Chapter 1533 The Initiator

"Hongluan! Are you following us in secret?"

Seeing that it was Hong Luan, Nan Feng directly frowned and asked, but unfortunately Hong Luan couldn't answer him.

At this time, Hongluan was more like a dead fish, tied up by willow branches and unable to move, he could only ask Nan Feng for help with his eyes.

Nan Feng could only plead for mercy:

"His Highness Anna, it is Hong Luan who is rude and followed secretly. When I go back, I will report to the saint and punish her. Please let her go."

Before Nan Feng finished speaking, he saw the willow branch piercing Hongluan's chest as if alive, and took out her shark bead, and handed it to Anna.

"Your Highness!"

This side changed very suddenly, not only Nan Feng and his guards were frightened, but Neil and Ni Kun were also a little surprised. Ni Kun directly dragged Neil away from Jian Jian's side, and protected his prince behind him.

Simply holding the Shark Bead in his hand, without giving the pale-faced Hong Luan a look, his consciousness quickly invaded the Shark Bead, and read all of Hong Luan's experiences since he cultivated the inner alchemy, then smiled, and raised his hand to hold the Shark Bead. The shark beads are sealed into a box.

Nan Feng and his guards were already holding the weapons in their hands, looking at Jian Jian vigilantly, as if they were about to strike at the next breath.

"Nan Feng, I said that this is a great gift from me to the Shark King. You take back the Shark Pearl I sealed and hand it to His Majesty Yadi. Hongluan, you also take it back and give it to the saint. "

"Your Highness Anna, why did you do this? Just because she was following us secretly?"

Nan Feng frowned tightly.

Simple sighed helplessly, but still pulled out a ball of memory light from between his eyebrows, and pushed it in front of Nan Feng:
"This is Hongluan's memory, you can make a decision after reading it."

After listening to Jian Jian's words, Nan Feng was still hesitating, but Hong Luan started to struggle fiercely, and even looked at Jian Jian with resentful eyes. If eyes could kill, Jian Jian would have been hacked to pieces long ago.

Seeing Hongluan's abnormal behavior, Nan Feng didn't hesitate any longer, caught the ball of memory light, penetrated his consciousness, and within five breaths, his consciousness withdrew and crushed the ball of memory light.

"Thank you, Your Highness Anna, I will take Hongluan and Shark Pearl back, and I will also pass on your words to His Majesty."

Nan Feng saluted solemnly, turned around and finished talking to the rest of the guards, then stepped forward to take the box in Jian Jian's hand, put it into the shell earrings on his earlobe, and then glanced at the embarrassed Hong Luan.

With a simple movement of consciousness, the willow branch quickly retracted, and it was still a verdant crown of plants.

Two merman guards stepped forward, one left and one right set up Hong Luan, and the group bid farewell to Jian Jian, quickly left the trench, and returned to the clan.

Nan Feng's heart was particularly heavy, and he felt very ironic. The future heir to the saint was actually a spy of the Zerg race. Just for the position of this saint, Hong Luan had killed so many clansmen. It was scary to think about it. Even so, She could still approach him with an innocent face, but he was curious why His Royal Highness Anna could see it.

At this time, Zhima also asked the same simple question:

"Master, how did you find out?"

"Half by guessing, half by feeling."

Simply tell the truth.

"Then guess wrong?"

"Then return the shark bead to her, and apologize by the way. If you make a mistake, you must admit it. If you dare to do it, you must be brave. However, I am still very sure about my sixth sense. I have been caught."

Said simply and slightly proudly.

"Master, can you expand on this?"

Sesame solution.

"When I first saw this red-tailed fish, she was a little hostile towards me. At first, I thought it was because she liked Nan Feng, so I was jealous of the female mermaids who appeared by his side, especially those with such a noble status as me.

But when I arrived at the Holy Maiden's territory, her hostility towards me was more obvious, especially when I was sure that there was something wrong with the Shark Pearl, her mood fluctuated violently. "

"It seems impossible to judge based on these alone!"

Sesame turned around and continued to break the casserole to ask the end.

"Naturally, do you remember the cemetery of the Merman Clan?"

"Remember, the master suspected that the female worm in the cemetery was the masterpiece of that Hongluan?"

"Yes, and looking at her memory also confirmed my guess.

There will be no bugs in the cemetery before, that's for sure, and only the saint can enter, if the saint did it, she would never let me approach the cemetery at all, and she would not work hard to control the outflow of shark beads from the cemetery.

If she is a spy, she must want more shark beads to flow out, not only to the shark race, but also to exchange resources with human immortals, so that the Zerg race can spread silently in the dark.

And Hongluan is the successor of the saint, only she has the opportunity to follow the saint into the cemetery, and send the mother worm in when fetching the shark beads, which is easy. "

"Then why was Nan Feng able to lure her here?"

"There are two possibilities. Maybe she really loves Nanfeng and doesn't want Nanfeng to be seduced by my charm. The second possibility is that he is Hongluan's next target. He is the captain of the guard and controls him. The news about Shark King , she can even intervene in the power of the guard."

"Tsk tsk! Hidden enough, this South Sea Merman is too careless, why did he choose such a saintess heir!"

Zhi Zhi sighed, and ended the sound transmission with the master.

At this moment, Neil had returned to Jian Jian, and asked curiously:
"Anna, did something happen that I don't know about?"

"Well, that Hong Luan is a spy of the Zerg race."

After the simple words, Nichkhun immediately became nervous, swam a little closer, and asked directly:

"His Royal Highness, can you tell me the details?"

"I don't want to say, who made you guard me like a thief, worrying that your prince will be stolen by me?"

Asked simply and straightforwardly.

It made Nichkhun slightly embarrassed, how could he answer such words.

"Anna, don't be angry. Nichkun is just a little too nervous about me. If I knew the whole story, it would definitely not be like this. For Neil's sake, please don't worry about it."

Neil said with a smile.

"Okay! For the sake of our Neil, I will reluctantly tell you what happened."

Immediately, he simply used the most concise language to narrate what happened, causing Neil and the guards to keep changing expressions while Ni Kun grasped the key point.

"His Royal Highness, can you tell the Zerg apart?"

"Yes! This is my unique skill, I hope you can keep it secret."

Simply said with a smile.

"Nikkun hereby swears that he will not reveal even a word of Her Highness Anna's secret skills, otherwise he will lose the Shark Pearl!"

"Subordinates, too!"

The remaining guards also swore immediately.

"If this is the case, when we go to the Bibo Sea, I also ask Her Highness Anna to take action and investigate the tribe. The King Shark has long suspected that there are Zerg behind this battle with the sea beast, but they have not caught the opponent's tail. Now Well, with your help, we should be able to find out the culprit behind it."

Nichkhun said sincerely.

"Nikhun, why are you getting involved with the Zerg again? Isn't it a conflict with sea beasts?"

Neil asked in a little surprise, obviously he was still kept in the dark.

"The King Shark and the Queen don't want us to tell His Highness, besides, this is their guess and it hasn't been confirmed yet."

 Babies, today is still the fourth update!All uploaded, rest early after reading!

  It's the end of the month, ask for a monthly ticket, rewards and recommendations, Fengling will continue to update tomorrow, good night~
(End of this chapter)

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