Chapter 1513 The Portal Gate Opens
"Let me think about it again, and you should use your brain too, don't let me think alone."

Simple channel.

It is really in the base camp of the black beetle, there is not even a decent helper around her (sesame is ignored), and she is surrounded by high-level intelligent Zerg. , but not yet invincible.

Dormant for a few days, Jian Jian did not do any more useless work. Now she is on the bright side, and it is inconvenient to do small tricks behind her back. At the beginning, she wanted to sneak in. Although she seized the opportunity, she used her identity as a fairy to sneak in. Instead Keep her under the surveillance of the Zerg at all times.

But this time it's not in vain. At least they know that the Zerg are arranging a way for their own family, and they have strengthened the protection of their female insects. Even if they sneak in, it is not easy to start.

Since there is nothing to do here, it is better to take the opportunity to leave. At least the one hundred outstanding Zerg children who are about to enter the fairy world are simply in their pockets.

On the day when the departure was confirmed, a hundred pseudo-humans gathered together again. Without any extra words, under the leadership of the Zerg seniors, the group went to a magnificent hall, where there was a dilapidated portal.

This is what the Zerg predecessors said. It seems that this Zongmen site comes with it. It has only been activated twice before, because it needs nine high-level Zergs to inject energy into the door at the same time to fully open it, so it is used very carefully.

Jian Jian deliberately stood beside Qing Cheng, and said in a low voice:

"Qingcheng, can this gate really send us to the Western Immortal Realm? It won't go wrong?"

The other Zerg waiting beside were obviously also concerned about this issue. Although they didn't look back, their pricked ears betrayed everything.

"It's true. After occupying this place, the seniors of the family studied it. This portal has a certain range of transmission. When we tried it for the first time, we sent out our outstanding fellows. Later, these fellows got in touch with us. , They all said that they were teleported to the Western Immortal Territory."

Qingcheng explained patiently to dispel the worries of these juniors.

"Don't worry, it has been activated twice, and there will be no problems. It's just that if there is any accident during the transmission, you can only solve it yourself."

Qingcheng added another sentence.

Jian Jian pretended to be relieved, then smiled and said to Qing Cheng:
"Thank you Qingcheng for clarifying our doubts. After all, it is the first time to leave the ethnic group, and it is inevitable that I will be a little worried. It would be great if you could go with us."

Qingcheng was taken aback for a moment, then saw Ziyan blinking at herself, she seemed to understand, but she still said calmly:

"The future of our clan depends on you, it is best for you to leave now."

While talking, the nine Zerg powers had already filled the nine crystals inlaid on the portal with energy, and then under the gaze of everyone, a white vortex appeared in the middle of the portal standing there, and then more and more The bigger it is, until it fills the entire five-meter-high and three-meter-wide door.

"You can go in."

Qingcheng reminded.

The pseudo-humans standing in front pushed each other and entered the portal.

Jian Jian walked last on purpose, and gave Qing Cheng a natural wink, and Qing Cheng nodded immediately.

At this moment, Qingcheng is really sure that her little master wants to take her as a piggyback, and the excitement can't be concealed in her eyes. This time, she really made the right bet.

Although this will make those old guys unhappy, but she left with the little master this time, and she doesn't know if she will have a chance to come back. If she comes back, she said that this is what the little master meant, and the excuses are ready-made. What are you afraid of.

With a simple smile, he pretended to be reluctant and said to Qingcheng:

"I'm still a little worried"

"Fairy Ziyan, you don't have to worry. There are people over there to help you. You are the best junior of our clan, and you will surely grow up in the fairy world smoothly."

Qingcheng followed Ziyan's footsteps, talking while walking, as if to appease the other party, but the distance from the portal was getting closer and closer.

When there were still eight people left, he simply stepped up the steps, nodded to Qingcheng who was standing under the steps, and entered the portal in a flash. In the next breath, a thin thread as transparent as hair shot out from the portal, rolled up It grabbed Qingcheng's waist and dragged her into it.

"little Master!"

Qingcheng pretended not to be on guard, and exclaimed, but actually accelerated the speed of rushing into the portal.

The nine Zerg seniors frowned, apparently realizing that it was the juniors who did the tricks. When they were upset, they suddenly shot ten black balls from the portal, and then these balls exploded almost simultaneously, and what burst out was purple. The power of thunder.

This is simply prepared for the purpose of making waves in the Zerg territory. It is made by the powerful seniors of the human race who collected and compressed the dissipated thunder power when someone crossed the catastrophe.

A thunderbolt the size of a ping-pong ball costs a thousand high-grade immortal stones, and the price increases geometrically as the level of the compressed tribulation thunder increases. Just these ten pieces cost a simple 100 yuan of immortal crystals. .

Although it is a bit painful, as long as the portal can be destroyed, it is worth it. After all, she does not believe that the Zerg will train craftsmen and can repair the portal.

Because of the sudden attack, the remaining few friends were forced to give up their skins without even touching the side of the portal. The power of the thunderbolt really exceeded their tolerance.

The portal exploded because of a thunderstorm ball, and the entire portal was entangled by the thunder force, which exploded one energy stone, and another crack appeared directly because it could not withstand the tyrannical thunderstorm force, and then Teleportation shuts down momentarily.

There was a constant rumble in the entire hall, which attracted the power of the Zerg race. After everything subsided, the portal could not be used at all, and eight juniors of the same race died.

"What's going on? Qingcheng betrayed the same clan?"

"I don't know."

Then someone told what happened. Qingcheng was considered a traitor of the Zerg race, and then arranged for the bugs to find the reason for her betrayal. The black beetle's lair was in chaos again, and finally found the peak of Ziyan.

Then, there is no more, all the insects who went there entered the killing array, and there were no survivors. When the Zergs realized something was wrong, when the seniors of the Zergs made a move, the mountain where Ziyan was located had a devastating explosion. When destroying the array, the array directly self-destructed, taking away another wave of bugs.

The Zerg was so angry that one Buddha was born and two Buddhas ascended to heaven. They have never been so aggrieved before. This is being beaten.

"Maybe. Maybe it's that brat from Jane's family?"

I don't know which insect said weakly.

The big black beetle who was grinding his teeth seemed to have reacted, stood up and said two words:
"not good!"

(End of this chapter)

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