Chapter 1516 Meeting on the Island
Simple spiritual consciousness has always been higher than her cultivation, thanks to the fact that her purple mansion has already been opened in the lower realm, so she has discovered the coming people one step earlier.

"Sesame, come back, someone is here."

After a brief greeting, with a flick of the sesame tail, it returned to its owner's earlobe.

At this time, a group of five people, three men and two women also landed on this small island, and naturally found Jian Jian who was meditating.

At this time, Jian Jian had already replaced Ziyan's Yiying robe accessories, and put on a sky blue robe, her face was still Ziyan's, and she also opened her eyes after several people landed on the ground.

When the five people saw the celibate female fairy, they were very vigilant. One of them seemed to be the leader and stepped forward, cupping his hands and saying:
"Fairy, we have passed through this place after training, and we want to rest here for a night, I wonder if it is convenient?"

"You guys are free, this island is not mine, I am also resting here temporarily."

With a simple smile on his lips, he replied softly.

The man got an affirmative answer, turned around and nodded to the people behind him, and then the five people chose a place farthest from Jianjian, placed an isolation array, and then entered it one by one.

She wasn't surprised by what they did. After all, vigilance is the most important thing when training outside.

The five people who entered the isolation formation all changed their faces at this time, looking at the youngest female fairy, who was the first to speak:

"Senior brother Yan, has the news been exposed? How could someone arrive before us?"

"Probably not. If it is leaked, it is impossible for only one person to come, at least a small team."

The one called Senior Brother Yan was the one who took the initiative to talk to Jian Jian just now, frowning at this moment, denying his little junior sister's guess.

"This fairy is alone, or else"

The other man wiped his neck, obviously wanting to get rid of someone who was in the way.

"Don't worry, let's check the situation first. There are still ten days before the full moon. We will use this small island as a temporary resting place. One person will be stationed here every day, and the rest will go out as usual to explore this sea area and hunt for them at the same time. Killing some high-level sea beasts is like going out to practice.

If this fairy leaves within ten days, it will save us from doing anything. If the other party does not leave within ten days, we will make another move. "

Brother Yan said directly.

"Okay, let's listen to brother."

After all, they don't want to go to war. The other party can come out to practice alone, and he must have some life-saving skills at the bottom of the box. If they are in a hurry, they will not be able to please.

After discussing and deciding on a plan, the five people each occupied a position and began to close their eyes and adjust their breath.

Jian Jian didn't know that her appearance on this small island was a hindrance to others, but even if she knew, she wouldn't care.

On the second day, the kindest female fairy among the five stayed behind, and the other four left the island in a small flying boat. .

Reaching out his hand not to hit the smiling person, Jian Jian smiled and nodded in response. The four of them returned to the island before evening, more or less with some injuries on their bodies, and brought back some large sea beasts. Very rich.

It was like this for the next few days, and on the sixth day, the youngest little fairy came to get close to Jian Jian with a piece of sea animal meat.

"Fairy, this is the sea beast meat that my senior brother brought over. I'll give you some to try."

"Thank you Fairy for your kindness, you will not be rewarded for nothing."

Simple still politely refused.

"Okay! Actually, I'm just curious. Didn't you come out to practice? Why don't you leave here to hunt sea beasts, and if you're alone in the depths of the South China Sea, aren't you afraid of being killed?"

The little fairy's question was indeed straightforward. Although the other four people were some distance away, they could hear them clearly, but no one stopped them. Obviously they were also curious about the simple origin. To be precise, they wanted to confirm that the female fairy would It will not block their way of making money.

The simple smile remained unabated, looking at the little fairy who was three steps away from her in front of her, and the four people in the distance, it was considered very patient to wait until now to come to test it out, she naturally didn't mind answering the other party's questions.

"I'm here to experience, but no one stipulates that the experience must kill sea beasts! The most brilliant hunters appear in the form of prey. If someone sees me alone and wants to attack me, then I have If there is a sufficient reason to kill the opponent, the harvest of the opponent is naturally my harvest, don't you think?"

The simple smile remained undiminished, and Zi Yan's bright face seemed to flash a murderous look at this moment, making this innocent little fairy take a step back unconsciously, and the remaining four seemed to realize that this A fairy who is alone, seems not easy to fool.

"Cough, sister fairy, you have misunderstood. My senior brothers and I have sects, and we would not do such a detrimental thing. I just saw you alone, thinking that this place is not safe, and I want to invite you to join us." us."

The other party was quite clever, although he didn't think that the five of them would lose to the other party, but he changed his strategy and simply invited them to join.

"No, we are not familiar with each other. If I join, it will easily disrupt your rhythm, not to mention that I don't trust you either."

Simple still softly refused.

The reason is also very straightforward, no one will give their wealth and life to a team that only meets once when they are training outside.

"Hmph! If you don't eat a toast, you will be fined. We just see you alone, and we just feel sorry for you."

One of the male immortals with a hot temper said directly.

"But I don't need your pity!"

Jian Jian helplessly spread his hands, then glanced around the faces of the five people, curled his lips into a chuckle, and asked softly:

"Are you sure you want to force me to join?"

The little fairy took another step back, she always felt that the other party was asking them: Are you looking for death?
"Fifth Junior Sister, come back."

In the end, it was that Senior Brother Yan who broke the stalemate and called back his junior sister who was inquiring about the truth.

"Fairy, we don't mean to offend you. We just want to be together. Since you don't intend to, we won't entangle you. Well water doesn't offend river water."

"Well, easy to say."

Simple and no gripping.

The matter came to an end for the time being, and as time went by, the group of people seemed to be getting more and more anxious. Although they hid it well, they were still easy to see, not to mention she released her little silver armor.

On the ninth day, under the slightly surprised eyes of the group of people, Jian Jian released his flying boat, left the small island, and disappeared in the vast sea after a while, until the five people's spiritual sense could no longer detect it.

"Finally left, otherwise we will attack her tonight, and she ran very fast."

It was still the male fairy with a more violent temper.

"Don't take it lightly, what if she goes and comes back?"

 Good evening, babies!Sorry for the late update today!The young couple upstairs woke me up at four o’clock in the morning listening to the slang, which caused me insomnia. I fell asleep at eight o’clock in the morning, and then I kept dreaming. I didn’t have a good rest. Upload as many chapters as you can code before [-] o'clock, thank you for your support!

  In addition, I would like to thank readers Poor Toad and Tangtang for their support along the way. They have been helping Fengling catch bugs, leaving messages, and voting for monthly and recommended tickets. I know that the two of you are also temporarily isolated. Please take care of your health and maintain an optimistic attitude. I believe that Will be fine!Comparing to you~
(End of this chapter)

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