Space Cultivation: Rebirth Against the Little Orphan Girl

Chapter 1549 The Decline of the Emperor Star

Chapter 1549 The Decline of the Emperor Star
Among them, the high-level treasures in the resource bank that are suitable for human immortals have long been collected by Little Shining Armor in his abdominal space. This is something he has investigated in advance. catch.

After destroying the two nests of the Zerg, Anthony returned with the mermen.

Simple is to say directly to Tian Jun:

"If we have sufficient manpower, we can directly outflank the battle line from behind and cooperate with the sharks in front. We will definitely be able to severely injure those sea beasts, and make them unable to escape after discovering that their lair has been destroyed."

"Her Highness Anna's words are very reasonable, but she is suffering from insufficient manpower."

Tian Jun warmly echoed.

After a brief thought, he flicked his fishtail and came to Anthony's side. Apparently, the other party seemed to be frowning and considering this proposal.

"Your Majesty, we are short of manpower, so we chose a compromise method, only attacking a section of the battle line where the hybrid sea beasts and Zerg monsters are most concentrated, and try to kill these hidden dangers as much as possible, leaving the other sea beasts for the tribe to practice. What do you think? "

"Well, just as I thought, we will work hard today, otherwise it will be a hidden danger after all to let these monsters scatter into the blue sea."

Anthony had the same thought.

Simplicity is the secret sound transmission channel:

"Your Majesty, after the battle is over, you can secretly drive the Zerg monsters and hybrid sea beasts that slipped through the net to the sea area under the jurisdiction of the human race, and let them worry about it. The mermaid clan needs to recuperate after this battle."

After Anthony heard this, doubts flashed in his blue eyes, and he took a brief look before saying via voice transmission:
"Hey, Anna, you are also a human race, so I'm afraid it's wrong to do this!"

"What's wrong? Although I am a human race, I am still on the side of justice. They prevented you from spreading the news of the Zerg monsters and watched the Bibo Haiyu people fall. They didn't have any good intentions. Since no one believed it, Then we will speak with facts, only when the Zerg's sharp teeth bite them, they will feel pain."

Jian Jian narrowed his blue eyes, and responded without burden.

Anthony once again confirmed that Neil's benefactor is definitely a ruthless character, and he doesn't even blink his eyes when he counts his fellow clansmen.

"I can't swallow this breath, but after our merman race wins, those monsters will naturally withdraw from the sea area of ​​the merman race, and I can't control the rest."

Anthony smiled and said that he indirectly agreed to the simple proposal.

With a simple and tacit smile, the topic is over.

This is simply causing trouble for the Western Immortal Territory, and the Western Immortal Emperor ushered in the first failure of his three declines and five calamities. There is a tendency to grow.

The Western Immortal Emperor immediately turned back to his own cave, and the Immortal King Junli said that he had some income occasionally, and he would retreat for a period of time, and hand over all the affairs of the Immortal Emperor's Mansion to Junli. After the decline, go out again.

The Western Immortal Emperor did not tell the truth to Junli about this matter, and the other party did not suspect that as an Immortal Emperor, who would not want to ascend to the God Realm, only the last step is missing, nothing is as important as that trace of understanding, maybe he caught that trace Comprehension, really pierced the last layer of window paper.

At the beginning of the first decline of the Western Immortal Emperor, the fourth elder summoned the other two elders on the top floor of the Star Reaching Building in the Southern Immortal Territory.

"Second Elder, Third Elder, that new Emperor Star has changed again!"

As he spoke, he pointed to the starry sky where the Western Immortal Territory belongs.

The Second Elder and the Third Elder did not make a sound at the first time, but used the astronomical and astrological instrument to observe the entire starry sky of the Western Immortal Territory. After a quarter of an hour, the two looked at each other in surprise, as if confirming each other's discovery Is it consistent.

"The New Emperor Star has now turned to the sky above the Western Immortal Territory, and the Emperor Star, the representative of the original Western Immortal Emperor, has begun to dim. You should know what this means."

The second elder said in a low voice.

"Naturally, it is obvious that this new emperor star will replace the Western Immortal Emperor."

The fourth elder frowned and said.

And the third elder didn't make a sound, but was trying to figure it out, but he couldn't make any further calculations, so he had no choice but to give up, shaking his head and saying:

"Where is the new emperor star, I can't figure out any information at all, I only know that the other party is a rising monk."

"Third Elder, don't force yourself. Heaven's secrets are not so easy to calculate. This time the Emperor Star of the Western Immortal Emperor is dim, which is also an obvious reminder."

The second elder said.

"Perhaps the three declines and five calamities of the Immortal Emperor have come, so the Emperor Star is dim."

The third elder guessed.

"Why didn't there be signs of three declines before? But after the appearance of the new emperor star, there suddenly appeared three declines and five calamities? We can observe the signs of three declines of every immortal emperor in the Zhaxing Building, because we can observe the signs of three declines in advance. Communication, so it can stand for thousands of years."

The second elder shook his head.

"The Western Immortal Emperor must have retreated at this time, but we did not inform in advance. With the Western Immortal Emperor's temperament, he will definitely blame us."

"It doesn't matter, Western Immortal Emperor knew about the landlord's retreat, and he closed it before him. This is a fact. The Great Elder also entered the battlefield to participate in the battle. The three of us did not have the ability to observe in advance.

Now send a message to the Immortal Emperor of the West, saying that with the combined efforts of the three of us, it is possible to discover that the Immortal Emperor has entered the three declines, and it is very mild. Don't say anything else. "

The second elder said, for the sake of Zhaixing Tower, some things still need to be described. If the Western Immortal Emperor is aggressive, they don't mind telling the news to the other immortal emperors. Of course, this is on the premise that the Western Immortal Emperor violated the oath. , otherwise they must keep each other's secrets.

"Okay, I'll send a message now."

The fourth elder is the person on duty today, and it is most appropriate for him to send the message.

The news reached Immortal Emperor Xixi at the fastest speed, and the other party crushed the special jade slip with a sullen face, cursing in a low voice:

"Except for the old man Zhaixing, the Zhaixing Building is all trash, and none of them can be observed in advance, if it is not because of the other immortal emperors, hum!"

He knew that he had nothing to do with the Zhaixing Building for the time being, and everything would wait until he got through the decline.

These things have nothing to do with simplicity for the time being. At this time, she is teaming up with the merman clan, outflanking the past from the rear, and began to kill the most difficult Zerg monsters.

The line where the monsters and hybrid sea beasts are densest has been covered by Anthony's Water Realm. This group of monsters have no chance to escape, and the resistance becomes more intense. They fight with the merman, and the melee becomes more intense. There are casualties all the time.

The battle lasted for three days and three nights, and almost all the strength of the whole clan was used to gnaw off the most difficult bone, and one-third of the mermaids suffered casualties, so the saint Irene had to go to the front line , began to rescue the tribe.

Queen Fanny and Neil, who were sitting in the Bihai Palace, burst into tears after receiving the news of the victory ahead. Afterwards, Fanny ordered the guards in the palace to open the warehouse of the mermaids and distribute resources in an orderly manner.

(End of this chapter)

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