Chapter 1537
A month later, Yueluan received the accurate news from Shadow, and after reading the contents of the jade slip, Yueluan directly crushed the jade slip in anger.

"It's Jane's family again, it's really haunting!"

Yueluan felt that her soul was unstable again, this Jian family was her nemesis, and that Jian family hadn't been crushed to death by her yet, yet another one sneaked into their rear, made trouble there, and killed the female worm Not to mention, it actually harmed hundreds of elites in the clan.

You must know that these one hundred clansmen are all perfectly integrated with their skins, and they will definitely be able to lurk in the fairyland for a long time without being discovered. She has specific arrangements, and this disrupts her overall plan. It's strange to be angry.

"Master, the portal has also been destroyed by the opponent, and the clansmen will not be able to come to the fairy world in a short time. Let you take care of it yourself and save yourself if necessary."

Shadow said in a low voice.

This means that the clan can no longer provide support, and the rest depends entirely on Yueluan himself.

"Since the Jane family is among them, and the younger generation of the family did not come back, the space channel must have been destroyed. She probably has no good end. I hope she will be torn apart by the space storm."

Yue Luan cursed, and the black air in her forehead resurfaced again, but the shadow who bowed her head did not see it.

"should be."

Shadow can only chime in.

"Is there no news about that simplicity?"

Yue Luan continued to ask.

"Master, not yet. Our people in Jian's family and Immortal Sword Sect are all lost, and the rest are peripheral. There is no chance to get core information. At present, we don't know where she is hiding."

Shadow is also helpless, because of this simplicity, they have lost so many people, no wonder the master wants to bite the other party, but unfortunately the other party does not show up, they have nothing to do.

"Hmph! Keep staring at these two places, I don't believe she will be a coward for the rest of her life."

A killing intent flashed in Yueluan's eyes, and she ordered in a cold voice.

"Yes, Master."

In the next breath, the shadow sank into the darkness and disappeared again.

Only then did Yue Luan sort out her facial expressions, and took the fairy attendant to look for the Immortal King Junli.

The simplicity that Yueluan missed had just arrived at the port of Bibohai in the Western Immortal Territory. This was not the same port as when she left last time, so she took care of herself and joined the mermen who replenished resources. After getting off the spaceship, Nan Feng brothers and sisters and guards accompanied them all the way.

Alex specifically asked:
"His Royal Highness Anna, we will stay here for a day to replenish the urgently needed resources, and then return to Bibohai as soon as possible. You can return to the spaceship before then. Please be careful. Because of the battle between the mermaids and sea beasts, there are some fish and dragons here. There are many human immortals who want to pick up the leak."

As for what she wanted to pick up, Alex didn't say anything, she understood it simply, she nodded immediately and said:

"Don't worry, Alex, I will protect myself, you just need to be responsible for Neil's safety."

Alex responded with a smile. He was very relieved that Jian Jian was so sensible, at least he was not a drag.

In fact, Neil really wanted to act together with Jian Jian, but Alex refused on the grounds that he needed to purchase resources and needed him to learn from others. After being rejected, Neil was not angry. After all, as a prince, he had his own responsibilities. In this way, the two teams act separately.

Anna, who is simple to transform, with her exotic beauty, attracts attention almost everywhere she goes. Some are purely appreciative, some are envious (mostly female fairies), some are lewd and lewd, and some are indifferent.

Simple for those wretched and obscene, just blinked his blue eyes and sent them a demon, and the other party froze there on the spot. After they walked far and the crowd dispersed, someone found out that their situation was wrong. There was no response for a few times, and with a light touch, he fell to the ground and couldn't get up, which attracted everyone's attention.

Simple spiritual consciousness has always been higher than cultivation. Even the immortals of the Nine Heavens Profound Realm can be easily pulled into the dream by her. Just sending them a heart demon can be regarded as cheap for them.

Naturally, her actions did not conceal the brothers and sisters Nan Feng and Nancy around her. They had a new understanding of the gentle and beautiful Anna in their impression, especially Nan Feng. He felt that this Anna was not as good as she appeared on the surface. Otherworldly.

Simple, the first stop is to go to the shop that sells talisman seals. Her blank talisman paper is almost consumed, and there are high-level monster blood, which must be replenished. It is made of animal skin, and ordinary blank talisman paper cannot carry the energy in it, so she has to supplement it separately.

When Jian Jian stepped into the store, she actually saw two familiar figures from behind. She showed a big smile, and the little guy who came to greet them was stunned, unable to utter a word, even the other people in the store also I was amazed by the simple smile.

Nan Feng and Nancy also sensed Anna's good mood. They followed each other's gaze and looked at the two immortals whose backs were facing them. One was wearing a black dark-pattern robe and the other was wearing a white dark-pattern robe.

At this time, the two people with their backs facing them just received the blank talisman paper they bought, feeling that the store was too quiet, and there was a scorching gaze staring at their backs.

Among them, the fairy in black robe frowned, turned around, and saw a group of handsome merman walking towards them, especially the female merman in the middle, who was so beautiful, with blond hair and blue eyes, that even As an unfeminine man, he also felt that the other party was beautiful and charming.

Another fairy in white robe put the blank talisman paper into the storage ring, then turned around, just in time to see the female mermaid stopped in front of the two of them, and the junior who had always played the role of black face didn't make a sound to chase him away, This made him find it funny, and was about to pull the other party away when the female mermaid on the opposite side spoke first.

"The two immortals, did you practice in Bibohai?"

The voice is soft and beautiful, and there is no meaning of being superior.

"Yes, I wonder what this fairy is doing to stop us?"

The fairy in white robe asked politely, not being confused by the beauty of the other party, and even very vigilant.

"My name is Anna, and I come from Bibohai. When I saw the two men's majesty, I admired them and wanted to get acquainted."

Jian Jian continued to speak with a smile on his face.

A small male voice next to him said:

"Let's take a look, this female mermaid is also attracted by the charm of the 'Wind and Thunder Swords', and offered to have a relationship, but I don't know if the two will refuse this time."

The two looked at each other, and the white-robed fairy stepped forward and said directly:

"This fairy, I."

Before the words were finished, a familiar voice came from the ears of the two:

"Two junior brothers, at least give me some face, don't reject me!"

The man in white robe abruptly stopped speaking, and then continued:

"Of course we would."

"It's over, the 'Swords of Wind and Thunder' was taken down, but it was still a female mermaid!"

 Babies, there will be a fifth update later!Say it in advance.

  I saw the message today, and I realized that Feng Ling is a writer with more daily updates, so you usually leave a message saying that the update is slow, it must be coaxing me to code more, but because she is closed at home, Feng Ling also feels that code words are better than those who do nothing. Strong, just work hard to write articles, I hope everyone will continue to follow up~(づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~

  It's the end of the month, continue to ask for monthly tickets, rewards, recommendations and comments~
(End of this chapter)

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