Chapter 1534 Simply deal with it
After hearing Ni Kun's explanation, Nier was a little depressed, because he was still treated like a child.

"I have a predestined relationship with Neil. Since you all need help, I will try my best. I will adapt to the situation when I get to Bibohai. However, it is not appropriate to disclose my abilities to others now, do you understand?"

Simply put, this is very serious.

Her current identity is false, and she can naturally get away when the matter is over, but she can't startle the snake now, so that the hidden Zerg in Bibohai can be prepared, so she can't be caught by surprise, so it's better not to spread the word.

"Yes, my subordinate understands."

Nichkhun responded immediately.

"Okay, the hidden dangers have been eliminated. Let's rest for one night and continue on our way tomorrow so that we can return to the port as soon as possible."

Neil showed the aura of a prince at this time, and immediately ordered.

Everyone's mood at this time is much more relaxed than before coming to the South China Sea. After all, the rescuers have moved, and they have a secret weapon (His Royal Highness Anna). They have gained a lot from this trip, so they all echoed loudly, and then went to rest. Let's try to return to Bibohai in the shortest possible time.

With mixed feelings, Nan Feng and his party hurried back to the Crystal Palace deep in the South China Sea as quickly as possible, and directly asked His Majesty the Shark King.

Along the way, some mermen of the same race saw Hong Luan's miserable appearance, and found that the scales on her tail had begun to fade, and it was obvious that she could not hold on for long. Everyone knew that her shark beads had been taken away, and someone immediately informed Sasha Sheng Female.

When Nan Feng saw Queen Yadi Shark, he first told His Royal Highness Anna's words, then presented the box that sealed the Shark Pearl to their king, and finally said:

"Your Majesty, it's hard for me to judge whether the matter is true, but I don't think His Highness Anna will deceive us about this kind of matter. If she lies, His Majesty will definitely be able to prevent her from leaving the South China Sea."

Shark King nodded, feeling that Nan Feng was quite steady and handled the matter well, just like what he said, if Anna deceived him, as Shark King, he would naturally have the ability to chase her back, and Hong Luan would return to the clan in time. In the middle, it can also be fused with the shark bead again, and it will not cause irreversible results.

If what Anna said is true, Hongluan herself is also a witness, and she must be brought back to the clan to be punished, and no matter what, she must give the saint Sasha an explanation.

Yadi opened the sealed box with a wave of his hand, and held Hongluan's Shark Bead in his hand. After reading the memory of the Shark Bead, his face sank visibly, his deep eyes looked at the dying Hongluan, flashing Passed a stern look.

Sasha, the saint who got the news at this time, also hurried over. She hadn't seen Hongluan for several days. She didn't expect that the tribe sent her a message today, and learned that Hongluan was dying and was taken by Nanfeng's guards. Back to the clan, and not to send her here, but to see King Shark.

Sasha felt that things might have changed, and immediately came to see Shark King, and saw the flash of killing intent in Shark King's eyes, she immediately stepped forward and said:

"Your Majesty, but what did Hong Luan do to make you angry?"

The Shark King had regained his composure at this time, raised his hand and waved the Shark Bead in his hand, and said in a deep voice:

"Look for yourself, what good things Hong Luan has done!"

Hearing this tone, Sasha's eyebrows twitched. She felt that the matter might be more serious than she thought. She immediately grabbed the shark bead that belonged to Hongluan, and also started to read the memory.

As for the dying Hongluan, when he saw the saint, the hope of survival burst out in his eyes, and he wanted to struggle to swim to his only life-saving straw. Unfortunately, the merman guards who did not get the order still firmly controlled her. .

After reading the memories of Shark Pearl, Sasha's complexion also became ugly, and she was actually put together by his chosen heir.

"Sasha, this is the heir you have chosen. If she really inherits the title of saint, what do you think will happen to my Nanhai clan?"

Sasha took a deep breath, took a step forward, knelt down on one knee, clenched his right hand into a fist, lightly touched his left chest, and lowered his head:

"Sasha, as a saint, failed to choose a candidate with good character, which caused a catastrophe in the family. Please punish the shark king."

Although the Shark King was angry, he couldn't be too harsh on the saintess. After all, the saintesses of the shark race were aloof and she was the belief of the tribe, so she raised her hand, and a gentle stream of water lifted the saintess Sasha up.

"Holy Maiden Sasha, although you were at fault in this matter, it has not caused a catastrophe, but you have to make good repairs and re-select the successor of the Holy Maiden. In the detached position of the mermaid race, you will have to strengthen your vigilance around you in the future."

"Yes, Your Majesty is right. I will be more cautious in selecting a new heir this time, and I will also check their past memories, so that the Zerg will not be able to take advantage of them again."

Sasha bowed and said, this is the Zerg's challenge to her, she Sasha took it.

"Of course I trust the saintess, but people's hearts are changeable. Hongluan was not born as a spy of the Zerg clan. The saintess needs to grasp the scale of this."

The Shark King added a side note. After all, if Anna hadn't exposed this incident, the consequences would be disastrous, even more serious than the destruction of the Sharkman's cemetery.

"Yes, Your Majesty, Sasha has made a note. There is no need to hide what happened this time. It is best to announce the reason to the clan. Although it will cause some panic, it is also a warning. The mermaid clan is safe, but they cannot lose their vigilance heart of."

"Okay, this matter and Hongluan's disposal are all in your hands, but this time we owe Anna a favor, there is no reason not to send troops to help."

Shark King said seemingly unintentionally.

Sasha felt uncomfortable for a moment, but still said:
"It was Hongluan who whispered in my ears before, saying that helping Bibohai was not good for us in the South China Sea. The reason is quite good. Now it seems that she also has other purposes, and I was indeed affected. This is my fault. Is it my fault? To send troops to help, the Shark King is in charge."

"Okay, I see, I will handle this matter properly."

Immediately, the Shark King waved his hand and asked the guards to send Hongluan to Sasha, and he would not interfere in the future.

"Nan Feng, you lead the guards to catch up with Anna and go to Bibohai. You only need to obey her orders."

Yadi felt that Nan Feng was relatively familiar with Anna, so she directly arranged for him to go there.

Nan Feng didn't expect that the matter of going to Bibohai would fall on him, so he immediately stepped forward to take over the task:
"Yes, this subordinate is leaving now, hoping to catch up with Her Highness Anna."

After all, it took them some time to return with Hong Luan.

"I'll give you a ride. In addition, I remember that you have a younger sister. Let her accompany you so that you can take care of Anna."

Shark King arranged in this way.

"Yes, Your Majesty, I will inform Nancy right now."

(End of this chapter)

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