Chapter 1536 Crazy Revenge
Alex still had doubts about Anna's identity, so he didn't answer the call, but Neil was very sensitive and noticed it, and whispered:
"Uncle Alex, I know you have concerns, but before you meet my father, please give Anna due respect. You have also seen the situation at the port before, and you are directed at the importance that King Adidas attaches to her. We can't be rude, after all, Aunt Anna was able to borrow soldiers so smoothly."

Alex nodded and said with a smile:

"Don't worry, prince. Although I have doubts, Anna is a royal family after all. No matter whether she is on our side or not, I will always have the respect she deserves. I am very relieved to see that the prince is so considerate of the overall situation."

"Uncle Alex, don't praise me, I will be proud."

Neil's blue eyes flashed with a smile, and he said embarrassedly.

"Haha! The prince has done a great job this time, you have the capital to be proud of."

Alex laughed loudly.

From the Southern Immortal Territory to the Western Immortal Territory, it will take a year at the fastest to take a cross-domain spaceship, so simply started to recuperate without going out of the gate. picked it up.

Ever since Jianjian entered the portal with those little elites of the Zerg and never returned without any news, the boss of the Zerg knew that this time he really lost his wife and lost his army. He was so angry that he wanted to rush to the front line. All the juniors of the Jian family were torn apart.

It's a pity that the two immortals of the Jian family are not vegetarians. When they felt that the Zerg race was crazy, they besieged and killed the younger generation of the Jian family at any cost. The front of the Eastern Immortal Territory moved forward another mile.

The disciples of the Jian family who were rescued also gathered together, discussing in a low voice:

"What's going on? The last time the other party besieged us so crazily was a hundred years ago. What's the stimulus this time?"

"Their female worms were killed last time, and this time it may be for the same reason."

"I don't think so, it must be more serious than the killing of the female insects. Don't you feel that those insects are as crazy as they are, fearless of death, and finally even the humanoid Zerg overwhelmed them, and they concentrated on attacking us. "

Jian Feiyang, the oldest among the ten people, shook his head and said.

"As long as we appear on the battlefield, when will those bugs not target us?"

Some people have objections. After all, as long as they enter the battlefield, they can attract the attacks of the Zerg to the maximum extent.

"I agree with Brother Feiyang's opinion. This time is different from the past. They seem to be besieging and killing us with the goal of dying together. If the ancestors didn't take action, we would be dead this time."

Another clan girl spoke out, supporting Jian Feiyang.

"Who doesn't know that you have always been the echo of Brother Feiyang, and you support whatever Brother Feiyang says."

Someone joked that the topic was a bit crooked for a while.

In secret, Jian Qinghuai took a sip of the immortal wine, and said to Qingru beside him:
"What do you think of the junior's point of view?"

"They can be regarded as experienced, and their analysis of problems can be regarded as accurate.

I am more inclined to simply do something in the Zerg lair, which completely angered the other party, so they took revenge on our Jian family disciples so wantonly on the battlefield. "

Jian Qingru said in a deep voice.

"What did this do? It feels like it stabbed the lungs of the Zerg, and it's quite capable."

Qing Huai said with a smile, although he has never met formally, he is very confident in simplicity.

"I just don't know if the little girl is safe now."

This is what Qing Ru is most worried about. He doesn't know that Jian Jian has returned to the fairyland through the portal.

On the side of the Moyu resident, Mozhi also received the news and is sharing it with Moqian Mowang:
"It must be what Moyue did in the Zerg territory, otherwise they wouldn't even transfer the Zerg on our front, just to block the disciples of the Jian family. Fortunately, the Jian family arranged for two immortals this time, otherwise It’s really hard to say.”

"Well, the opportunity is rare, take the opportunity to advance the front line."

Mo Qian ordered calmly.

"Don't worry, the devil king, he has already ordered it to go down. Thanks to the Xing Gui recommended by Moyue, he predicted that we would have an opportunity to take advantage of today's battle, so I sent all the people I could send out. It is estimated that the front line has been stabilized by now." gone."

As soon as the words fell, the four captains who played today came to report.

"Report to the Demon King, according to the order of the Demon Lord, we have advanced the battle line by two miles when the Zergs divided their forces. Now that the battle line has stabilized, we will switch from offense to defense and enter the consolidation stage."

Modong was the first to speak out.

"Okay, you have seized the opportunity in this battle and acted decisively. Then, according to your plan, temporarily switch to the defensive stage, continue to consolidate the results of the battle, and advance slowly."

The Demon King ordered directly.


The battle here is progressing smoothly, but the Zerg is not going well, especially the Shadowman who received the news and came to Bibohai to pick up the Zerg elite.

This is Yueluan's number one confidant, always hidden in the dark, just because nearly a hundred Zerg elites arrived in the fairy world this time, so he came to pick him up in person.

Shadow was dressed in black, with a black cloak and a hood covering his face tightly. He came out at night and had been waiting in the designated area for ten days. He became more and more uneasy, always feeling that something must have happened this time.

Shadow has been waiting here for a month, not to mention people, not even a few sea beasts, and Jian Jian just fell into the South Sea at that time, Shadow felt that something was wrong, so he didn't wait any longer, and immediately returned to Dongting Immortal Mansion.

"Master, I haven't received my clansman."

The shadow was still hidden in the dark, and he told Yueluan in a deep voice.

Yueluan also only recently restored her soul, and when she heard Shadow's report, she immediately turned down and asked:

"What's going on? The time told by the family is wrong?"

All she could think of was this.

"Master, I have been guarding that sea area for a month, but I haven't seen a single member of my family."

"Wrong place?"

Yueluan still doesn't believe that something happened to the tribe.

"I expanded the scope, but still haven't found anything."

"You think something happened to them?"

Yue Luan's voice was almost squeezed out from between his teeth.

Because people in the clan lurking in the fairyland had accidents one after another, and no one around her was available, so she sent a message to the clan, and the clan also intended to keep some members of the same clan in the fairyland to continue, so the two hit it off and selected an elite team of one hundred people. Send it to the Western Immortal Territory and ask her to arrange her identity and whereabouts.

They have been planning this matter for a long time, but they never thought that it would not happen. If she found out that it would be easy to sabotage it, she would probably go crazy.

"You contact the clan to see if there is something wrong with them, and you continue to keep an eye on the Bibohai side. In case they are scattered, you can find one and count as one."

Yue Luan rubbed the center of her brows, and said directly.

"Yes, this subordinate will do it right away. There will be delays when the news comes back and forth. During this period, I will keep an eye on Bibohai."

Yueluan nodded, didn't even want to say anything, just waved his hand for him to do it immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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