Chapter 1540
"Tian Li is right. When he decided to come to Bibohai, he knew that there were frequent conflicts between sea beasts and mermaids here. Second, because we have the protection of mermaid scales, we have greater confidence and more opportunities. Now It seems that our decision was very wise."

Tang Jun said with a smile.

"So fate is very strange."

Jian Jian also agreed, took a big turn, and finally, because of the same thing, everyone gathered together again.

"Tianjian, I see that when you frightened those immortals just now, you used the power of shark beads."

Tian Jun has always observed the subtleties, and naturally discovered the simple little movements in the teahouse.

"Yes, this shark bead was obtained by Tianhong and I in the secret realm of the ice field."

It is simple and does not hide, and tells it bluntly.

"Master, is the old man alright?"

Tian Li asked in a low voice.

"It's not bad. I have a place in Immortal Sword Sect. He was the one who accompanied me to practice in the Demon Realm, and he separated before entering the Battle Realm."

"That's good. When Master comes out of the battlefield, I will pay a visit."

"Well! Don't worry, I also promised Tianhong to go to Leihai to practice, and then I will bring you with me."

Simply said with a smile.

"Naturally, I want to go to Leihai to experience it, but my current cultivation base is low, so I'm afraid of losing the face of my master."

There was yearning in Tian Li's tone, but there was also self-knowledge.

"So I'm not in a hurry. Lei Hai can't run there. When your cultivation level improves, we will go there once. Not only people from Lei Lingen are suitable. For people like me, using Lei Hai to exercise your body is a good idea. Couldn't be better."

"Senior Sister is right. Since your ascension, the Heavenly Sword Sect has continued to use the body training and body training recipes you left behind, and has cultivated a group of disciples who practice both sword and body. Their strength is not as good as ours back then. Much stronger."

The corners of Tianjun's lips curled up, and she said with a smile.

"That's good, how are my four disciples doing now?"

Simple is more concerned about his apprentices.

"Before our ascension, the four of them were already able to play their own roles, and all of them were developing very well.

Due to his natural sword bones, Jianfeng has already achieved a small degree of success in the way of the sword. He used to use his cultivation in the middle stage of Xuxu to compete against the cultivation in the early stage of Fusion and did not fall behind. His swordsmanship is very respected.

Jianchong's own foundation is solid, he is also alert, and with the help of the treasure hunting mouse, he has found many precious resources for the sect, and has also supported the growth of the Yu family. One step beyond the thunder pool.

Jian Miao is the most qualified among your four disciples. With his wind-type swordsmanship, he can stir up the situation in the world. He joined hands with Beast Cicada from the Beast Master Sect to practice on the mainland, and caught a few Zerg that slipped through the net. I made a name for myself.

The Patriarch of the Wei family once approached Jian Miao, wanting to go to her peak to serve as the son of the Wei family, but she was swept out of Jian Miao Peak without showing any kindness, and threatened that she had already left the family when she was five years old. They are just disciples of Tianjian and have no clan members, making the Wei family a laughing stock in the cultivation world. "

He simply listened and smiled slightly:
"Jian Miao is my only female disciple, and she is also the one with the most stubborn temper among the four. She was harmed by her closest relatives back then, which almost made her unable to enter the Tao in this life. Except for her parents and Wei Zhengrong, who never gave up, the rest of the Wei family are in her favor. It's nothing, I understand what she did."

"There is also your love for her here."

Tian Jun said with a smile, but he knew that for Jian Miao's cultivation method, Tianjian sent a set of heaven-level cultivation methods in exchange for Jian Miao's chance to go to the top floor to choose the cultivation method.

"Girls naturally need to be pampered, otherwise they will be easily coaxed away by male cultivators if they lack knowledge."

Simply said with a smile.

"You can rest assured that your four apprentices are all devoted to Taoism and never spend time on their children's personal affairs."

Tian Li interjected.

"Although Yushu is your registered disciple, he is actually your direct disciple, and he is the only disciple who inherits your mantle, coupled with the support of the Jia family, his cultivation level is not inferior to that of senior brothers and sisters.

In the grand competition held jointly by the three races of Dao, Demon, and Demon, he won the first place in the Void Refinement Stage with a strength not inferior to yours in the past, and has since become famous in the Lingyun Continent.

After that, there was another episode. Jian Shangxi of the Jian family secretly asked his younger generation to join Tianjianzong as a casual cultivator, and wanted to worship Yushu's sect. Jane clan land. "

After Tang Jun finished speaking, she looked simple, as if she knew that there was her handwriting in it.

"I ordered this matter. They are not qualified to practice the "Heaven and Earth Chaos Cultivation Technique" I left to the sect, and they don't even think about returning to the fairyland Jian's house after practicing this technique. This is owed by their collateral line. cause and effect."

Simply put.

"Is Law Enforcement Hall and Zongmen all right?"

Then the subject was simply changed.

"Jiancheng and Jianwu are paired up in light and dark, and they are in charge of the law enforcement hall. Successors are being cultivated. Wei Zhengrong, Qi Wei, and Jin Liuli can all be in charge of their own. Meng Congjian takes the resource bank of the law enforcement hall very seriously, especially You left it alone for the storage ring prepared by Zongmen Ascension monks. It is estimated that he will not be willing to ascend until the things you left behind are distributed.

Sect Master Jian Chong's cultivation has already reached the time to step down, but no one is willing to take over the position of suzerain for the time being, so he can only continue to work hard. Now the sects in the back mountain are Tianxu (Jianxu) and Tianpan (Jian Pan) The two Mahayana patriarchs, when there are new Mahayana disciples in the sect, they will also ascend. "

Simply listening and tasting the immortal wine, knowing that everyone she cares about is well, she forgets about it.

"Did senior sister take away the evil knife before she ascended?"

This is what Tianli has always wanted to ask.

After all, he and Tianjun have been suppressing their cultivation and not soaring. They just want to wait for the time for the evil knife to be self-proclaimed. If they come out to make trouble again, they can work together to seal it again. As a result, there is no evil knife in the entire Lingyun Continent. Their cultivation could no longer be suppressed, so they soared together.

"Yes, I brought it to the Immortal Realm, and gave it to the Immortal Sword Sect's guardian immortal, and it became his natal sword.

But this evil knife is very cunning, she didn't resist at all, she came to the fairy world with me, she was looking for her own evil knife core, this is a part she lost, otherwise her original strength would not stop there. "

Afterwards, in a few words, he explained in a few words how he had found the core of the evil knife, and the reason why he handed the evil knife to the immortal Lord Shoudian, and finally spread his hands helplessly:

"I'm not as strong as others. This is the best way I can think of to deal with it. However, I have detained the core of the knife and hid it in a place where the spirit of the knife will never be able to sense it. After the guard hall completely refines the Scarlet Seedling Knife , I will decide whether to return the core according to my mood."

After hearing this, Tian Jun raised her eyebrows and smiled, and jokingly said:
"It seems that the Shoudian Xianjun is very optimistic about you."

"Tsk tsk, I thank him, it's better not to be so optimistic about me."

(End of this chapter)

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