed us to the public, became fish on the chopping board, and let them slaughter us."

(End of this chapter)

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