Space Cultivation: Rebirth Against the Little Orphan Girl

Chapter 1517 The Night of the Full Moon

Chapter 1517 The Night of the Full Moon
After the five people determined that Jian Jian was leaving completely, they stopped pretending to go out to hunt sea beasts, but immediately started to set up the array on the small island.

"Senior Brother Yan, everything has been arranged. Even if that fairy comes back, we can't kill her, but we can trap her and never let her spoil our good deed."

It was still the hot-tempered male fairy who said.

"Okay, don't go out today, let's all take a rest, and we'll do it again when the moon is full tomorrow night."

"Yes, brother."

After everyone agreed, they went to rest and didn't mention it.

And all of this was gone back and forth, and Jian Jian, who was hidden by Marshmallow, saw clearly, and her previous speculation was confirmed. She was very curious about what these people were doing in ambush here.

"Have you returned to the Immortal Realm? The water-type immortal energy here is abundant."

Yanagawa, who had been silent all this time, suddenly transmitted a voice.

"It's really time for you to wake up. Is the promotion going well this time?"

He simply smiled and asked through voice transmission.

"Not bad, shouldn't you be in the battlefield right now? Why did you come back so soon? Have you been tricked again?"

Yanagawa's straightforward questioning made Jian Jian want to roll his eyes.

"It's clear to you that I really should be in the battlefield at this time, but because of what I did in the demon domain, the Zergs hated me, so as long as I appear on the battlefield, I will be taken care of, so that my companions around me will also take care of me." I was affected, so I simply sneaked into the Zerg's lair in the battlefield"

"Tsk tsk, you woman can really jump, I should have persuaded you when you were in the Demon Realm."

Yanagawa sighed.

"You're an afterthought!"

"Since you have sneaked into the Zerg's lair, you have to fight hard. Why were you forced to go back to the fairyland?"

Liu Chuan continued to ask.

"I know this, let me say it."

Zhima's timely vocalization is also due to him.

After Zhima finished talking about his master's great achievements, Liu Chuan had a deeper understanding of his master's ability to do things.

"I admire you!"

"Good to say."

Simple and humble.

"Then who are you now?"

"Since I'm back, let's practice for a while, and then return to Jane's house when I want to advance to the Nine Heavens Profound Realm. As for now, let's wait and see what these people are going to do?"

He simply tapped the five people on the small island with his chin.

"Okay, just say if you need help."

Because Liu Chuan strangled the blood-colored rose in Ten Thousand Flowers City and obtained the wood essence of the other party, it was not completely refined until not long ago, and only after waking up did he find that his master had changed the map again.

It is easy to feel that Liu Chuan's strength has increased after this small promotion, and it is estimated that she will be promoted to Luo Tianshangxian in a short time. With such a powerful plant pet, she is also under great pressure.

On the night of the full moon the next day, when the bright moon was in the sky, I simply closed my eyes and sank into the body of Marshmallow, basking in the moon, and heard the sound of waves and the movement of sea beasts floating out of the sea, and the sea at night was not calm. , even more dangerous than during the day.

Suddenly a melodious singing sound floated on the sea surface, slowly moving from far to near, Jian Jian immediately opened her eyes, she seemed to know what these people were going to do.

Accompanied by the singing and the sound of rolling waves, he simply and calmly poked out his consciousness, not getting close to the surface of the sea, and sure enough, he saw three mermen jumping out of the sea, chasing each other, and they rushed towards the little one at an extremely fast speed. Island tour.

At this time, the five people who were ambushing in the isolation formation also noticed the movement on the sea, and then saw three female mermaids jumping out of the sea, and then set foot on the small island, but the three of them realized something was wrong in the next moment. .

It's a pity that the five activated the array first, trapping the three mermen in the array and separating them.

"Senior brother Yan, we succeeded."

The little fairy said excitedly.

"Don't be too happy, this is the first step."

As soon as Senior Brother Yan's words fell, a high-pitched voice came out from one of the formations, which instantly shattered the formation disk, and the five of them immediately closed their five senses in discomfort.

The female mermaid who broke through the formation was the most cultivated among the three. At this moment, she was holding a dark spear in her hand. The younger shark was rescued.

The two mermans who were rescued had extremely ugly faces and jumped into the sea. The next moment, the fish tails shining with colorful phosphorescence slapped fiercely on the small island. The two mermen cooperated with each other and vowed to kill this little man The island sank.

And the older shark jumped into the sea and joined the ranks of destroying the island. This wave of operations caused the entire small island to fall apart. Just looking at it, it hurts for the small island. Who is to blame? who.

And the five people hiding on the small sea island were even more unlucky. The island was about to sink completely, and the array was destroyed accordingly, and they were completely exposed.

"Bold human race, why did you trespass on my South China Sea mermaid domain!"

The female mermaid's voice was so clear that it seemed that it had pierced the eardrums of the five people and passed them into their sea of ​​consciousness. Even if the five senses were blocked, it was useless.

As the person with the highest cultivation, Senior Brother Yan could only charge out with a sword, and fought with the female mermaid holding a spear.

The remaining four surrounded the other two female mermaids. For a while, the whole sea area was roiled with waves and sword lights overflowed. The fierce battle between the two sides made the sea beasts that came out to hunt a little ready to move. Unfortunately, the mermaids were hindered. They did not dare to step forward, but this did not prevent them from waiting to find the leak.

At this time, a tall merman phantom appeared on the surface of the sea, and a spear fell heavily, shooting Brother Yan into the sea, stirring up waves as high as Zhang Xu.

"Brother Yan!"

But in the next moment, the female mermaid's spear stuck into Senior Brother Yan's chest and picked her out from the bottom of the sea.

The remaining four worked together to trap another merman, who was tightly bound by a golden immortal rope, and each side had hostages in their hands.

The other merman who had escaped the catastrophe, a Shenshen got rid of the human fairy, came to his companion, with killing intent in his golden eyes, staring at the opposite side.

Brother Yan felt that his vitality was passing away, and wanted to mobilize the immortal energy, but unfortunately he failed. He raised his hand, as if he was asking for help from his companions, but the next moment, the four of them crushed a teleportation jade talisman, and disappeared in the female shark's eyes. in front of people.


A shrill voice came from the female shark's mouth, causing all the blood vessels in Senior Brother Yan's body to burst, and another weaker female shark directly inserted her sharp five fingers into Senior Brother Yan's dantian, completely destroying the opponent's cultivation.

Throwing away Senior Brother Yan, who was stuck in the muzzle of the gun, with only one breath left, the two female mermaids plunged into the sea, as if to pursue their captured companions.

The smell of blood excited the sea beast waiting to pick up the leak. After the two mermen left, the sea beast immediately surrounded Senior Brother Yan, and a new round of snatching immediately took place.

(End of this chapter)

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