Chapter 1547 Three Eagles with One Arrow

After hearing this, Shark King said without hesitation:
"The consumption of this battle is not large, and the front line can continue to be contained. Let's go all out and kill them directly. Don't let them change places after they are alerted."

"Yes, His Majesty the Shark King is considerate. The situation over there is a bit complicated. My spies found that there seemed to be shark captives. Besides that kind of monster, there was also a combination of sea beasts and Zerg. A place for new types of monsters."

The simple eyes flickered frequently, and relayed what he saw to the mermen.

"Your Majesty the Shark King, since this is the case, I suggest sneaking in and not breaking through violently. This will easily make them jump over the wall in a hurry, hurt the Sharks or use the Sharks as a shield, and affect our killing action."

Tang Jun cupped her hands and suggested.

"Okay, let's go and have a look at the natural formation first. If Anna's spies can understand the more detailed layout, it will be more convenient for us to act."

Anthony looked at it and said simply.

After saluting briefly and respectfully, he said softly:
"Anna is willing to serve His Majesty. I have ordered the little spies to find out the terrain and the place where the people are detained. I hope to have complete information before we arrive."

"Okay, let's go!"

The Shark King had already put away his real body, opened the water tunnel again, and led a group of people, quickly approaching the place protected by the natural formation protruding from the bottom of the sea.

No need to make a simple effort, she is now being led by the Shark King, and she started to contact the little ghost. Following the pictures sent back intermittently by the other party, the simple eyes became deeper and deeper, and the disgust towards the Zerg in her heart increased to a higher level.

In order to prepare the Shark King, she sent a voice transmission to Shark King Anthony, and shared the scene she saw, which made Anthony's movements stagnate for a while, and then the coercion dissipated, and the murderous aura overflowed, making all the sharks tremble trembling.

"Your Majesty, calm down!"

She said simply that although she had strong spiritual sense, she couldn't stand the coercion of Anthony, who was as cultivated as a fairy, and she could only protect Tianjun and Tianli.

"Damn them!"

The Shark King instantly withdrew his coercive and murderous aura, gritted his teeth and said.

"Anna will definitely help with all her strength to strangle these scourges of the blue sea."

Simply said in a deep voice.

Although Tang Jun on the side didn't know the specific situation, she still said:
"Your Majesty Shark King, please be patient for a while, restrain your breath, and don't disturb those hidden evils."

Anthony can become the King of Sharks, besides luck, he also has strength, so when Jian Jian and Tian Jun comforted him, he had already adjusted his state and only accelerated his progress.

The closer to the natural formation on the bottom of the sea, the more news the little witty ghost sends back. Thanks to his transparent body, and being in the sea, the chance of exposure is reduced with the help of sea water, and water can be used to help it. When the group arrived, they had already explored most of the area.

In the sea going to the natural formation, they didn't find a single spy. Obviously, these Zerg were very relieved here, thinking that they would not be found.

Outside of the natural formation, it was the Shark King's turn to act. After all, it was in his territory, and the formation here was based on sea water, relying on the terrain, and formed with the help of plants in the sea. It was perfect for the Shark King to take action.

In order not to disturb the Zerg monsters inside, Anthony released his consciousness, attached to the sea water, and slowly extended to the entire natural formation. After confirming the enveloping area of ​​the entire formation, he directly raised his hand to arrange the water boundary. Then it started to unravel slowly.

All the sharks were silently lurking, and simply communicated with Tianjun and Tianli about the situation inside:
"This seems to be the place where the Zergs study the fusion method. They have already allowed the Zergs to fuse with sea beasts, but the success rate is not very high. However, the previously captured merman is now their new research object. In addition to the previous possession In this way, they have already allowed the black beetle larvae to hide in the shark bead, slowly controlling the shark.

Now they are doing whimsical research on how to integrate the Zerg and Merman to have more powerful sea and land two-breathing monsters. "

Tang Jun and Tian Li frowned when they heard that, these Zerg could really think about it.

"In the merman cemetery in the South China Sea, the black beetles and female insects that entered the Lordless Shark Orb were passed from the blue sea?"

Tang Jun asked.

"I don't know for the time being, why do you have such a guess, Tianjun?"

Simply ask directly.

"Obviously, Anthony's strength is one level lower than that of Yadi Shark King, and the Zerg also chose to win Bibohai first, because they have already established a base here, and after almost exhausting the Merman Clan, even if Neil didn't go to the South China Sea to ask for help , These bugs will also enter the South China Sea under the banner of asking for help, and copy the action mode of Bibohai again."

After thinking about it briefly, she said that this possibility is very high, and she has another guess:
"You should remember that I accidentally fell into the South China Sea because the Zerg sent the so-called elites to sneak into the Immortal Realm through the Battlefield Passage, and I suspect that the place where they sent the Zerg into the Western Immortal Realm should be in this blue sea.

Firstly, falling here is safer than appearing in the fairy city out of thin air, and it is not easy to be discovered by high-ranking immortals. Secondly, because half of Bibohai belongs to the mermaid tribe, and the Antony family has experienced internal friction, they have no control over the entire sea area. Wang's height, there is a loophole.

This makes it easier for them to disguise themselves as a hunting team entering the sea, and enter the fairyland through the mixed port of Bibohai, and it is clear that the Zerg's operation in the western fairyland is better than that of the other four fairylands. Naturally, there are people who can respond , After that, the Zerg people should naturally deal with the aftermath. "

Simple eyes narrowed, and he felt that his guess should be close to ten.

"I agree with Senior Sister's conjecture, so if we destroy this place this time, it will definitely injure the Zerg, so that their claws will no longer be able to extend in the Bibo Sea, and they will not have the opportunity to extend into the South Sea."

The corners of Tianjun's lips curled up slightly, agreeing with the simple deduction. Although Tianli didn't speak, he nodded his head in agreement.

"Before, I used the principle of dead lips and cold teeth to persuade Yadi Shark King to send troops. I guess he should have noticed it a long time ago. He is also a merman family. It is impossible for him not to plant his own spies in Bibohai.

It happened that I stepped forward, and he not only repaid my favor, but also made Anthony owe them a favor from Nanhai, and also eliminated hidden dangers for Nanhai. It really killed three birds with one stone. "

Said simply and somewhat angrily.

At this time, Yadi in the South China Sea Crystal Palace sneezed twice in succession. He raised his hand and rubbed his tall nose, thinking in his heart that Anna must be scolding him, which also proved that his goal had basically been achieved.


The corners of both Tianjun and Tianli's mouths twitched, but no one answered. The senior sister is getting farther and farther away from the beautiful fairy image she created.

"I have found a passage to enter, and will not trigger any warnings, I will send you in!"

Shark King Anthony's voice reached everyone's ears, Jian Jian and the three of them also got ready, and in the next breath, everyone was sent into the natural formation by a stream of water.

 Boys, Fengling's keyboard is smoking, the fifth update will be delivered, and there will be an update before twelve o'clock, the number of updates is currently uncertain, and I will tell you when the time comes. so tired! ε=(ο`*))) Alas~~
(End of this chapter)

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