Chapter 1539 Recruitment Assistance
After simply listening to Nan Feng's report, he spread his hands helplessly and said:

"It seems that beauty is also a burden. Two junior brothers, let's go back to the spaceship with me to catch up on the past! This way you won't be disturbed by others."

Tianjun and Tianli looked at each other, smiled and nodded.

Jian Jian waved his hand, opened the restriction, and said to the guard at the door:

"Let's return to the spaceship now!"

"His Royal Highness Anna, if you still need to replenish resources, you can ask Nancy to go there."

Nan Feng said respectfully.

After all, His Highness didn't go to other shops after seeing these two people, that's why he asked this question.

"No, in this situation, if Nancy is allowed to act alone, I'm afraid it will be bad for her."

Simply wave your hands.

Immediately, he led Tianjun and Tianli out of the box door, and walked down slowly from the second floor. Nan Feng was still at the front, and Nancy was at the rear.

Before going down to the first floor, the three of them saw that the first floor was almost full of people, and the waiters in the teahouse were too busy to touch the floor. There were even a lot of immortals standing at the door, as if they were all here to watch the fun.

After Jian Jian appeared, the hall was silent for a while, as if everyone was bewildered by her beauty, a sharp female voice suddenly sounded:
"Hmph! What despicable means did you use to confuse the outstanding immortals of my human race, you coquettish bastard, why don't you let them go quickly."

As soon as this remark came out, it seemed that the entire hall was activated. Those who watched the excitement, those who coveted the simple beauty, those who coveted the mermaid inner alchemy, and those who wanted to see the joke of "Swords of Wind and Thunder", all began to move around, communicated in private, and weighed. With the possibility of intercepting a group of people.

The simple blue eyes swept across the female fairy who made the sound. She was not bad in appearance, but the eyes were too calculating. She probably came for Tianjun and Tianli, but they didn't catch their eyes.

So she smiled lightly, raised her white jade finger, and gently pressed it against her red lips, making a gesture of silence, and her soft voice echoed throughout the hall:

"Everyone, you have your own thoughts, and I can't satisfy each of you! If that's the case, then wait here quietly! Don't disturb my interest."

As Jian Jian's voice fell, everyone was annoyed at what she said, and their faces were dull for a moment, and then they all quieted down, quietly sitting on their chairs, only watching Jian Jian and his group with their eyes. Time fell into an eerie silence.

Jian Jian caressed the shark bead on his chest, turned around and said to the two:

"Follow me, two!"

It can be said that the group left the teahouse unimpeded, and no one jumped out to look uncomfortable. The people gathered at the door of the teahouse consciously gave way.

A few people with eyesight immediately rushed into the teahouse to find their companions, but those people were like old monks in meditation, without any reaction, only staring obsessively in one direction, and waited until they simply boarded the boat, these people recovered Sanity.

Those who regained their sanity lost the memory of the period when they were in a daze. This made all the immortals who originally wanted to make up their minds feel scruples. The other party only met each other, and the people in the whole teahouse were restrained at the same time. Taking advantage of this opportunity, killing the unsuspecting ones was a piece of cake. It was really frightening to think about it, and made these people put away their claws.

There are also experienced immortals who directly sarcastically said:
"A group of ignorant guys, it's really embarrassing to the human race. The female mermaid you saw is the royal family of the mermaid family. She has her own innate skills since she was born, which is not comparable to that of ordinary mermaids.

According to the narration of bystanders, this mermaid should be good at enchanting spirits. She only needs one look to make people who are not firm-willed live and die for her. The massacre is already for the sake of this is the territory of the human race.

As for the two immortals of the 'Wind and Thunder Twin Swords', they were probably bewitched by her, but I don't know if they can come back alive. "

Speaking of the latter, it was hard to hide the meaning of regret in his tone.

After being popularized by knowledgeable people, all the immortals have pressed their minds, and the royal family can't move, so let's see if they can find ordinary mermaids to pick them up.

Jian Jian and his party returned directly to the merman spaceship, even returning earlier than Neil and his party. The merman guards on the ship were very vigilant when they saw His Royal Highness Anna brought back the two immortals.

"Don't worry, I invited these two to help out, and I will take charge."

One sentence dispelled the worries of all the sharks.

Returning to her cabin, dismissing Nan Feng brothers and sisters, Jian Jian finally let go of the restraint, took out his own fairy wine with a smile, and continued to talk about old times with the two juniors.

Tianjun and Tianli were not polite, they toasted together to celebrate their reunion in the fairy world, after taking a sip of the fairy wine, the abundant immortal energy went straight into the lungs, instantly replenishing the immortal energy in their bodies, it seems that they are still recovering Dark wound, which made both of them brighten up.

"Tianjian, this is a good thing!"

"Well, it's brewed when I have nothing to do."

Simply smiled. Men like this kind of stronger fairy wine, but she herself prefers Baihua Xianniang and Baiguo Xianniang. The taste is clear, lingering, and has floral and fruity aromas. She was not stingy with brewing, and prepared ten small altars for each of them.

"Thank you, we are welcome!"

Although the two are not good at drinking, but this kind of immortal wine that can quickly replenish the immortal energy is naturally hard to come by, so they are directly included in the storage ring.

"Tianjian, how did you get into this mermaid spaceship?"

Tang Jun played with the folding fan in her hand and asked with a smile.

"Speaking of which, the fate between me and Bibohai was formed when I went to the corner of the fairyland to find you. Have you forgotten? The merman scales I gave you are a gift from the parents of the little merman I rescued, and now That little merman is the owner of this spaceship, the little prince Neil of the blue sea."

"I see! It seems that the two of us are really going to do our best this time."

Tian Li drank the wine in the glass and said directly.

"The reason why the two of us can get along well in this blue sea port is also because of the mermaid scales you gave us back then, allowing us to walk on the ground in the water without affecting our moves at all, hunting high-level sea beasts It also has a depressing effect on them.

It is also because the two of us teamed up to hunt and kill high-level sea beasts, and the fairy stones we earned were naturally rich, so we were given the title of "Swords of Wind and Thunder". In order to have this harvest.

There are also many sea hunting teams who have invited us to join them, but my brother and I know that the shark scales are part of our rich harvest. The team has always been the two of us working together. "

Tian Li didn't hide anything, and explained the reason in one breath.

(End of this chapter)

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