Chapter 1514 Broken Channel
Of course it’s not good. In the space teleportation channel at this moment, there are only screams and curses, and the intelligent Zerg that has taken off their skins. It is as simple as a tiger entering a herd, and the killing mode is turned on.

Going back to the moment when he entered the space, he simply moved both hands at the same time, lightly hooked the little finger of one hand, and the "Thousands of Hundreds of Turns" immediately ejected, engulfing Qingcheng, and with a direct wave of the other hand, the ten thunderbolts prepared in advance The explosive beads were thrown out.

And when Qingcheng was dragged in, she happened to pass by the shot of the thunderbolt, and the next moment, she met the sword light in Ziyan's hand. The silk thread was tightening rapidly, and at the same time pulled her into the sword light.

After all, Qingcheng is not one of those juniors. Although she was flustered for a moment, she immediately stabilized her mind. With a movement of her hand, a short knife was blocked in front of her, ready to take Zi Yan's blow. After all, the other party's cultivation was not as good as hers. She still has confidence.

In the next step, she was going to cut the thin thread wrapped around her waist, but unfortunately she miscalculated the power of Ziyan's weapon.

Jianjian naturally knows the difference in cultivation between herself and Qingcheng. As long as the bug does not leave her skin, she will not be able to deal with him, but she knows the power of her silent sword, and what she injects is the power of chaos, isn't it? Then a short knife can block it.

Sure enough, the dagger that Qingcheng resisted broke very simply. When she saved it with a backhand, Ziyan's sword light directly slashed across her face, and she almost screamed in the next moment:
"You are Jane's family!!!"

I saw that Qingcheng's noble and elegant skin was directly corroded by the power of chaos, and it was cracked inch by inch. In the next moment, a huge black beetle was exposed in front of Jianjian.

"It turns out that your body is so ugly, you really want what you lack, but unfortunately your beautiful appearance can't hide your ugly inside."

Simple swearing without profanity, but the strike was quicker. Moxi sword swiped three times in a row, split Qingcheng into three parts, and then she conveniently put it in the storage ring, which is a good material for refining weapons.

In the next breath, between the simple eyebrows, a black beetle wrapped in purple light was also thrown out, which was made of sesame seeds.

When entering the portal, Jian Jian made a move, and Zhima went straight to the black beetle in the sea of ​​consciousness. This bug cannot be left in the master's sea of ​​consciousness. In case the master pulls too much force and cannot be trapped This scourge would be a bad thing if he had an opportunity to take advantage of it, and he didn't want to change his master.

It can only be said that Zhima's concerns are right. The moment the black beetle was thrown out of the sea of ​​consciousness, it vibrated its membrane wings and wanted to rush into the simple sea of ​​consciousness again. It was directly held by the palm that simply covered Phoenix's real fire, and then turned into slag scum.

The alarm was lifted, and the old witch Qingcheng was also wiped out. Although it wasted a little time, it was totally worth it. At this moment, looking at the pseudo-humans who were trying to sprint towards the exit, the corners of their lips curled up, revealing a murderous smile .

"Marshmallow, take me there."

In the next moment, Jian Jian was wrapped in white clouds and rushed towards the Zerg in front.

The series of simple operations just now naturally attracted the attention of these juniors. Seeing this female fairy named Zi Yan aiming at them at this time, how could they care so much and try their best to rush to the exit? Obliteration, although I don't know why this fellow clan went crazy, but life-saving is the most important thing.

Of course, there were a few who thought they had the ability to deal with the simple ones. Holding the sword in their hands, they faced the rushing clouds, but unfortunately they were cut in half.

Simply cooperating with Marshmallow tacitly, it can be regarded as a random move of the heart, and in just three breaths, he caught up with the large army in front, and then started a unilateral killing.

Seeing that there were more than [-] Zerg in front of him, he simply felt that the speed was too slow, and with a move of consciousness, Moyue Zhan also rushed out from the dantian, changing into countless forms, and cooperating with the Moxi Sword, quickly harvested these Zerg.

"You are not of our race!"

Finally, someone realized something was wrong and yelled, and the next moment, he was cut in half by Moyue.

The other Zerg next to him saw it clearly, and waved and threw out a stack of talismans, which belonged to the human fairy he possessed.


With a simple whisper, the speed became faster and faster, and was carried by the marshmallow to the side of the Zerg for a moment, and he punched the opponent directly into the pile of talismans thrown by him.

The talisman exploded, tearing the Zerg into pieces, and the talisman continued to explode, affecting the space channel, which began to distort and deform, as if it was about to break apart.

This is also the reason why Jian Jian didn't choose the talisman, but used the Silent Sword and Moyue Zhan. If it was convenient and efficient, wouldn't it be easier to just throw a thunderbolt over there, but this space channel can't bear it!

"It's not good! The passage is about to break!"

I don't know which bug howled, and the rest of them were even faster, rushing to the exit, passing through there, there will be support from the same clan, and there is no need to be afraid of the lunatic following behind. Unfortunately, wishes are good, reality is cruel.

Simplicity will naturally not satisfy them. Since the channel has been damaged, she will not let these bugs have a chance to leave, and then she no longer holds back her strength, and directly pours the power of chaos in her meridians into the silent sword in her hand, to come With a move of "Thousands of Swords Unleashed", he attacked the fleeing Zerg ahead.

The sword light with destructive power came in an instant, harvesting the remaining Zerg in front, and the sword light naturally split the space channel, accelerating the rupture of the space channel, and the screams continued one after another.

Accompanied by the sword light like a storm, the space channel was completely destroyed and broke into several sections. Those bugs were also involved in the space storm and disappeared in an instant.

Simply retracting the Moxi Sword and Moyue Zhan to the dantian, aiming at a node, jumped out by himself, and at the same time activated the defensive talisman given by the Demon Emperor, and disappeared in the space storm in the next moment.

The simplicity of being wrapped in a space storm, although she has a defensive talisman, she always pays attention to the surrounding situation, and when she sees a glimmer of light, she rushes out directly. She doesn't want to be trapped in the space storm forever, the energy of the defensive talisman There will always be a day of exhaustion, and no one will come to rescue her.

In the blue sky, a hole suddenly opened, and then a ball of light was squeezed out, and then closed again. The ball of light fell vertically into the same blue sea, stirring up a splash of water, which alarmed the nearby fish.

After waiting for a long while, no danger was felt, these fish schools swam over again, continuing to prey on small shrimps and small fish in the sea, suddenly a huge sea fish with megalodon surfaced, and looked around vigilantly with its dead fish eyes , opened his mouth and sucked the previous school of fish into his mouth, and then sank into the sea again.

He didn't notice that there was an inconspicuous little ball of light mixed with the school of fish he inhaled.

(End of this chapter)

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