Chapter 1515 South China Sea
Southern Immortal Realm Picking Star Building

The second elder, as usual, came to the top of Zhaxing Building, first looked at the astronomical orbiter that was functioning normally, and then began to observe the stars with the help of the astrological orbiter.

The starry sky representing the Demon Realm was still empty, and the Emperor Star that had appeared before had never appeared again. The Second Elder couldn't help frowning, and then turned his gaze to the starry sky in other directions.

Suddenly, with a twitch between his eyebrows, the Emperor Star reappeared, but its position changed. It is now in the southern starry sky, above the area representing the South China Sea.

"How could this be?"

The second elder raised his hand and waved out a beam of starlight, which split into two and disappeared in the Star Reaching Tower. A moment later, the third and fourth elders appeared together on the top of the Star Reaching Tower.

"Second Elder, why are you in such a hurry?"

"Look at the latest astrology."

The second elder said directly.

The third elder and the fourth elder looked at each other, looked at the starry sky at the same time, turned back at the same time, and said almost at the same time:

"The Emperor Star has appeared again!"

"This time over the Southern Immortal Territory!"


"The Emperor Star representing the Immortal Emperor in our southern star field is very stable, and there is no sign of decline, and there is no sign of prosperity. Why does this new Emperor Star appear here again?"

"That means that the person representing this Emperor Star is now in the Southern Immortal Domain."

The second elder said in a deep voice.

"Why did it disappear before then? It disappeared for a hundred and twenty years?"

The third elder expressed doubts.

"Maybe it's entering the secret realm, or maybe it's temporarily leaving the fairyland."

The only reason the Fourth Elder could think of was this.

The three looked at each other, and then the fourth elder asked:
"The landlord has not left the customs, should we continue to cover up this new emperor star?"

"Continue to cover it, don't arouse the suspicion of any immortal emperor, now the fairyland cannot be messed up."

The second elder said firmly.

"it is good!"

Then the three elders used the astronomical orbiter to cover up the nascent Emperor Star again.

It has been a while since she simply fell into the belly of the fish. Because of the all-out fighting in the space channel before, her celestial power was exhausted again, so after she was sure that the fish could not threaten her, she lay flat directly.

"Master, you act decisively this time, those Zerg bastards should not escape."

Zhima was very happy and didn't worry about getting into the belly of the fish. He also contributed this time.

"If it wasn't for that idiot throwing a talisman at me and destroying the space channel, maybe we would be able to reach the Western Immortal Territory smoothly and connect with that hidden Zerg."

Simply said with a little regret.

"Master, you killed all those bugs, how do you explain when you see the Zerg who is supporting you?"

Sesame is already a bit crooked.

"Explain what? If you can kill it, kill it. If you can't kill it, remember the breath of the other party. One day you will find this scourge."

"Oh! What shall we do now?"

Sesame asked.

"When I recover, first determine where we have fallen, and then try to go back to Jane's house. I must identify the house."

Simply rolled his eyes and planned.

"Master, are you not afraid of those Zergs chasing and killing you?"

Zhima knows that the last time he killed the Zerg hiding in the Magic Dance City, his master set up a trick to trap the Zerg's power in the fairyland. As long as his master takes the lead, he will definitely be targeted, and now the powerful hidden guards are not there. around.

"Pretend to go."

Jian Jian smiled and said, she didn't want to jump out and be a target.

"Understood, master, take a good rest, if Zerg appears, I will notify you as soon as possible!"

Sesame puffed out her small chest and promised.

"After devouring two female worms this time, my cultivation level has advanced, and the range of perception has also expanded. If there are a few more, I guess I will be able to."

Zhima imagined a bright future.

"Wipe your saliva, don't be too greedy when making a Gu."

Simple and well-timed hits.

"Hee hee! Master, let me just think about it. Anyway, when you advance to the Nine Heavens Profound Realm and represent the Jian family in battle, I still have a chance."

Sesame's little abacus was well thought out, and it had already been calculated.

Lying dead, Jian Jian listened to Zhi Zhi's words, closed his eyes and began to adjust his breath, pretending not to hear the other party's strong desire.

A month later, on a very small island, Jian Jian was grilling fish while Sesame was drooling and urging:
"Master, it's all right! Don't overcook it!"

Simply ignore his urging, and continue to slowly roast the tenderest part of the whole megalodon:

"Don't you only eat fairy stones and fairy crystals?"

"No way, as long as it is full of immortal energy, I can eat it. I have never seen the master cook it before! You always drink immortal tea and immortal brew, and occasionally eat a few immortal fruits."

Zhima cocked her little tail and listed them in detail.

This seems to be the case, because simplicity is not very heavy on appetite, or it is because she has not encountered any delicious food, and she has always been picky about what goes into her mouth, and she usually replaces it with cultivation. Didn't do anything.

This giant toothed fish is the one that swallowed her. She trimmed it and was about to come out. The intestines of this fish were naturally rotten. It felt that the meat contained ample water-type immortal energy, so she thought of roasting it. food.

I gave half of the grilled fish to Sesame, and enjoyed the other half. The soft water-type immortal energy in the fish combed her meridians very well. Although the effect was very slight, it was already very good.

Simple decision, then if you have time, you can eat some seafood to replenish the water element's celestial power.

After eating the fish, Jian Jian took out his living map and began to determine his location.

The map unfolded, and the villain who was still sleeping on the place where Zerg was in the Zhan Zong stretched his waist, stood up, looked around, stomped his little feet, and turned around twice before confirming the direction again. feet run.

This time I returned directly to the territory of the Immortal World, stopped at the place where the Southern Immortal Territory was located, looked at my feet, took another small step, stood at the place with the words "South China Sea", stared at Jian Jian, and then sat cross-legged Down.

"We are now in the South China Sea south of the Southern Immortal Domain."

Simply put the map back and said to Zhima.

"Master, from your tone, are you going to practice here?"

Sesame said immediately.

"Well, I have this plan. The South China Sea is rich in resources, which are no worse than the land. Besides, there are sharks here. Do you want to go and see it?"

"Is there a fairy crystal vein to dig?"

The tip of Zhima's tail jumped and asked directly.

Rolling his eyes in a simple and elegant way, this sesame is always thinking about the fairy crystal veins:

"If you have the ability to find it, I will dig it for you."

"Really? Master means what he says!"

"It counts, so you have to find it."

It was perfunctory to simply agree, but it turned out later that some things cannot be promised too quickly.

At this time, Jianjian sensed that a group of people flew towards the island.

(End of this chapter)

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