Space Cultivation: Rebirth Against the Little Orphan Girl

Chapter 1532 Leaving the South China Sea

Chapter 1532 Leaving the South China Sea
"Thank you Yadi Shark King for your help!"

A smile appeared on Neil's delicate face, and he immediately bowed to thank him.

"I did this for the sake of the merman family. If we encounter difficulties in the future, I also hope that Bibohai can help us."

"Naturally, Neil hereby promises that as long as this difficulty is overcome and the South China Sea needs it in the future, Bibohai will do its best."

As a prince, Neil solemnly made his promise.

"Okay, write down what you said."

Shark King Yadi directly raised his hand, and a white shell the size of two palms appeared in his hand, and then he pushed it in front of Jian Jian:
"Here are a thousand mermaids, my private soldiers. You can go to Bibohai with you. It is inconvenient for me to transfer the mermaids in the clan. If Nanhai encounters the same problem, there will be no soldiers available."

"Anna understands that the stability of the mermaid tribe in the South China Sea is also very important."

Simply raising his hand, he took the shell and handed it to Neil, which made Ni Kun, who had been watching from the side, heave a sigh of relief.

"It's good for you to understand. Although I borrow soldiers, I don't want to be known by too many human immortals, so these thousand mermaids are dormant in the shell space. When you arrive at the blue wave sea, just open the seal."

After Yadi finished speaking, a small blue light ball popped up and fell into Neil's hands. Neil immediately put it away, knowing that it was the key to open the shell.

"Your Majesty the Shark King, everything here has been settled. It just so happens that I can also return to the Blue Wave Sea with Neil, so I won't bother you here."

Simply said with a smile.

Yadi nodded, and had long wanted to send this person away from the South China Sea.

Neil also thanked him again and again, and left the Crystal Palace together with Jian Jian. With a simple reminder, he put away the shell carefully. Although there are only a thousand mermaids, as long as they return to the blue sea, they will definitely be able to solve the problem. Urgent.

When a group of people walked out, they happened to meet Sasha Saintess. Sasha followed behind Hongluan. After the two parties greeted each other politely, they staggered. Sasha was obviously looking for the Shark King, while Neil I was in a hurry to go back and make arrangements to leave the South China Sea as soon as possible.

Jian Jian's eyes swept over Hong Luan, the corners of his lips curled up, and he said to Nan Feng who was beside him:

"Trouble you to send us out of the South China Sea tomorrow. If it is convenient, it is best to send us directly to the port in the South China Sea."

"It's my duty to send His Highness away from the South China Sea Merman Territory, but if you go to the port."

Nan Feng hesitated.

"It's my private request to you, so there will naturally be a separate reward, I hope you don't refuse."

Looking at Nan Feng with simple blue eyes, there was a glimmer of hope in them.

"Alright then!" Nan Feng was too embarrassed to refuse, so he could only bite the bullet and agree.

"Thank you Captain Nan Feng."

He simply hooked his lips together, revealing a charming smile, which made the shark pearl on Nan Feng's chest feel a little hot.

After returning to the palace where the guest lived, Neil began to order the guards to get ready and set off early tomorrow morning.

At this time, Sesame, who had been holding back for a long time, finally started to bombard his master:

"Master, the Shark King agrees to send troops, so the remaining fairy crystal veins, sesame seeds, can't be dug?"

"Of course, we have to keep our word."

"That's what Sesame discovered, it's Sesame's ration."

Sesame felt aggrieved and drew circles with her tail.

"Sesame, you can't catch a sheep and pluck its wool, aren't we going to Bibohai!"

simply reminded.

"Master, what do you mean, when we reach the Bibo Sea, Zhima can continue to dig the Immortal Crystal Mine?"

"Don't just stare at the Immortal Crystal Mine! The blue sea is so big, if you search hard, you still can't find a good treasure. Let's broaden our horizons."

Simply continue to draw big cakes for sesame.

"Okay! Originally, I prepared a piece of Immortal Crystal for the master, but now I'm afraid it will shrink."

Sesame said deliberately.

Listening to the simple corners of the lips unconsciously raised.

"We, Zhima, still miss the master in our hearts."

"That is, as long as the master knows."

Zhima complained, invited pets, and coaxed the owner to do a series of things very smoothly.

Then Zhima asked:
"Master, do you like that Nan Feng? Why don't you just put him in the space when you leave?"

"Tsk, you are so small, you have learned how to rob civilian men, who taught you?"

Simply rolled his eyes.

"Then why do you insist on letting that shark take you to the South China Sea port?"

Zhima avoided sending propositions and learned to ask rhetorical questions directly.

"Your master has his own intentions, you just have to watch it when the time comes."

"All right!"

On the side of the Crystal Palace, Sasha went to see Shark King, and she directly persuaded him:

"Your Majesty Yadi, we'd better not interfere with the affairs of Bibohai."


Shark King glanced at Saintess Sasha and Hong Luan who was following her, and asked in a deep voice.

Under the majesty of the Shark King, Hongluan lowered her head, not daring to lift it up at all, and stood silently behind the saint, while Shasa was much calmer, she said softly:
"If the people of the tribe are allowed to participate in the war, they must go to the Bibo Sea, and the South China Sea will be empty. In case someone takes advantage of the void and enters
Even if we send people to help, what if we fail?They will have no chance to return to the South China Sea. Even if they win, they will have to pay a price. I don't want the mermaids in the South China Sea to be hurt. "

"I've thought of everything you said, so I don't plan to send people from my tribe to help in the battle."

'I just called my own private soldiers! 'The Shark King didn't say this.

Shark King's words stunned Sasha, who was ready to be full of persuasive words, and then nodded with relief, saluted and said:

"It's Sasha talking too much, my king has always been wise and powerful."

Since the Shark King would not send his people to support him, Shasa stopped talking, turned around and left the Crystal Palace, and returned to his red coral hut.

Hong Luan was silent from the beginning to the end. When he heard King Shark himself say that he would not send troops to help, a look of joy flashed in his eyes, and he waited to follow the saint girl back to the coral house.

Then he found an excuse to look for Nan Feng, and thus learned that he was going to escort His Highness Anna to the South China Sea port tomorrow.

On the second day, before the sun rose above the sea level, Neil and Jian Jian left the Crystal Palace under Nan Feng's escort, heading all the way to the South China Sea port.

When leaving the sea area controlled by the sharks, Nan Feng asked his subordinates to go back. He was going to escort Neil and his party to the port alone, but was rejected by his subordinates, and then the whole team continued to act together.

Leaving the territory of the mermen, they encountered more sea beasts and human races, and the mermen no longer surfaced the sea, but sneaked fast in the deep sea.

After swimming for half a day, everyone was resting in a small trench. They simply called Nan Feng to his side and said with a smile:

"You can just send it here. Before leaving, I will send another big gift to Shark King, and I hope you can bring it back."

Nan Feng didn't react for a moment, but in the next moment, he saw Her Highness Anna's crown of willow branches suddenly and quickly extended away from the resting trench.

In the next moment, under the surprised eyes of everyone, a red-tailed merman rolled back.

(End of this chapter)

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