Chapter 1521 Old things

Simply snorted softly, and then his blue eyes flickered, ready to pull Nan Feng and the others opposite into the illusion.

"Princess Anna, I advise you not to use the charm technique on me. If I can't invite you to the Crystal Palace, the Shark King will contact the Shark King Anthony of Bibohai, and he will naturally send someone to pick you up."

Nan Feng said politely.

The implication is: If you confuse us and run away, we will report your whereabouts and actions back to Bibohai, and then people from Bibohai will come to take you back.

This is an aboveboard threat, but Jian Jian has to compromise. Although he now knows that the Shark King of Bibohai is Anthony, it is not yet possible to confirm whether it is the Anthony family that he has helped.

Furthermore, if they really contact Bibohai and know that there is no such person as Anna in their royal family, if she loses her little vest, she will definitely be considered a spy, and it will be more troublesome to leave here at that time.

"Master, there is also the fairy crystal vein! Isn't this a ready-made excuse for us to go deep into the South China Sea to investigate?"

Zhima whispered through the sound transmission, still thinking about the fairy crystal vein he discovered.

Jian Jian squinted his eyes, then hooked his lips into a smile, and looked at Nan Feng with his blue eyes:

"I've grown up so much, you are the first mermaid who dares to threaten me like this, you are very brave, then I will allow you to be my guard temporarily."

Simply and arrogantly said, after all, it is the royal family, so the character design must be able to stand up.

Nan Feng secretly breathed a sigh of relief. He knew that what he said just now would easily annoy Princess Anna, but for Nancy's sake, he had to do so.

"Thank you Princess Anna for your appreciation, this way please!"

Nan Feng didn't talk too much, and immediately prepared to take Jian Jian out of here.

After all, this place is the depths of the South China Sea for the human race, but for the mermaids, this place can only be the periphery of the clan land, and there is still danger.

This time, he simply didn't refuse, he had to hold on to each other no matter what, and then he swung his shimmering tail and came to Nan Feng's side. The remaining eight mermen separated very consciously, surrounded the two of them, and then turned to Nan Feng. Swim deeper in the South China Sea.

"Nanfeng, this is my first time in the South China Sea. Let me introduce you to the special scenery here. I can't come here for nothing. If there are special products, I want to take some back."

Simply travel and talk.

Her speed wasn't fast, but it wasn't slow either, and she released her consciousness in an upright mood, looking around at the scenery in the depths of the South China Sea.


Nan Feng was very knowledgeable and interesting, and introduced all kinds of wonders in the mermaid domain of the South China Sea. If it was simple and interesting, he would talk more, and if the other party was not interested, he would just pass it by.

After officially stepping into the central area of ​​the mermen, Nan Feng obviously relaxed a bit. After all, there are much fewer uncontrollable dangers in the central area.

Jian Jian stopped in front of a tall merman statue. The 50-meter-high statue was black, and its material was somewhat similar to the spear in Nancy's hand. This merman had a resolute face and held a trident in his hand, like a guardian Like a god, it stands here.

"This is Arthur, the shark king of our South China Sea shark clan."

Having already entered the central territory of the mermaid, Nan Feng didn't urge Jianjian. Seeing that she was interested in this mermaid statue, he took the initiative to explain it.

Hearing this familiar name, simple eyes flickered, and then asked:
"The statue of the Shark King can stand here, has he made any contribution to the Shark Clan?"

"50,000 years ago, Shark King Arthur ended the civil strife of the South China Sea Merman clan and unified the South China Sea Merman. That's why his statue can stand here."

Nan Feng explained with a smile.

"I wasn't even born 50,000 years ago!"

A simple sentence of emotion, and then asked:

"The internal turmoil among the sharks in the South China Sea is due to the emergence of several candidates who are capable of competing for the position of the shark king?"

"No, Arthur was already the shark king at that time. There was a female shark who bewitched Arthur's brother and wanted to replace him. She caused trouble in the South China Sea, and even killed Arthur's queen and child, and was finally killed by the angry Arthur shark. The king was all killed."

"Female mermaid? Is she very strong?"

Jian Jian had a vague guess, so he continued to ask.

"She is known as the number one beauty of the merman family. She used her beauty and charm to confuse Arthur's brothers, and let these powerful merman escort her, so that she could compete with Arthur, and finally Still got caught."

"So that's how it is. Since she is the number one beauty, do you know her name?"

Simply blinking his blue eyes, he asked with a smile.

There was a moment of unnaturalness on Nan Feng's face, and then he coughed lightly and said:

"Coincidentally, that female mermaid is also named Anna."


On the simple face, she pretended to be very surprised, but in fact she was quite certain in her heart that this Anna was the mermaid she was locked up in the Crystal Palace in the secret realm of the ice field. She also kept saying that she was Arthur's lover, and Arthur wanted to protect her. Only sent her away.

It turns out that she and Arthur are mortal enemies. Let her speculate that, as the number one beauty of the merman tribe, she naturally thinks that only the merman king can match her. So, her wish came true.

Maybe she also used the charm technique to seduce the shark king, but unfortunately failed, so she became angry and went directly to Arthur's brothers, letting these sharks stand out for her, disrupting the entire South China Sea.

It is estimated that she used these mermen to get rid of Arthur's queen and child. She thought that she would have a chance, but it was a pity that Arthur hated her to death.

After getting rid of Anna's servants, she was arrested, and even to torture her, she didn't kill her, and directly sealed her body, soul, and inner alchemy separately, and then threw them into the secret realm of the ice field. This is Arthur revenge.

Only Arthur and Anna know the truth of the facts, but Jian Jian may not have imagined that the truth is very close to what she imagined.

In the subsequent trip to the Crystal Palace, further confirmation was obtained, and by the way, the part she had not guessed was completed.

At this time, Jian Jian looked at the statue in front of him, stroked the shark bead on his chest, smiled, and asked Nan Feng:
"Then you say I'm pretty, or that Anna is pretty?"

"Hey, in my eyes, Her Highness Anna is already extremely beautiful. As for that Anna, I have never seen it before."

Nan Feng's answer was quite satisfactory.

"Nan Feng, you're back."

At this moment, a female mermaid with a red tail swam over, she only had Nan Feng in her eyes, and after getting a response from the other party, she realized that it was simple.

After the red-tailed shark's eyes swept across the simple face, he immediately became vigilant, saluted respectfully, and said:

"Hongluan has met His Highness."

 Good evening, babies!I was hungry just now, so I ordered a pack of instant noodles. After eating, I continued to code. There is another chapter before twelve o'clock, so stay tuned!

(End of this chapter)

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