Chapter 1528 Asking for Remuneration
Sasha also felt the tense atmosphere between the Shark King and Anna, especially when the Shark King directly locked on Anna, and she couldn't intervene for a while, so she could only sit quietly and watch the changes.

Simply raised his hand and caressed his fair cheeks, showing a charming smile, and politely asked Yadi:
"Your Majesty the Shark King, have you ever seen this face before?"

After listening to the simple question, Yadi was even more sure that the other party was not that Anna.

"Yes, when King Arthur Shark was in power, I was just a newborn little shark, but I will never forget this face."

In one sentence, it is clear why he is so wary of simplicity.

"I didn't expect that after so long, someone would still recognize this face."

Simply hooking her lips into a smile, and then stroking her chest, the shark bead that once belonged to Anna floated out of her chest, and she held it in her hand.

Now she doesn't need to explain, Yadi and Sasha both know the reason for the impeccable disguise of Anna in front of her.

With a slight movement of consciousness, he put away his fish tail, and sat down on the crystal seat opposite Sasha very consciously.

In the process of walking, the blond hair turned into black hair, and the azure eyes turned into black. In the end, he simply stroked his cheek, and changed back to Zi Yan's gorgeous face.

"Your Majesty Yadi, Saintess Sasha, I am a human fairy. I hid in the South China Sea to avoid my enemies. To protect myself, I used the shark pearls I got by chance as a disguise. However, I did not make any damage. Anything about the human race, on the contrary, I also strangled all the Zerg in the noble cemetery."

After confirming that the other party was not the real Anna, the Shark King relaxed a lot. After all, that Anna's charm technique had reached its peak, and even caused a civil war among the Merman clan. He didn't want to be the second Arthur.

Now that the vest has been dropped, it is simple and not pretentious, so I roughly narrated how I obtained the Anna Shark Pearl.

Of course, she cleverly avoided the matter of the fairy crystal vein provided by the imprisoned Anna, and the fact that she let the small box grind away the spirit of the other party.

"That's what happened, but I'm sure that Anna must have lied when she said that Arthur was her lover. After all, no one would separate and seal his lover's body, inner alchemy and spirit, and imprison him in fifty thousand years. In a secret realm that was only opened once."

Simply said with a smile.

Sasha coughed lightly, and then said:

"It's been a long time ago, but as far as I know, Arthur and Anna used to be lovers, but because Arthur didn't have the qualifications to inherit the Shark King, Anna finally gave up.

Arthur, who was abandoned, was very painful for a time, so he went to the human race to practice. Unexpectedly, he entered the ice field by chance, met his own opportunity, improved his aptitude, and practiced faster than his brothers. Finally, he passed the competition. Became the new Shark King. "

The following plot is more clichéd. When Anna learns that Arthur, who was abandoned by herself, has become the new Shark King, she is a little unwilling and wants to win Arthur's love again.

It's a pity that Arthur at this time, after experiencing the experience of the human race, has seen through the essence of Anna. In addition, he has also met his true love and conceived offspring, so he didn't pay attention to Anna at all, and never gave her love. Opportunities close to yourself.

From love to hatred, Anna used her charm technique to make Arthur's brothers her subordinates, and then instigated these people to seize the throne.

This matter was in the hands of the Arthur brothers. After all, they were one step away from the throne, because Arthur's killing halfway made them miss the throne. At this time, they had a good excuse. It was Anna's charm. Controlling and uniting against Arthur caused turmoil within the entire Merman clan.

Anna took advantage of the struggle between the two sides to trap and kill Arthur's lover and children with the help of Arthur's brothers. This time, he really touched Arthur's back scales, and he no longer tolerated his brothers.

Arthur, who was furious, almost overturned the entire South China Sea, finally killed those brothers who opposed him, finally captured Anna, and claimed to have killed Anna to avenge his lover and child.

But now it seems that he used a crueler method to let Anna die in despair day after day. How much he loved her before, and how much he hated her later. This is Arthur's revenge on her.

The truth of the matter is only known to the two parties, Arthur and Anna, so it is simply to satisfy my curiosity as a melon eater.

"Your Majesty Shark King, maybe we can talk now about my reward for helping the nobles exterminate the Zerg Race."

Simply satisfying my heart of gossip, I mentioned the business.

"Shasa said you don't want shark beads, what do you want?"

Shark King was not angry, and asked directly.

"Your Majesty the Shark King, please allow me to stay in the South China Sea for a while. I will get some corresponding rewards in the sea. Don't worry, I am not a greedy person. I will leave after I get enough rewards."

"Okay, Nan Feng will continue to be your bodyguard during this period, accompanying you to walk in the South China Sea."

King Yadi Shark agreed very simply, after all some favors should not be delayed for too long.

Jian Jian got up immediately and bowed respectfully:
"Thank you, Your Majesty the Shark King. In order not to cause too much trouble, please allow me to continue playing Anna during this period."

Simple, courteous and courteous to ask for Shark King's consent.


The Shark King agreed without hesitation. After all, the same clan solved the troubles of the Shark clan, so it would be better to say it.

After the negotiation was reached, she simply put the shark bead back into her chest, and transformed back into the glamorous and glamorous shark royal Anna.

Sasha left the Crystal Palace with simplicity, and Nan Feng also received a new task. He cupped his hands and said:

"His Royal Highness Anna, I have received an order to escort you to search for resources in the South China Sea to ensure your safety."

"Yes, His Majesty Yadi is kind enough to let me find some resources to bring back to the clan, which can be regarded as indirectly helping our Bibohai to fight against sea beasts."

Simply said with a smile.

Nan Feng and the others' cultivation bases are similar to Jian Jian's, and they have all stepped into the Great Luo Jin Wonderland. If you insist on protection, it's barely enough, but in fact, it's more appropriate to say that surveillance is more appropriate. After all, if she hugs resources too hard, at least they can stop them.

I don't mind being simple. After all, it's Sesame that will actually make the move. She just needs to cover well. On the surface, she won't do anything. She can't be too greedy. She still has this principle.

Afterwards, she took Nan Feng, a nine-member team, and began to wander in the South China Sea. Zhima really worked hard for the fairy crystal vein this time. When she found a place, she was simply released. intra-abdominal space.

"I promise you, I will dig it for you when you find the celestial crystal veins, but now I am also under the surveillance of the sharks, so you can only come by yourself, but as much as you can swallow, it is your own ration for advancement , I will not ask you for a fairy crystal."

(End of this chapter)

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