Chapter 1548 Rescue the Merman
Before entering the natural formation, Jian Jian had already shared the topographic map of this five-kilometer-diameter submarine island with the King of Sharks, who assigned the task, so as soon as they entered it, a hundred of the sharks used the help of the King of Sharks to Shui Dun, quietly touched the killing area they were in charge of.

The simplicity is that at the moment of entering, he ordered the little silver armor to hide in a safe place immediately, and waited for him to go to pick him up, so he couldn't let his little hero be accidentally injured.

With the Shark King's support, the battle on this small underwater island is almost one-sided. Anthony only takes action when his people are in danger, while Jian Jian leads Tianjun and Tianli all the way to the place where the Sharks are held. .

The simple proposal of rescue by herself was not to overwhelm the host, but only because she was the only one who could tell whether the captured merman had become a puppet of the Zerg race.

Anthony nodded in agreement with the simple proposal. At the same time, he vaguely guessed who Anna's so-called enemy was. With this talent, he was naturally the one to be hunted down.

If Anthony knew that Jian Jian went all the way from the Immortal Realm to the Demon Realm, and then to the Battle Realm, it would be full of hatred, and he would probably admire his benefactor, the little fairy.

When Jian Jian and Tian Jun and Tian Li touched the past, they found that in the depths of the cave, there was a huge cage made of deep-sea cold iron, imprisoning nearly a hundred mermaids, male and female mermaids, small mermaids, and those who were about to die of old age. Digital shark.

Just as she was thinking about how to break through the cage, a worm's foot that shone with blue light slammed into Jian Jian's position. The next moment, the water traps on the three of them were broken and exposed to the merman's eyes. The insect foot continued to attack the three people who were dodging without stopping.

"It's the clansmen who came to save us!"

The mermen in the cage, because of the fluctuations in the sea, found Jianjian and the three of them, especially Jianjian's merman outfit, which was very confusing, and immediately rekindled the hope of these trapped mermen.

At this time, the number of insect legs attacking the three people had increased to three, and everyone was attacking frequently, and the movement here attracted many monsters for a while.

In several other places, because of the attack, the Zerg monsters were alarmed. For a while, the entire underwater island was full of fighting scenes.

Holding the Moxi sword in Jian Jian's hand, he was wrestling with a hard insect's foot, and he was using two things at once, calling the sword light to the cold iron cage from time to time.

The trapped sharks were obviously sealed with shark beads, and they just hit the cold iron cage with their fish tails, hoping to escape here as soon as possible through simple cooperation.

Now is the time to race against time, simply and directly pour the power of chaos into the Moxi sword, cut off the insect's foot from the joint with only one move, and then the power of chaos spread rapidly along the cut, corroding the flesh of the Zerg monster Body.

Tianjun and Tianli also seized this opportunity, and cut off the insect's foot fighting with them in one fell swoop, and then worked together to cut off a railing of the cage.

Simply looking at the swarming mermen, his eyes flashed, and the next moment, the Moxi sword turned into a thousand long swords and shot at the swarming mermen.

"Your Highness, what do you mean?"

"Your Highness."


When some sharks helped their dying companions swim out of the cage, they did not expect that they would be attacked by their clansmen.

The simplicity is just a slight swing of the tail, and the beautiful face is full of majesty:

"Look at the companions I killed, they are no longer our clansmen!"

In fact, there is no need for a brief reminder. The mermaids who were strangled at the first time have already revealed the characteristics of the Zerg race, and some of the mermaids have changed their complexions. Obviously, they did not expect that there is a royal family who can distinguish the difference between the two.

"Those who pass the screening, immediately go to join my companions."

After finishing a simple sentence, he flicked his hair in the next breath, and the crown of willow branches on his head came to life. Liu Chuan and Zhima teamed up to pull out some of the merman's shark beads, and there was another cry of pain in the cave.

This time, the mermen did not act rashly. They were simple and no nonsense. They only cut open a shark bead sent by Liu Chuan with a sword, so that the mermen saw the black beetle that was cut in half together.

Some mermen with problems were already frightened. They swung their fish tails and started attacking their former merman companions. This made the remaining mermen even more panicked.

Simplicity is a smile, and Mo Xijian cooperates with Liu Chuan to start a new round of strangulation.

The merman she let go was first put into the fairy beast bag by Tian Jun and Tian Li. These merman shark beads were sealed and had no fighting power. If they go out now, they will die. It is better to wait quietly and wait. Release it in a safe place.

The two cooperated tacitly, one took in the mermen who had no problems, and the other resisted the swarming Zerg monsters. After the simple side had screened out a hundred mermen, they also joined the two and began to kill.

The three of them were not in love with fighting. After getting rid of the Zerg monster, they rushed out of the hole, and then transmitted Anthony:
"Your Majesty, the merman who has no problem has been rescued. This cave can be destroyed directly. It is the habitat of Zerg monsters."

Almost at the same time as the simple sound transmission fell, a huge fish tail fell heavily, with the coercion and strangling power of the Immortal Monarch Realm, destroying one-fifth of the island.

Simply smacking his tongue, Anthony was so angry that he didn't intend to keep alive at all, her eyebrows twitched when she saw it.

After rescuing the merman, the rest will be much easier, simply go to the opponent's resource pool to pick up Little Shining Armor as soon as possible.

This little clever ghost shared all the topographic maps of the small island under the sea, but it didn't indicate where the resource pool of the Zerg was. He was lurking at the door of the resource pool at the moment. After touching it three times, the message was passed on.

With a simple flick of the fish's tail, he strangled two hybrid sea beasts rushing over, got into a thicket of red mutated seaweed, and disappeared in the next instant.

Tian Jun and Tian Li exchanged a look, and then killed the hybrid sea beast near the seaweed bushes. At this time, a group of blood eels were besieging the two of them.

The two took turns to move, to prevent this long and narrow blood eel from getting close, and the sharp sword light directly smashed it into pieces.

Taking advantage of the interval between Tianli's attacks, Tianjun took a sip of the celestial wine, replenished her celestial energy, and then changed to Tianli. Since there was a simple supply in stock, the two were not stingy. After the celestial energy filled their meridians, the two People directly created the Wind and Thunder Sword Field here, and strangled the group of blood eels to death.

At this time, Jian Jian had already picked up the little silver armor, and harvested the Zerg's resource bank, flashed out the red seaweed bushes, and said via voice transmission:


The three of them formed an formation again and returned directly to the Shark King's side.

"Your Majesty, my spies have returned, and I have confiscated the Zerg's resource pool."

Immediately, a high-end storage shell was presented.

Anthony was not pretentious, and accepted it directly, because he saw that there were only three high-level ores that the human race could use in the simple storage ring, and he took what he deserved, and he didn't take too much. Proper.

(End of this chapter)

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