Chapter 1545
"Of course I arranged for people to report to the Immortal Emperor's Mansion. After all, it concerns the entire Western Immortal Territory. But the strange thing is that the clansmen I sent out disappeared one after another and never returned to the clan. At first I thought they were discovered by sea beasts. Encountered siege, did not pass the news out.

However, when I personally sent Neil away from Bibohai more than two years ago, I sent a clansman out of the encirclement alone, but that clansman also lost contact after that. The family members were also killed.

At this point, I stopped sending people to the Immortal Emperor's Mansion. The people of Bibohai are also precious, and in the process of fighting with the Merman and the sea, there were also immortals who secretly shot from the side and swung their swords towards them. My people, since this is the case, we can only stop asking for help and fight against the sea beast's attack by ourselves.

Sending Neil away is also to leave a way for me, Bibohai, and I hope King Adidas can protect Neil, but Neil is struggling, and with your assistance, I really found reinforcements, I am very pleased. "

An Dongxi spoke bluntly.

Holding the folding fan in her hand, Tian Jun turned it a few times before slowly opening her mouth and saying:

"Your Majesty the Shark King, there is no need to get angry. Those immortals who shot from the sidelines are really hateful, but there are two possibilities. One is that they really don't know that there are Zerg's handwriting in it, and they are purely to pick up leaks. After all, whether it is a sea beast or a shark. Human shark beads and scales are good resources for them.

The second is that they knew the way to do it, they worked hand in hand with the Zerg race, and took the opportunity to attack the Merman race secretly, for the sake of resources, and even more for the mission issued by the people behind the scenes.

And their purpose of doing this is to take the territory of the mermaid race as their own, and the Zerg race secretly occupied this place. I want to know their intentions. If the Demon Realm can create monsters, so can the Bibohai. The octopus should be two the product of a combination. "

Step by step, Tian Jun deciphered these conjectures from the existing information, and these conjectures coincided with simple ideas.

"Little friend Tianjun, your analysis is in line with my guess, so after we were blocked from sending out messages one after another, we knew that there must be someone secretly obstructing us, so we no longer tried to contact them in vain, and could only fight against the sea beast alone."

Anthony said helplessly, as the Shark King, he would naturally be able to escape smoothly, but he could not abandon his clansmen, this was his responsibility, and Bibohai was also their birthplace, so he could only hold on.

"In order to protect more of your clansmen, Your Majesty has been sitting in front of the town, attacking at any time, never resting for a moment. Today, because the sea beasts did not organize a large-scale attack, they took a short rest in the palace."

Fanny explained with a worried expression.

"With the support of these thousand South Sea sharks, at least the front line will not be so tense."

Anthony patted the back of Fanny's hand reassuringly. He knew that his lover cared about him, but the threat of the mermaids had not been completely eliminated, so he could not relax.

"Your Majesty, I think we still need to solve the problem from the root. It is best to find the lairs of those monsters and strangle them all. Once the sea beasts are out of control, they will kill each other, and those sea beasts that have been transformed will naturally also kill each other." They will surface, and then we will break them one by one."

The simple strategy has always been to capture the thief and capture the king, and go straight to Huanglong, which is the most direct and effective.

"Anna's proposal is very good, but the mermaids I sent to track these monsters failed to find the opponent's lair. Although I have not given up, I have always made secret arrangements, but so far there is no harvest."

Anthony frowned.

"I couldn't find them with my divine sense and my control over the water system's energy. I think they should be hiding on land. Only this explanation makes sense."

"No, Your Majesty, there is another possibility. They are indeed hiding in the sea, but a formation has been arranged to cover their tracks."

Tang Jun raised an objection.

"Anthony is the king of the sea, even if there is a formation, he can detect it."

Fanny has great faith in her lover.

"Natural Formation!"

Jian Jian and Tian Jun uttered their voices almost at the same time, and then they looked at each other and smiled tacitly.

And Anthony also nodded thoughtfully, indicating that this possibility is very high.

At this time, a guard touched Anthony's water boundary and shouted outside:

"Your Majesty, I just received the news that the number of sea beasts on the front line is increasing, and the attacks are becoming more and more fierce. Please go and sit in front."

Jian Jian immediately changed back to Anna's disguise, and then Anthony opened the water boundary and said to the guards:
"I see."

Then he said to Jian Jian:
"Would you like to follow me to the front?"

"Naturally, Your Majesty, don't let the reinforcements from the South China Sea show up for the time being. I guess this is their temptation. I and the accompanying guards showed up at the port, so I will go with you and let my spies out by the way."

Jian Jian narrowed his blue eyes and said with a smile.

"Okay, thank you Anna."

Anthony didn't refuse either, the sooner this war can be ended, the better, the mermaids can't afford it.

Simply use the message beads to summon Nanfeng, Nancy and his own guards, accompanied by Tianjun and Tianli, and went to the battle scene with Shark King. Neil was detained by Fanny for not being able to go The battlefield is extremely regrettable.

With the Shark King in front, the speed of the group was extremely fast, and they arrived at the battlefield after a quarter of an hour.

All kinds of sea beasts flocked to the mermen on the opposite side, and the mermen also held weapons and shuttled among the sea beasts. Every time they made a move, they could either injure or kill a sea beast. Its speed is not inferior to the flash of a fairy, and it is no problem to fight ten against one.

The arrival of the Shark King made the sea beasts want to retreat, and the monster hidden among the sea beasts retreated the fastest without the slightest nostalgia.

Simply curling up the corners of his lips and smiling, his little silver armors had been released long ago, and the cleverest little silver armor had already stuck to a monster at the fastest speed and left the battle scene .

This made Jian Jian squint her eyes, and it was not in vain that she focused on cultivating the little guy. Before that, this little silver armor was stuck on the yellow sand map of the desert, and it followed the Jane clan. Chengsu's family sent back useful news, so this time they did their part to fight.

Simple and natural, it would not let the little silver armor be busy outside alone, accompanying the shark king on various fronts, releasing more than a thousand little silver armors, spreading the net, and one of them will always enter their hiding place.

However, Tianjun and Tianli joined hands to kill sea beasts, especially the fusion of races and sea beasts, which were taken care of by them.

Because of the support of Jian Jian's previous jade slips, they have tested where the weaknesses of these weird sea beasts may appear, and cooperated with the mermaids, and they strangled some of them.

Coupled with the actions of Nan Feng, Nancy, and the guard team, although the situation could not be reversed immediately, it also boosted the morale of the sharks fighting ahead.

(End of this chapter)

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