Chapter 1520 Dilemma
Looking at the surprised expression of the other party, he simply stroked his blond hair and asked with a smile:

"I remember that Nanhai and Bibohai have been friends for generations. Don't you Nanhai welcome the mermaids from Bibohai?"

"Miss Anna is worrying too much. It's just that you are a mermaid royal family. Since you came to our South China Sea, why don't you go directly to the Crystal Palace?"

Nancy continued asking.

Simply pretending to be guilty for a moment, his eyes were a little erratic, and then he said:
"Hey, this time I came out to experience alone, and I just arrived in the South China Sea, and I haven't had time to visit the Shark King. I hope you don't reveal my whereabouts for the time being."

After hearing this, Nancy immediately guessed that the little princess ran out privately, so there were no guards around her, and she didn't take the initiative to find their Crystal Palace in the South China Sea.

But her frown became tighter. Although she didn't know why Anna chose to come to the South China Sea and what her purpose was, if the other party had a problem in their South China Sea, it would definitely attract complaints from the Western Immortal Blue Wave Sea.

"Okay! Don't frown, let me tell you the truth, I sneaked out by myself. I have already avoided you, why do you still attack my array?"

Asked simply pretending to be impatient.

The simple words that looked like a broken jar further confirmed Nancy's guess. She was also a little bit big-headed, and now she wanted to pretend that she didn't see the other party.

"Okay, I can let go of my appearance here, your companion seems to be unable to hold on anymore, come in first!"

He simply waved his hand and said.

She pretended to be out for practice for the first time, and invited the three of them into the array unpreparedly, maybe it was because of the boldness of the skilled people, in short, it was very straightforward.

"team leader."

Lucy called out in a low voice.

The Anna on the opposite side was right. The scales on Lucy's body had already begun to fall off. If she didn't send energy, she would degenerate even faster.

"Go ahead."

Nancy finally nodded, and led two men into the trench.

Simply sitting on a raised rock in the trench, looked at the merman who had lost consciousness, and asked directly:
"What's up with her?"

"Her shark bead was taken away by the human race."

Lucy replied with a worried face.

"Tsk, why are you so careless?"

He simply frowned his pretty brows, then pretended to touch his ears, but actually took out a white shell from the space.

This shell was given to herself by the Anthonys as a thank you when she helped Neil clear his congenitally weak meridians when she was exploring in a corner of the falling fairyland, and now it has become her cover.

Simply touch the two palm-sized shells lightly, and the shells will open automatically. Inside are the sea beads that I picked out for myself after giving them away, and there is a black bead with strong vitality.

Simply take out the bead and push it in front of Nancy:
"This bead can temporarily maintain her vitality, and the rest is up to you to figure out your own way. After all, this is your territory."

Nancy froze for a moment, then raised her hand to take the black sea bead. The moment she took it, she was sure that it was a sea bead from the blue sea, and it was full of vitality. It could indeed save Lucy, and she was not hypocritical. , and patted this sea pearl into Lucy's chest.

As the sea pearl entered her body, Lucy's degenerated tail finally stopped. After being nourished by the vitality beads for a while, Lucy's aura also stabilized, and she was temporarily out of danger.

Lucy wept with joy, the tears in the corners of her eyes turned into white pearls, drifting towards Jian Jian, and she put them away as a souvenir.

"Thank you Princess Anna, Lucy is grateful!"

Lucy also clenched her fist with her right hand and put it lightly on her left chest, thanking her with a simple and solemn salute.

"It's okay to be grateful, as long as you don't reveal my whereabouts, it's considered a reward for me."

Simply put.

She found that these mermaids spoke directly and could not be too tactful, so she directly made her request.

Nancy was in a bit of a dilemma. They couldn't hide this kind of thing. After all, this place was under their inspection scope, so they couldn't really pretend they didn't know.

"You'd better take her back to the clan. My sea pearl won't last long. When you come back, I won't be here anymore. As long as you don't deliberately publicize it."

Simply offer a conscience suggestion.

"Princess Anna, where are you going next?"

Nancy asked anyway.

"I just came out to relax. After playing enough, I will leave here and won't go deep into the South China Sea, so you don't have to worry."

Simply speak immediately to dispel the other party's concerns.

It's a pity that Nancy is not so easy to fool, but the top priority now is to save her subordinates. She knew that Princess Anna would not truthfully inform her whereabouts, so she simply took Lucy and Lucy to leave.

But after the formation, Nancy took out a South Sea pearl the size of a longan, sent a message, and quickly returned to the clan with two subordinates.

Jian Jian immediately contacted Zhima after confirming that the three mermen had left:

"How's the investigation going? I managed to send the three mermen away. It is estimated that the mermen from the South China Sea will come later. We need to fight quickly."

"Master, the ore vein we discovered is a branch, only five miles long, and a section is disconnected, but the main ore vein is three times as long as this one, and it is worth staying here to mine."

This was discovered by Zhima with the fastest speed. After finally waiting for the owner to ask, he immediately explained the situation, and the excitement could not be concealed in his tone.

"Sesame, I'm afraid there is some trouble."

It's so simple and helpless, just sent away three mermen, why did a team of mermen appear again, and they were all male mermen, with platinum hair color, vigorous momentum, and consistent actions, they looked like Senior Guard.

"Master, what's the matter?"

Zhima had already drilled back at this time, just in time to see his master's frowning.

"There is another team coming, you come back first!"

Simple helpless sigh.

With a flick of the sesame tail, it returned to the owner's earlobe.

After simply covering the entrance of the fairy crystal vein with a formation, he opened the isolation formation and looked at the nine-member team on the opposite side.

Captain Nan Feng swung his fishtail and came to Jian Jian, clenched his fist with his left hand, stroked his right chest and gave a salute, and a pleasant magnetic voice sounded:

"Princess Anna is welcome to visit the South China Sea. I am Nan Feng, Nancy's elder brother. I will escort the princess to the Crystal Palace."

"I gave her a sea pearl and asked her to help her companion, but she betrayed my whereabouts no matter how she turned around!"

The simple tone is very bad, the ghost wants to be a guest at the Crystal Palace!What if the vest falls off?
The handsome Nan Feng had a surprisingly simple attitude, and still said politely:

"Please forgive me, Your Highness. Because of your special royal status, if you encounter danger in the South China Sea, it will be our fault."

The translation is: I must guarantee your safety, so you must go with us, unless you leave the South China Sea.

(End of this chapter)

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