Chapter 1538
Simply use the fastest speed to replenish the required blank talisman paper and animal blood in this shop, and then go to the largest teahouse in the port with the two of you. Her gaze flicked to the two male immortals beside her.

In less than an hour, the news that the "Swords of Wind and Thunder" who had become famous in the port recently fell under the tail of a female mermaid quickly spread, especially the female fairy who had been rejected, All of them stared wide-eyed, vowing to see what kind of beauty and beauty could impress the two unfeminine sword celestial beings.

At this time, Jian Jian happily poured a cup of fairy tea for the two of them, and then said with a smile:
"Tianjun, Tianli, when did you two ascend and how did you get here?"

The two immortals known as the "Twin Swords of Wind and Thunder" are none other than Tianjun (Jianjun) and Tianli (Jianli) of the Heavenly Sword Sect in the lower realm. Senior sister, the breath is completely wrong.

He simply stroked his cheek, and asked with a charming smile:
"Two junior brothers, is my face beautiful?"

"Cough, speak well!"

This time it was Tian Li who made the sound first, just the simple and contrived voice, he had experienced it before, and he could recognize it as soon as he heard it.

"Oh fine!"

In just a second, it changed back to a serious look, and that face also turned into the face of Tianjian they were familiar with, and in the next moment it changed back to Anna's face.

Tianjun pursed her lips and smiled lightly, her elegant and handsome demeanor became more and more attractive, and she was obviously in a good mood:

"Senior Sister Tianjian, you are still the same. It's great to meet you here. Originally, the two of us planned to save up enough fairy stones and take the spaceship to the northern fairyland."

"That's just right, let's go to Bibohai with me to help out! I suspect that the Zerg is doing something. When the matter here is over, let's practice together."

Suggested simply.

"There's nothing wrong with that, but your current status"

Tangning waved the folding fan in her hand and continued to ask with a smile.

"It's a long story. You call me Anna now. I am the royal family of the mermaid clan. I just asked for reinforcements. I want to return to Bibohai. I only stay here for one day to replenish resources. I will start tomorrow. You first follow me. Let’s go, I’ll tell you more about it on the way.”

"Okay, we understand."

After finalizing the accompanying matter, the two sides began to talk about the old days.

"Tianli and I ascended at the same time. The Ascension Palace is in the Western Immortal Territory. We stayed in the nearby Baihe Immortal City for five years. Thanks to the storage ring and immortal stone you prepared for us, we will not be poor and useless. After we have accumulated a certain amount and the cultivation base of the Earth Immortal Realm is stable, we left the White Crane Immortal City together, started training, and collected information along the way."

Tang Jun's voice was still unhurried, talking about the situation of the first soaring.

"Later, my brother and I inquired about the destruction of the Luanfeng Tower. Among them was a soaring demon who strayed into the fairy world. Thanks to the credit, we guess it should be you."

Tian Li continued.

"There is such a thing. As soon as I ascended, I was targeted by the group of people who came to pick up the immortals who had ascended for the first time. They took me as a backup furnace and took me to the Luanfeng Tower. You know that this has violated my taboo.

Originally, if you love me, I have no position to do anything, but these people actually sealed the dantians of the female immortals and male immortals who had not joined the family and had no backers, and arrested them and sold them into the Luanfenglou. The building was lifted. "

Simply and generously admit what you have done.

"As soon as the two of us heard it, we knew it was something you would do. After that, we lost your news, and we couldn't find out no matter what. However, we know that the immortals who have ascended from the Heavenly Sword Sect have joined the Northern Immortal Territory more often. The Immortal Sword Sect, the two of us just want to go to the Immortal Sword Sect, maybe we can meet the ancestors of the sect."

"Well, Tianhong is now in Xianjianzong. Tiandu, Tianba, Tiandi, Tianshang, Tianyun, Tianzhen, Tianpo and other ancestors of Tianjianzong have now formed a Tianjian team to take on tasks independently. , activities in the Northern Immortal Territory, and now they have entered the Battle Domain, and we have to wait at least three hundred years to see them."

Simply and directly informed the two of them first-hand news.

"It seems that our original plan is still very advisable. But they have all entered the battlefield. It makes no sense that you are still in the fairyland. This is not like your style of action."

Tang Jun knew about simplicity, so she didn't shy away from it and asked directly.

"Hi! Don't mention it, I entered the battlefield, and I was a demon fairy. I just mixed into the Zerg's lair and hid for more than a hundred years. I strangled some female insects, and then I couldn't continue to lurk. I used their The portal strangled one hundred pseudo-humans carefully cultivated by the Zerg.

Those ignorant bugs actually threw talismans in the space passage, broke the passage, finished playing by themselves, and even implicated me, and fell directly into the depths of the South Sea in the Southern Immortal Territory. For convenience, I disguised myself as a mermaid , I didn't expect to meet an acquaintance under this disguise. "

Simple show your hands.

Although it is an understatement, but both are sword immortals, the two of them naturally know the dangers involved. Tian Jun twirled the folding fan in her hand, tapped her palm, and suddenly asked:
"The Demon Realm has been disconnected from the Immortal Realm for a period of time. Is there any credit for this?"

"It can't be said that it has nothing to do with me, I just played a little role."

Simply speaking, he gestured with the tip of his little finger.

"Hey, senior sister, your ability to do things is equal to your cultivation level, and you have stepped up to a higher level."

Tian Li coughed lightly, a smile rarely appeared on his serious face.

"I'll take it as you compliment me."

Jian Jian has always been thick-skinned, and complied with a smile.

"The cultivation bases of the two junior brothers are both in the Golden Immortal Realm. It seems that they have been very diligent in their cultivation so far."

Simply turn to ask about the recent situation of the two of them.

"Well, my senior brother and I were very lucky. We entered the 'Wind and Thunder Secret Realm' by mistake when we were in the first realm of the Earth Immortal. We accidentally obtained the wind-type and thunder-type fairy-level skills in the secret realm. Let the two of us cultivate It went more smoothly.

The senior brother said that maybe it was because the spiritual roots of the two of us coincided with that secret realm, so we were sucked into it, so we had this harvest. This is the biggest opportunity for the two of us after entering the fairyland. "

"So that's the case, so that's where your title 'Wind and Thunder Twin Swords' comes from?"

simply asked with a smile.

"Others are blind."

Tang Jun said indifferently.

"If I didn't take the initiative to reveal my identity just now, wouldn't you all reject me outright, just like rejecting other fairies who admire you?"

Simply blinking his blue eyes, he asked jokingly.

"Having seen the true face of Tianjian, may I ask what kind of beauty can seduce the two of us?"

This time it was Tian Jun who asked back with a smile.

"Hmm! I like to hear this, so I will talk more about it in the future."

Jian Jian was in a good mood after being praised, and began to take out his storage bracelet, preparing to rearm the two juniors.

The restraint in the room was touched, and Nan Feng's voice came:

"His Royal Highness Anna, more and more people are gathering in the teahouse, we'd better leave early."

 Babies, here comes the fifth update!Give yourself a thumbs up, and rest early after watching you!Good night!

(End of this chapter)

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