Chapter 1518 Enabling Shark Beads
Jian Jian hid in the clouds and watched a big battle, and had a certain understanding of the fighting power of the mermaids.

The mermaids are good at the laws of the water system, and their bodies are also very strong, especially the fish tail, which is very beautiful despite the sparkling light, but its attack power is not weak, especially when the three mermaids destroyed a small island just now. sunk.

In addition to the charming singing voice that can drag people into the illusion, the high-frequency sound wave attack is also a characteristic of the mermen, which can directly attack people's sea of ​​consciousness. Just now, even though the five senses were closed, the five people were still hit.

Finally, the weapon in the hands of the most powerful merman seems to be a simple and unseen refining material, which can arouse the power of the law of the water system and increase the attack power.

At this time, Senior Brother Yan had already been eaten by sea beasts, and Jian Jian didn't help. Since they dared to set up an array to catch the mermaid, they had to bear the result of being killed after failing, and he was abandoned by his companions.

If those four people used the shark in their hands as a bargaining chip to exchange for the seriously injured Senior Brother Yan, he would not have no chance of surviving. Unfortunately, he chose the wrong partner, and he took on the pressure alone. He made a wedding dress for others, and finally paid for it own life.

"Master, there seems to be something under this ruined island."

Sesame suddenly sent a voice transmission.

"what have you found?"

Jian Jian didn't check it immediately, the sea area below was bloody, the sea beasts snatched and devoured Senior Brother Yan's body, and now they fought into a ball again, she didn't want to be the target of the sea beast group's attack, so she didn't show her consciousness.

"Master, master, it seems to be a fairy crystal vein!!"

Zhima was so excited that an earth dragon turned over on the simple earlobe.

She raised her brows after listening briefly, what kind of luck is Zhima, she stayed on this island for more than [-] days before, but she didn't find any traces of the fairy crystal veins, why did she find it after the island was destroyed?

"Master, master, let's go down and have a look, what if we are discovered by other sea beasts?"

Sesame kept urging.

"Don't worry, I guess there are mineral veins here, the three mermaids should know about it, maybe they discovered it, that's why they came to the island to investigate, but they were spotted by the previous five people, so they set up an formation Want to catch them."

Simply appease Zhimadao.

"Then what if they didn't find out?"

Sesame asked a little unwillingly.

"Do you think that a small island with nothing on it can attract three merman's frequent visits, and then be noticed by human immortals? That merman also said just now that this is the sea area of ​​their merman clan. Those five people are intruder.

The five people said before that this is the deep sea of ​​the South China Sea, and they were very wary of me, probably because they were afraid that I would snatch the merman with them. "

Simply connect the front and rear things, and you will have a rough guess.

"Master, let's go and have a look before they come back! Zhima finally found a fairy crystal vein, you said, if I really find it, you will dig it for me!"

Zhima's body was twisted into twists, and she began to act coquettishly and cutely, adding a profit offensive:

"The sesame seed belongs to the master, and half of this fairy crystal vein belongs to the master."

"All right! Go down and have a look, but with a little disguise."

Simple is more cautious. After all, this is the territory of the mermaids. If you meet those three female mermaids, you will have to spend a lot of effort.

The cultivation bases of the previous five people are all in the Da Luo Jinxian's first stage to the later stage, and their cultivation bases are not bad. Among the three mermaids, the strongest one has almost reached the Da Luo Jinxian's emerald state, and the other two are relatively weak. There is also Da Luo Jinxian's initial stage, the overall strength is weaker than the five people, the five people came prepared, but they underestimated the combat power of the mermaids.

Small boxes within a simple communication space:

"Little box, is that shark bead completely purified?"

The small box for resting on the ancient shelf received a simple voice transmission and immediately replied:

"Fairy Jian, the remnant soul inside has been purified long ago, so you can use it with confidence."

"Okay, leave it to me now, I'm useful."

"it is good!"

Immediately after the lid of the small box was opened, a white shark bead the size of a longan floated out of the box and was simply caught in the hand.

Because of the dissipation of Anna's soul, the shark's inner alchemy that was once the size of an egg has become the size of a longan, but the power contained in the shark bead is simple and satisfying.

Immediately, she stroked her cheek lightly, and a beautiful and pure face appeared, and then she touched her black hair, which turned golden from the end to the root, and she Blinking again, the blue color of the Eudemon's eyes dazzled the eyeballs, turning them into blue eyes.

If Tianhong was there at this time, he would have recognized it at a glance. This face was the female mermaid Anna who appeared in the ice field and was locked in a crystal cage.

After making sure that the camouflage would not be broken, he simply slapped the shark bead into his chest, completely covering up his human fairy aura.

Liu Chuan was still a little uncomfortable, and after simply jumping into the sea, activating the merman scale, and turning into a colorful fish tail, he directly turned into a willow crown and put it on his master's head, while cotton The sugar turned into a small cloud and stuck to the other earlobe of the owner.

The instant they surfaced, the shark breath was released, and those sea beasts turned into birds and beasts and scattered, leaving the sea area.

"Master, your camouflage was very successful, those sea beasts all ran away."

Sesame is the happiest.

He simply stroked his golden hair, then swung his tail, sneaked under the island, and followed Zhima's guidance to find the fairy crystal vein.

On the other side, the female mermaid brought her companions, and finally blocked each other when the four were about to leave the mermaid territory.

What the four of them crushed was the non-directional teleportation talisman. Although they temporarily left the vicinity of the small island, they did not completely leave the territory of the merman. In addition, the female merman caught by them lost the power to resist, but However, she kept sending out super high sound waves to contact her own clansmen, and was eventually caught up by the female shark.

The female mermaid didn't hesitate at all, and immediately launched an attack, while the remaining four obviously didn't want to resist, just wanted to run away, and immediately lost the wind.

The fighting here naturally also attracted human immortals. Seeing the appearance of three mermaids, some people began to be tempted. Unfortunately, the female mermaid was very sturdy, and she directly moved "big waves to the sky", mobilizing the water system. The law separates the sea area belonging to the mermaids from the adjacent areas of the human race domain.

Then, under the eyes of everyone, with two enemies and four, after seriously injuring two people, he snatched back the captured female mermaid, and before he felt the power of the human race came, he directly submerged into the sea, flicked the fish tail, and disappeared instantly. without a trace.

"Captain, it's too bad, they are so despicable, they actually took away Lucy's shark bead, what should I do?"

The female mermaid, who was protecting her companion and escaping, noticed something abnormal in Lucy in her arms, and immediately told the captain Nancy who was leading the way ahead.

 My dears, I'm sorry, there are only three chapters today. After reading it, everyone should go to bed early. Fengling has a severe headache, so she should go to bed early, and the update will continue tomorrow!Good night!

(End of this chapter)

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