Chapter 1529

After hearing what his master said, Zhima was very happy in his heart. He felt that he was too discerning. With such a generous master, he never squeezed himself and risked losing his vest to find cultivation resources for himself. Immortal Crystal Mine, but he will also set aside a portion to honor his master.

In this way, one person and one Gu cooperate tacitly, wandering around the South China Sea, and when the sesame devours the fairy crystal mine, simply find a place nearby to rest for a while, sometimes on a small island, sometimes on an oasis, Sometimes when there's nowhere nearby, she just releases a ship.

It was the night of the full moon, Sesame was still working hard to devour the fairy crystals, simply surfaced directly on the surface of the sea, jumped onto a black reef, dried his fish tail, and then prepared to sing, after all, the throat of the mermaid It is a gift from God.

The simple understanding is very straightforward, as long as the five tones are complete, and then add the power of immortality to diffuse the sound and resonate, it is successful, so she plans to give it a try.

Clearing her throat, she simply sang a piece of "Blue Sea Tide Birth Song". As her clear voice spread, the previously calm sea slowly began to ripple, and then turned into colliding waves. In the end, it directly turned into a wave of Zhang Gao.

Simply closing her eyes, as she sang, she felt that she was getting better and better. With the infusion of her own immortal power, the singing spread farther and farther, and the range affected by the waves became wider and wider.

The faces of Nan Feng and other guards became very nervous. Such a large-scale sonic attack could easily cause sea beasts to attack. They didn't know whether they should stop Miss Anna.

In the end, Nan Feng gritted his teeth and stepped forward, shooting a water arrow towards Jian Jian.

Simply flicking the tail of the fish subconsciously, blocked the attack, and opened her eyes. The azure eyes stared straight at Nan Feng, waiting for him to give a reasonable explanation. After all, she had already entered a kind of epiphany just now. In such a state, it seems that one breath can control the entire South China Sea.

"Miss Anna, the song you sang is too aggressive, and the sea area it affects is getting bigger and bigger, which will attract sea beasts to attack."

Nan Feng bit the bullet and explained.

At this time, Jian Jian also suppressed the coldness in her eyes, and her consciousness was released. Sure enough, as her singing stopped, the sea surface also returned to calm, and those restless sea beasts under the sea surface were still swimming, as if they were affected by it. Despite the threat, he has not completely calmed down.

"Sorry, I was reckless. I forgot that this is the South China Sea. I thought it was still in the Bibo Sea."

Jian Jian immediately found a step down for himself.

"His Royal Highness Anna, please forgive us for interrupting us rashly."

"You are not wrong."

Simply smiling and waving her hands, she suddenly paused her hand and turned her gaze to the sea. Within the scope of her consciousness, a group of mermaids were rapidly approaching in their direction.

A quarter of an hour later, Nan Feng also found another group of mermen, and immediately surrounded Jian Jian, holding the weapons in his hand, waiting for the arrival of the other party.

Because the merman team didn't contact them in advance, it was obvious that the other party was not the merman team they were familiar with. That's why they were so vigilant. After all, Her Highness Anna was with them now.

"Sesame, are you okay? There seems to be something wrong with me, come back quickly."

Simply blinking her blue eyes, she secretly sent a voice transmission to Zhima.

"Almost, I'll be back now."

Although Zhima likes Immortal Crystal, he definitely knows the priority. As soon as the master called, he immediately gave up the remaining half of the ore vein and returned as quickly as possible.

Because Jian Jian was still sitting on the reef and did not enter the sea, the team of merman approached and surfaced, and the leader of the other party was a very young male merman with blond hair and blue eyes, who had pure royal blood. .

Simply looking at the merman out of the water, he frowned and thought for a while, then tentatively called out:

The leading merman was also obviously surprised that this noble female merman actually knew him, and the other party's next sentence confirmed his guess.

"Isn't you in the blue sea? Why did you come to the South China Sea? You lost the war with the sea beast?"

Nan Feng looked at the strange merman on the opposite side, but did not interrupt. Hearing His Royal Highness Anna's tone, the other party was from Bibohai, from the same place as Anna, and the other party was also from the merman royal family. Obviously, the two knew each other.

Under the triple question from the other party, Neil was sure that the other party knew him, so he replied subconsciously:
"The battle between the Bibo Sea Merman and the sea beast is not over. I was ordered to come to the South China Sea to seek support. I didn't expect to meet you here. This is also the first time I have come to the South China Sea. I followed the song to find it."

Neil's answer fell into Nan Feng's ears, that this group of mermen from the Blue Wave Sea came to the South China Sea for help, and after entering the sea, they followed the singing of His Royal Highness Anna, who was from the same family, to find them, and confirmed that the two of them knew each other.

It can only be said that this is a beautiful misunderstanding, but it made Jian Jian keep his little vest in front of Nan Feng and others.

Simply caressing his forehead, he said to Nan Feng beside him:

"I don't know they will come. I'm not sure if they are here to look for me. Don't go there yet."

Nan Feng nodded. In front of outsiders like them, the other party probably wouldn't tell the truth.

Simply swinging the tail of the fish, he jumped into the sea, and with a single movement, he came to Neil, surrounded by those mermen on the opposite side.

"Neil, long time no see! It seems that Anthony and Fanny successfully brought you back to the blue sea."

When Neil heard the familiar voice again, he was still full of doubts, because he had never seen him before.

Simple and helpless, who made this child weak and young at that time, she opened the water boundary, surrounded the two of them, and then stroked her cheek, turning into the face when she first met in the corner of the fairy world, and popped out a drop of water The water droplets condensed by Xian Yuanli came to Neil.

"Don't you remember who I am?"

Neil raised his hand to catch the drop of water, and the familiar water-type immortal energy entered the meridians without any repulsion. He was finally sure that the person in front of him was the benefactor who sorted out his meridians when he was a child and let him return to the fairyland sea.

"Fairy, you have already ascended? Why are you in the South China Sea? Why did you become a mermaid again?"

Neil confirmed his simple identity, but he was a little less defensive, and he also asked a triple question.

"Remember, my current identity is Anna of the Bibo Sea Merman Clan. We will discuss the rest later. Tell your subordinates not to attack my realm now."

Jian Jian restored Anna's appearance again, and said with a smile.

Immediately, he raised his hand and closed the realm. Neil's guards immediately surrounded him and looked at Jian Jian with hostile eyes. If it wasn't for Jian Jian's obvious royal features, they probably would have made a move a long time ago.

"Don't be rude, this is our Highness Anna from Bibohai, we are lucky to meet her this time."

Neil said majesticly, dispelling the guard's doubts for the time being.

 Babies, today is the fourth update, this is the last chapter, there are some texts in the past two days, and the map will be changed in two more chapters, so stay tuned!

  It's the end of the month, and we have to sprint. All the monthly tickets you save can be voted for Fengling, so that Fengling can also grow fat, thank you! (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~

(End of this chapter)

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