Chapter 1530 Wonderful
After listening briefly, she pursed her lips and smiled. Little Neil had grown up, and then she said to Nan Feng:
"Nan Feng, temporarily rest on this island for a day. I will take Neil to meet His Majesty the Shark King tomorrow. You can pass on the news of their coming to the South China Sea."

"Okay, Your Highness Anna."

Nan Feng also breathed a sigh of relief. After all, it was a foreigner who entered the South China Sea. Although he is also a mermaid, as the captain of the guard, he is obliged to pass the news back to the clan. His Highness Anna ordered this to prevent him from embarrassing him. He naturally understood .

Neil was also surprised to see that Jian Jian was able to order the merman guards in the South China Sea. Surprise also appeared on his delicate face. After seeing Jian Jian, he explained with a smile:
"I did them a great favor. Out of gratitude, they arranged for guards to ensure my safety during my stay in the South China Sea."

Neil nodded, but did not continue to ask, the timing is not right now.

Nan Feng's efficiency was very high, the news had already been sent back through the messenger beads he carried with him, and the Merman who sent out to find the island also replied, there is a small island a hundred miles away from here.

Afterwards, the two teams merged into one team, with Nan Feng leading the way, Jian Jian and Neil in the middle, and Neil's guards at the rear, and quickly swam to the island.

As expected of the king of the sea, the merman arrived on the island after a quarter of an hour. Nan Feng and Nier's guard captain, Ni Kun, sent people to check the island. After confirming that there was no threat, they let them go on the island.

On the island, Neil casually released a shell hut and invited Jian Jian to go in and talk in detail. Nan Feng was also very tactful and didn't follow in. Instead, he guarded the door of the hut.

Captain Ni Kun wanted to follow up, but Neil stopped him, which made him frown, but he still didn't disobey his prince's order.

After entering the shell hut, Neil dropped the restraint and the soundproof cover, and gave Jian Jian to the main seat. Jian Jian was not pretentious, and after sitting down, he smiled and said:

"After so many years, I never expected to meet you in the fairy world. You were only a hundred years old when we first met, and you were very weak."

"Neil remembers that if it wasn't for the fairy to sort out the meridians in my whole body, I wouldn't even be able to go back to the blue sea through the gate of time and space."

Neil smiled shyly as he spoke, and he had the cute appearance he had when he was a child.

"When did the fairy ascend? How long have you been in the fairyland? Why didn't you go to Bibohai to find us?"

"It has been nearly two thousand years since I ascended to the fairyland. The place where I ascended is in the Western Immortal Realm. I originally wanted to go to Bibohai to experience some experience, but a little accident happened, so I had to escape from the Western Immortal Realm temporarily. After going to the Eastern Immortal Territory, and then to the Northern Immortal Territory, it was also an accident that I was able to come to the South Sea in the Southern Immortal Territory this time."

Simple and helpless to explain.

After finishing speaking, Jian Jian thought about it for herself. Since she ascended, she has never been idle, and she was quite clean for a while when she was retreating in the clear water rain forest and the magic domain. , never stopped.

"The fairy's disguise was very successful. If it wasn't for you showing her true face and the familiar immortal power, I'm afraid I wouldn't even be able to recognize her."

"I was able to pretend so successfully, and I would also like to thank your parents for giving me the shark scales and a shark bead I got by accident. I don't know if they are okay now? After you left the corner of the fallen fairyland, you returned to the blue sea Is it going well?"

"Both my parents are fine. At the beginning, because my body recovered and I could withstand the power of the time-space gate, my parents protected me and returned to Bibohai. At that time, the battle for the shark king in Bibohai also came to an end. It can be regarded as a loss for both sides, but let me The father picked up the off-the-shelf and became the new Shark King.

And because there is me as the heir, there will be no fights among the sharks because of the next shark king, so the father's position as the shark king is relatively stable.

After that, my parents focused on strengthening my training. Until not long ago, the sea beasts in the Bibohai seemed to be crazy and started to attack the mermaids frequently.

The conflict between the two sides continued to escalate. In the end, the Shark King had to lead the Sharks to fight those sea beasts. The battle did not end for a while. My mother was worried about me, so she sent me to the South China Sea under the pretext of asking me for help. "

Speaking of this, Neil's blue eyes also revealed a look of worry.

"Just you people, how did you get here?"

Simply divert the other party's attention and raise your own doubts.

"We still have people on the pier in the South China Sea, where there is a spaceship of our Bibohai, we took the spaceship to get here, because we asked to see the South China Sea Shark King, too many people entering the South China Sea will cause unnecessary troubles, So I just brought a group of people into the South China Sea.

It's just that I'm not familiar with the waters of the South China Sea, so I wasted time. I happened to hear the fairy's singing, and we followed the singing to find it. We didn't expect to meet my benefactor. "

"I just sang and sang, which is also a part of music training."

He simply hooked his lips into a smile.

"In a hurry just now, the fairy said that your disguised identity here is Anna, did it come from our Bibohai?"

"Well, I fell here in a hurry. I didn't want to interact with the sharks here, but I didn't expect to be discovered by them. I didn't want to conflict with them, so I pretended to be the royal family of Bibohai, and left Bibohai to go out for training without any intention. Came to the South China Sea in time.

But because the Anna I pretended to be is a famous person in the South China Sea, currently only Yadi Shark King and Sasha Saintess know my identity as a human fairy, so in front of other mermen, you still have to give me a little something Seriously, don't let me reveal my secrets, I have only enjoyed the royal treatment for a few days. "

Simply speaking, he blinked his blue eyes and smiled slyly.

"Okay, Neil understands!"

Neil nodded without any hesitation.

"Then I will meet the Shark King next time. Are you asking for help? What if the Shark King disagrees?"

Simple question to the point.

"If Yadi Shark King disagrees, I will return to Bibohai as soon as possible, and I can't stay out of it. Of course, if Shark King agrees, that would be great."

"Well, when you meet the Shark King tomorrow, you can just tell the truth, and I will help you. After all, I am also a Shark in Bibohai now."

"Thank you fairy!"

Neil imitated the way of the human race, and thanked Jian Jian.

As the two talked, a red sun rose above the sea, and a new day began.

This time it was still Nan Feng who led the way. Ni Kun's merman team was in the rear and went straight to the merman clan in the South China Sea. When Nan Feng passed the statue of King Arthur, he encountered the red-tailed merman Hong Luan again. He was very surprised to see more strange sharks appearing behind Nan Feng.

Before they arrived, Nan Feng led a group of people and went straight to the Crystal Palace. Only Liu Hongluan looked at the back of the group thoughtfully, and then swayed her tail to look for Sasha .

(End of this chapter)

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