Chapter 1535
Neil and his party and Jian Jian immediately set off for the port in the South China Sea after resting for the night. Now they are eager to return home, and they don't want to stay for a moment, making the best use of the shark's advantage in the water.

After [-] days of traveling at full speed, they finally arrived at the port of the South China Sea. Nichkhun was the first to emerge from the water, holding his steel fork in his hand, followed by four guards. It entered the Nine Heavens Profound Wonderland of human immortals, so when it appeared, although it attracted everyone's attention, no one dared to step forward and make trouble.

Neil and Jian Jian followed closely behind. Their appearance attracted more attention, followed by the remaining five guards. Their appearance immediately attracted the attention of all parties in the South China Sea port.

After the mermaids left the sea, their fish tails automatically turned into legs, and the scales on their body automatically turned into armor. Neil was wearing a blue armor, but it simply turned into a fairy dress shining with colorful streamers. The ethereal air of immortality has attracted the envy of countless female fairies in the port.

"Prince, Nichkhun and you are back."

A burly man wearing golden armor and two meters tall walked towards them and said in a familiar tone (ren three times).

The opponent's blue curly hair and light blue pupils confirmed his identity as a mermaid.

"Uncle Alex, I kept you waiting for a long time."

When Neil saw the person coming, his tone became a little more relaxed.

"No, the prince will come back much earlier than expected."

The man named Alex stroked Neil's head lovingly before turning his gaze to Jian Jian.


"This is my Aunt Anna. This time she returned to Bibohai with us. She traveled to the South China Sea. It is thanks to Aunt Anna that she was able to meet the South Sea Shark King this time."

Neil immediately stepped forward to explain.

Alex thought for a while, he didn't remember that Anthony had a sister, but it's not suitable to ask now, so he could only say:
"Thank you for your hard work, since this is the case, we will not delay, let's set off as soon as possible!"

"Of course, everything is up to your arrangements."

He saluted with a simple smile and said softly.

Everyone knew that the time was urgent, so they were about to return to their spaceship parked in the port, when they suddenly heard someone shout in surprise:

"Look, everyone! What is that!"

Neil and his party also quickly turned their heads, and saw the sea in front of them, with hundreds of feet of waves, as if to cover the entire sky, and a group of immortals who had gone to sea to experience, rushing to the port quickly, and they were also afraid of being caught by a The waves rolled into the sea.

The next moment, the waves parted in front of everyone, and a tall figure walked from the waves, Jian Jian raised his eyebrows in surprise, because what she saw was Shark King Yadi.

Neil and the guards also saw it, and Alex who was behind him naturally also noticed that the Shark King suppressed his blood, followed closely behind the prince and his party, put his fists on his chest, and saluted the Shark King.

"Meet His Majesty the Shark King!"

The immortals on the port were all in a state of shock. After all, whether the Shark King of the South China Sea really existed or not, they only heard about his name but did not see him. This time, they were lucky enough to see it with their own eyes. One knows that the Shark King is quite powerful.

At this time, the great power of the immortal clan sitting in the port of the South China Sea appeared almost immediately. Although he did not step forward, he was secretly on guard. After all, there are not one or two immortals and spaceships gathered here. They must be able to stop it, they can feel that the strength of Shark King has at least reached the Immortal King Realm.

"Anna, you left in a hurry, I sent you a team of guards, I hope you have a smooth journey!"

Yadi's deep and magnetic voice echoed in the port.

Jian Jian immediately realized that this was Shark King showing his favor to him, and it could be regarded as indirect thanks to her for uncovering Hongluan's hidden nail, so she didn't act pretentiously, and immediately stepped forward and bowed to salute:

"Thank you, Your Majesty the Shark King, for taking your troubles. Anna will send you a message when she arrives in the Western Immortal Territory."

"it is good!"

As soon as the Shark King stretched out his hand, he sent Nan Feng, Nancy and a group of shark guards to the shore, and told Jian Jian:
"They only obey orders from you alone."

Jian Jian immediately understood that they were sent to protect him, so he saluted again without saying anything.

The goal was achieved, and the King Shark returned to the depths of the South China Sea with the huge waves. The previously turbulent sea returned to calm, but the entire South China Sea port was blown up. Several powerful immortals sitting in the port also breathed a sigh of relief. Consciousness always pays attention to this team of sharks.

Nan Feng and Nancy stepped forward side by side and saluted Simple:
"His Royal Highness Anna, we are ordered to travel with you on the blue sea."

"Okay, thanks for your hard work."

Nodding with a simple smile, he didn't ask any questions about Hongluan.

He just turned to Neil and said:
"We have attracted some attention, let's go as soon as possible!"

Neil nodded, and he also felt that there were several powerful divine senses sweeping past them, and they had better leave immediately while the remaining prestige of the Shark King was still there.

Alex obviously agreed with this proposal, and the group boarded the flying fish spaceship of the Merman clan without stopping in front of everyone, and then left the South China Sea port without stopping.

After boarding the spaceship, Neil personally sent Jianjian to the cabin next to him, and after a few words with him, he was called away by Alex, who was probably anxious to ask Neil about his trip to the South China Sea. .

Simplicity naturally wouldn't stop her. After sending Neil away, she looked at the two brothers and sisters Nan Feng and Nancy.

"Miss Anna, thank you for your help, uncovered the spies in the clan, and saved the mermaids from a disaster in the South China Sea."

Nan Feng knew the whole story best, and immediately stepped forward and bowed respectfully.

Although Nancy didn't know the details, she also saw the announcement from the Saintess of Sasa in the family. When she learned that Hong Luan was a spy, she almost gritted her silver teeth. Hands and feet, Lucy will not return to the place where she was born, and she will be reborn.

"His Royal Highness Anna, Hongluan's Shark Bead was destroyed by the Holy Maiden after she showed her sins, and her body was also directly destroyed. There is no chance of entering the land of birth."

Nancy also told Jian Jian Hongluan's fate.

"Well, it's so good, it can be regarded as a warning to your family."

Simply said with a smile.

"You don't need to be nervous, take a good rest, there is still a tough battle to fight when you enter the blue sea, you can also take the opportunity to hone your skills."


After saluting together, the two left the cabin, leaving two merman guards at the door, and they also began to rest in the smaller cabin next to Jianjian.

On Neil's side, it took half an hour to roughly explain the trip to the South China Sea. The key point is that he found support, which made Alex very pleased:
"Prince Neil, you have worked hard this time, and you have done a very good job. You are worthy of being my future king of Bibohai."

"Uncle Alex has won the award, and Aunt Anna is also credited this time."

(End of this chapter)

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