Chapter 1546
Three days later, Jian Jian followed the Shark King to walk around the entire battle line, and temporarily suppressed the group of sea beasts that were about to move and the monsters mixed in it.

And on the fourth day, Jianjian received the news from the little silver armor. The little ghost has not sent back the news, so she can only turn her eyes to an island discovered by the little silver armor. The formation is arranged, and neither the naked eye nor the spiritual sense can detect it.

"Tsk, it's really a big deal. If there is no high-level power to arrange the formation, with the strength of the Shark King, it is impossible not to discover it until now."

The faces of Yueluan, Junli and Western Immortal Emperor flashed before Jian Jian's eyes again, with a sarcastic smile on his lips.

"Anna, since your spies have discovered their lair, we'd better act as soon as possible."

Anthony belongs to the action group and decided to make a decisive move.

"Yes, I agree with the Shark King's proposal, and this time the Thousand Mermaids of the South China Sea can also show up, and they can restrain those monsters on the battlefield so that they have no time to worry about others.

The Shark King will act together with us. Only by taking action can you be sure that nothing will go wrong. If you can't kill them all with one blow, after some escaped monsters spread the news that you have shot yourself, they will probably rush to the front line frantically, making you helpless. Don't return to defense.

Furthermore, this is the territory of the Bibo Sea Merman after all, so I don't recommend letting the South Sea Merman go too deep. "

The simple words were reasonable and reasonable, and all aspects were considered. After Anthony and Alex discussed, there was no objection, and the action on the second day was decided in this way.

That night, Jian Jian summoned Nan Feng and Nancy, and told them:

"Tomorrow you will act together with Yawei, and hold back the attack of sea beasts in front. How much you can kill depends on your ability. Anthony also promised that as long as the sea beasts you strangled by yourself, they are all your trophies. You have to take good care of the individual thank you gift."

"Thank you, Your Highness Anna, but you are alone in the rear, we are worried, let Nancy stay by your side!"

Nan Feng said respectfully.

Although Her Highness Anna gave them a chance to compete for resources, their primary task was to protect His Highness, although he knew very well that maybe they didn't need it at all.

"No need, I won't go to the front to cause trouble. I will accompany Queen Fanny in Bihai Palace and wait for your triumphant return. Although you are my temporary guards, since you have come to Bibohai, you have to earn more resources. Besides With two sword immortals by my side, it should be fine in Bihai Palace."

Simply said with a smile, it was regarded as rejecting Nan Feng's proposal.

Nan Feng had no choice but to give up and led Nancy to leave the simple temporary palace to join Yawei. The ten of them would also be organized into a team of one thousand and obey the assignment.

On the second day, the joining of the South China Sea merman made the battle on the front line even more intense. It was almost a face-to-face meeting. The private soldiers of Yadi Shark King demonstrated their powerful combat capabilities. They cooperated with each other and harvested without stopping. The lives and bodies of sea beasts.

In the Bihai Palace, after confirming that the situation of the battle was stable, Anthony escaped from the water, and led the simple three and his own hundred private soldiers, and sneaked towards the hidden island.

Simply because of the sight shared by the Mother of Silver Armor, she led the way ahead, bypassed the battle sea area between the two warring parties, and stopped at one place when she continued to dive to the border sea area of ​​the Merman Territory.

"My little spy said that it's just a hundred miles ahead, just because no one noticed the formation at the moment."

Anthony understood, a fierce look flashed in his eyes, he dared to play tricks on his own territory, and didn't pay attention to him at all, so he would naturally reciprocate, otherwise he would really be a soft persimmon to be rubbed by others.

Anthony raised his hand and directly blocked the nearby sea area, a transparent water boundary that included both the sea and the sea.

Then Anthony showed his real body as a merman. Standing tall on the sea, he swung the fish's tail and hit the place protected by the formation.

With a "bang", a crack appeared in the formation, allowing the rest of the sharks to see the flaw, confirming the accuracy of Her Highness Anna's news.


Anthony increased his strength by two points for the second time, and this time directly broke the formation violently, the entire island lost its cover, and finally revealed its true colors.

Then all the mermen saw that those Zerg monsters were pouring out of the island like a tide, obviously knowing that there was no chance of winning in the hands of the merman, and they were going to escape, but it was a pity that Anthony did not intend to let these monsters go. The anger finally came out.

"Papa" was another two heavy blows, directly crushing the entire island, sinking into the sea without any struggle, and those monsters scattered and fled, but unfortunately they were all blocked by the Shark King's realm.

"Kill them all!"

After receiving the order from the Shark King, hundreds of sharks swung their fish tails and submerged into the sea, and started chasing and killing them in the sea. Jianjian, Tianjun and Tianli naturally formed a triangle formation, and did not enter the sea.

Knowing the weakness of this monster, all the mermaids cooperated very tacitly and killed them very quickly.

On the simple side, she is the main attacker, and the silent sword in her hand has turned into a thousand pieces, only attacking the weak points of this monster, such as the belly and eyes, and by the way, removing the protruding insect feet of the opponent. Naturally, Tianjun and Tianli have a division of labor and cooperation , the two of them are one level lower than Simple, so they are responsible for supporting.

More than half of the monsters that were besieged and suppressed had already been killed when the Shark King made his move, and the rest were trained by the Shark King for his subordinates. Seeing that the monsters could not resist, they began to divide their forces.

Some of them are entangled with the mermen, and some of them are close to the water boundary. By self-destructing, they want to use their own corrosive blood to bring the boundary back, so there may be a way to survive.

As the king of the sea, Shark King has perfected the control of the water element's energy, so he naturally sensed the opponent's small movements, and directly transmitted his voice to his subordinates and simply:
"Get rid of your respective opponents, and I will send you out of the water realm."

The merman who got the order flicked his fish tail, no longer wanted to fight, and withdrew from the water realm, leaving those monsters rampaging in it.

Jian Jian brought Tian Jun and Tian Li back to the Shark King in time, and then watched Anthony raise his hand and began to compress the entire water boundary. The water boundary, which seemed as thin as a cicada's wings, was eventually crushed into dregs.

Even the dregs were sealed by Anthony in a basketball-sized water polo and stored in his own storage shells. These are the evidence, so naturally they should be kept well so that they can explain the situation to Immortal Emperor Western in the future.

In less than an hour, the dark island was successfully resolved. Everyone was happy, but they all suppressed it. At this time, Jian Jian received the news from the silver-armored little clever ghost through the silver-armored mother.

"Your Majesty Shark King, my spies have discovered another place where monsters are hidden in the natural formation."

(End of this chapter)

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