Chapter 1550 Kindly Inform
Things went smoother than expected, because of the lack of control of the hybrid sea beasts, the remaining ordinary sea beasts started to attack each other, and the battle line began to break from one place, like dominoes, quickly disintegrating.

The Zerg monsters had no follow-up support and fled in all directions. Because the hiding place was taken away, they could only hide and hibernate, ready to look for the next opportunity.

Although the merman tribe suffered heavy casualties, but because of the support, they began to gradually conquer the breached sea area, forcing the sea beasts out of the merman tribe's territory little by little.

After the merman clan stabilized the battle situation, Anthony went out alone once, and then he shrank the sea area where the merman belonged, and began to cultivate.

The merman reinforcements in the South China Sea also suffered casualties during the battle, so even after the battle ended, they did not return immediately, and temporarily rested in the Bihai Palace.

After the busiest period, Anthony hosted a banquet for his allies in the South China Sea this day, which can be regarded as fulfilling his promise. He gave every merman who participated in the battle a generous gift in return, and the mermen who were killed by sea beasts even got double rewards. double the resources.

"On behalf of the sharks in Bibohai, I would like to thank Nanhai for helping us through this difficult time. The friends who have sown their blood here are also our heroes in Bibohai."

Anthony raised the wine glass in his hand and said passionately:

"Send off the dead clansmen, pay tribute to the dead allies!"

Then he drank the wine in the glass.

Everyone toasted together, to celebrate, but also to remember.

The celebration banquet lasted all night, and Jian Jian, Tang Jun and Tian Li only showed up at the beginning, and they were invited to celebrate alone with Queen Fanny and Neil.

"Anna, thanks to your help this time, the war ended so quickly. But this war also hurt the clansmen, and it will take a long time to recuperate. Anthony said that he will seal off part of the sea area of ​​the Merman clan. "

Fanny spoke softly about her lover's decision to Jian Jian.

"It's also a form of self-preservation if necessary."

She will not comment on Shark King's decision.

"Anthony also said the same thing, so he asked me to ask you, should you stay in Bibohai to practice for a period of time, or send back reinforcements from the South China Sea Merman?"

Fanny asked with a smile.

This simplicity has not been decided yet, she plans to discuss it with the two juniors.

Neil on the side couldn't wait to say:

"Aunt Anna, you haven't visited the Bibohai yet, and you have been busy turning the tide of the battle here. Now that you finally have time, I will give Neil a chance to thank you."

Fanny didn't stop her, and she probably wanted to keep things simple.

"Neil is so kind, I will naturally not refuse, but I will respect the wishes of my two friends whether they stay or stay."

Simply looking at Tianjun and Tianli, the two looked at each other, Tianjun turned the folding fan in his hand, and said kindly:
"The two of us are practicing wherever we are, and it's not bad to stay in Bibohai. With Her Highness Anna here, we will be more secure in terms of safety."

Now that the two have expressed their views, Jian Jian decides to stay in Bibohai for a while. Most importantly, she also wants to collect some news about Yueluan and Junli.

If Yin Yuejing knew that she had arrived in the Western Immortal Territory, she would definitely come out, but she was not fully sure of confronting the two Immortal Kings head-on, so it was best to protect herself right now.

After Anthony finished the entertainment, he came to find his lover and children. Seeing a few people chatting very speculatively, he also joined in.

"Your Majesty, I have something else to tell you."

As soon as Anthony sat down, he spoke simply and bluntly.

"What's the matter? Please tell me."

He briefly talked about the merman cemetery in Nanhai, and also explained the favor that Nanhai owed her.

Anthony's expression was naturally not very good after hearing this. After all, according to the simple statement, this method of sojourning was researched by the Zerg hiding in the natural formation of the blue sea.

"I'll let Saintess Elena check it out in person, but I still need to rely on Anna's ability. Can you work hard again?"

"My honor, now I am also a member of Bibohai, so naturally I have to contribute to the clan.

The accident in the Nanhai Yuren cemetery was due to the betrayal of the successor of the saint. I don't think the saint Irene has any successors. As long as she has no intention of betrayal, the cemetery should be fine. "

After listening to the simple analysis, Anthony nodded and said:
"Just in case, let's go check it out. I'll make an excuse here. You have the qualifications to be the next saint. What do you think, Anna?"

Simply nod your head to show you understand.

Three days later, Yi Lianna reported the rescue situation to the Shark King, and by the way, she proposed to go to the cemetery to replenish some shark beads, and replace the shark beads for the clansmen whose shark beads were damaged.

Anthony was waiting for this sentence, he said with a smile:

"Irina, according to the arrangement you said, I have found a helper for you here."

Yi Lianna looked at Shark King with question marks all over her face, helper?Mermaids are her helpers, why should they mention it separately?
Anthony didn't say much, and sent a message to Jian Jian with a message bead. After a while, Jian Jian swung his fish tail and came to see King Shark.

"Your Majesty, what can I do for Anna?"

"There is indeed something to work hard for you."

Anthony said kindly, and then continued to Elena:

"Anna, you have also met, let her accompany you to the merman cemetery of our family, and share some for you."

"I have met Her Highness Anna."

Yi Lianna bowed to Jian Jian first, then turned to Shark King, and said neither humble nor overbearing:

"Your Majesty, Yi Lianna understands your love and protection, but this is against the rules. Only my successor can follow me into the burial ground of my ancestors."

"I made this proposal, naturally considering these."

After Anthony finished speaking, he turned his attention to simplicity.

Simply smiling at Elena, the fishtails turned into legs in the next moment, and her jade feet stepped on the ground of Bihai Palace.

After being surprised for a moment, Elena looked back and said to Anthony:

"Your Majesty, let Her Highness Anna study with me. Only after passing the test can she officially become my heir."

"Okay, Anna will study with you from tomorrow on."

Shark King waved his hand directly and said.

"Saint Elena, please teach me more in the future."

"Okay, come to my residence tomorrow to find me."

Having said all that needed to be said, Irina took her leave in a timely manner and left the main hall.

And Jian Jian changed back to a fishtail, but in his blue eyes, he had doubts about this Yi Lianna.

Back to the small palace where he lived temporarily, he briefly talked about how he met Irina today.

Tianjun played with the folding fan in her hand and said directly:

"When you are with that Irina tomorrow, you'd better be careful. The Holy Heir is not so casually decided, she promised too readily."

"Well, as I thought, the merman cemetery in Bibohai may not be peaceful."

 Good evening, babies!Feng Ling didn't mess up today, but she was quarantined in the cabin today~ Departure at 12 noon, arrive at [-] pm, start work after eating a piece of pancake, but the network signal here is extremely poor, my laptop can't connect, I can only It’s a little slow to code words with a mobile phone. I only coded a chapter and uploaded it first. I’ll explain it to everyone by the way. Sorry for your understanding!

(End of this chapter)

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