Chapter 1541 The Road to Return 1
After hearing this, Tian Li and Tian Jun looked at each other, and they both saw a smile in each other's eyes. It was obvious that the guardian fairy had the capital to suppress Tian Jian.

"Hey, Tianjian, these have to be considered in the long run, don't be too impulsive."

"I understand that even if my Silent Sword is not inferior to his Xie Dao, my cultivation is my shortcoming. I am confident that one day I will catch up with him, and then I will settle my account with Xie Dao."

Jian Jian squinted his blue eyes and said.

The Immortal Sword Sect's guardian Xianjun in the northern fairyland was checking the latest news when he suddenly felt a chill in his back, his eyes narrowed, and he felt that someone was plotting against him.

"It's good that you have a sense of proportion. Since you ascended, you have never sent a message to the lower realm with the World Passing Incense, but is it inconvenient?"

Tian Li turned to ask about this matter.

"Several of your disciples are looking forward to receiving news from you, but you haven't sent back a single word. Before the ascension, they came to visit me and senior brother, thinking that if they can see you, they will ask you."

"Ahem, I really forgot about this. The main reason is that I haven't been idle since I ascended to the fairy world. Now I will make up lessons for the two of you."

Jian Jian shook his head helplessly, and took out four jade slips from the storage ring, which were what happened when he first ascended, when he was in Xianjianzong, when he was in Demon Realm, and when he was in Battle Realm.

Among them, she covered up some sensitive information such as identifying the master artifact, the Ziyu Silver Dragon Cauldron, conquering the Ice Field Secret Realm, and obtaining the boundary heart of the Bao Family Secret Realm.

The two each took the two jade slips, and began to read the information in them, in order to grasp the current situation as quickly as possible, and also to help Tianjian.

At this time, the restriction on the door was touched, and after a simple wave of his hand to open it, it was Yali the Merman who came to see him. Naturally, he saw the two immortals in the room, and then frowned.

"His Royal Highness, Neil and I have just returned to the spaceship, and the resources have been replenished. I heard that you brought two human immortals aboard. What is your intention?"

He simply raised his eyes and glanced at the other party, then smiled and said:

"These two are human immortals I met at the port, but these two are sword immortals with strong strength. Now that they are used by me, they will become the help of the mermaid race."

Then he simply turned his head to look at the two of them, and said softly:
"Tangjun, Tianli, this is the merman Alex of Bibohai, and also Neil's guard, come and get to know him."

Tianjun and Tianli had a tacit understanding, put down the jade slips in their hands at the same time, stepped forward, and bowed their hands almost at the same time:

"Tianjun (Tianli) has met Senior Alex!"

At this moment, Alex had a slight smile, waved to the two of them and said:

"You're welcome, just follow Her Highness Anna's instructions."


After introducing the two parties to each other, and confirming to Alex that the two were under her control, Jian Jian waved his hands, and the two saluted respectfully, returned to their original positions, picked up the jade slips, and continued with the matter just now.

"Is Neil back?"

Simply ask.

"He is sorting out the resources he added today, because of what happened at the port, we will enter the blue sea ahead of time."

Ali said in a low voice.

"Okay, I don't have a problem here, and I don't have a tail, you just start."

Simple and natural, he heard what the other party said, what happened at the port, so he replied to Alex very simply.

"Yes, Your Highness Anna."

Then Alex turned to the control room of the spaceship. After ten breaths, the flying fish spaceship sailed to the depths of the blue sea.

It took Tianjun and Tianli in the cabin an hour to read the information accumulated by Jian Jianfei Ascension into the Immortal World for nearly [-] years, especially Tianjun, who sorted out the entire timeline, and then bowed to Jian Jian in admiration :

"Senior Sister, since your ascension, everything you have done has hit the vital points of the Zerg. It is no wonder that they tried to kill you over and over again, but not only were you not injured, but your cultivation base was also rising steadily. Accurate and ruthless, you have trampled over the entire fairyland except the demon realm, Tianjun admires you."

Tian Li didn't say anything, and also bowed his hands to express his admiration, and he couldn't do without admiration. At least the arrangement of the Zerg race in the fairy world was completely ruined by his senior sister. It was opened layer by layer, and it was about to be completely uncovered.

"Sesame also took a large part of the credit for being able to pull out these bugs."

He said with a simple smile, and then explained:

"Sesame is the worm eggs I got from Yuyan Zhenzun of Yushouzong, and I hatched them with half of the fairy crystal veins in the fairy world.

Zhima, come out to meet your two uncles. "

Zhima couldn't wait to make her debut, so she jumped down from her simple earlobe. Xiao Zhizhi took a look at Tianli and Tianjun, and then she straightened her body, and introduced herself:

"My name is Sesame, and I am the Immortal Gu cultivated by the master. I can distinguish the real body of the Zerg race. If the master can have today's battle results, I also have a share of sesame seeds. Although I eat a lot, I am also very capable."

After hearing Zhima's self-introduction, Tianli and Tianjun both pursed their lips and smiled, as expected, what kind of master would raise what kind of Immortal Gu.

The two also bowed their hands solemnly, and introduced themselves. The two felt that this little guy was overpowering the two of them, and that it was indeed hatched by the senior sister with the celestial crystal vein.

"I met your master unexpectedly this time, and I didn't prepare any decent meeting ceremony. These are the inner alchemy of the high-level sea beast that Tianli and I hunted down. You choose some that can be used."

Tian Jun directly took out a handful of sea beast inner pills of various colors from her storage ring. The sizes were different, but the colors of the inner pills were relatively pure, and the power contained in them was also very clear, obviously purified.

It was also the first time for Zhima to see the inner alchemy of the sea beast. After going around for a while, he delineated five inner alchemy, corresponding to the five elements of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth, and looked simple, as if asking if he could accept it.

"Since it's a meeting gift for you, you can accept it!"

Zhima cocked her tail happily, and after thanking the two of them, she swallowed all the five inner pills, which were five times the size of his body, into her abdominal space.

"Master, I'm going to prepare a return gift."

Then Sesame bounced back to the simple earlobe.

Tianjun and Tianli's smiles deepened, they didn't expect Zhima to prepare gifts for them in return.

Simply spread her hands, indicating that she didn't know what Zhima was going to prepare, and was about to continue the previous topic, when suddenly the entire spaceship shook, because it was hit.

Immediately, the simple spiritual sense came out, and he saw that the boat driving on the sea was being attacked by four sea beasts.

"It's the overlord sea shark beast in the sea."

Tian Li recognized it at a glance. The most powerful thing about this kind of sea shark is its steel teeth, which can bite anything. The black-gray skin is like rubber, smooth and not easy to break. The only weakness is the eyes and tail.

"Are the two junior brothers sure?"

Simple rolled his eyes and asked directly.

"Yes, let the merman sweep the formation, and my senior brother and I will join hands, and show our strength by the way, so as not to be underestimated by that merman."

Tian Li said in a deep voice, his eyes sparkled with excitement.

(End of this chapter)

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