Chapter 1551 Re-entering the Graveyard
On the second day, Jian Jian went to see Yi Lianna as promised, and the other party lived alone in a palace made of shells.

Elena has silver hair, glass-colored eyes, a high nose bridge and deep eye sockets, light pink lips, and a slightly serious expression.

"His Highness Anna, I wonder if you have considered it last night and worked hard to inherit the position of saint?"

Elena sat on the shell chair and asked lightly.

Simply seeing that the other party was not in a hurry to take him to complete the task, he also transformed into legs, still wearing the colorful robes, and after sitting down, he stroked his golden hair and said with a smile:

"Irina, becoming a saint, will my blond hair become silver?"

Yi Lianna did not expect that Anna was concerned about this, and said in a light tone:
"Yes, the saint's silver hair is also caused by the tribe's taste of all kinds of underwater plants, so the lifespan of the saint is shorter than that of ordinary sharks."

"Saint, I like my blond hair. Besides, I can see that you don't approve of me being the heir of the saint. Let's not waste each other's time."

Although Yi Lianna was guessed right, she was not embarrassed, because this was the effect she wanted.

"But, Your Majesty..."

"Saint, Your Majesty just asked me to be your helper, and didn't say that I would definitely be your successor, but the reason why I can justifiably follow you is that I have the qualifications to be a saint."

Explained simply and indifferently.

Her explanation obviously put Elena in a much better mood.

"His Royal Highness Anna, if you really have the determination to become a saint, I will naturally help you, but in my opinion, it is better to choose a saint from ordinary mermaids, and you have the pride of being a royal family, saint Not for you."

"Saint Irene, you don't need to say much, I understand everything, so I just need to follow you and complete the task His Majesty ordered."

Simple still said with a smile.

The two of them finished Tai Chi and confirmed what each other wanted to confirm. Yi Lianna and Jian Jian went to the merman's cemetery together.

Different from the South China Sea, the merman cemetery in the Bibo Sea is located in a trench overgrown with coral.

Yi Lianna raised her jade hand lightly, and what she drew was also a hexagram formation. After the formation was lit up, she ordered the following guards:
"You can only stop here, the rest will be done by Her Highness Anna and me, just wait outside."

"Yes, saint."

The shark waited politely, and then watched the two enter the cemetery.

A quarter of an hour later, Saint Elena fell out of the hexagram that suddenly lit up, with bloodstains on her body and the corners of her lips.


The guard exclaimed, and immediately stepped forward to help Elena up.

"Quick, take me to see His Majesty, Anna... Anna seems to be controlled by the Zerg!"

Elena said with a pale face.


The captain of the guard knew that the matter was serious, so he immediately helped Yi Lianna to see King Shark.

The merman cemetery is some distance away from the main palace, so the guards swam there as quickly as possible.

"Your Majesty, the saint was attacked by His Majesty Anna and was seriously injured. She said..."

Seeing Shark King, the captain of the guard immediately reported, but before he finished speaking, he saw Shark King frowning.

"Elena, what's going on?"

"Your Majesty, Anna went to see me today as you ordered, and we went to the ancestor's cemetery after only talking a few words.

But after I brought her in, Anna suddenly grabbed a shark bead and broke it open, releasing a black beetle, attacking me, as if she wanted the insect to enter my sea of ​​consciousness.

I subconsciously counterattacked, but I am not her opponent, so I can only leave the cemetery first, trap her in it, and come to the Shark King for help. "

Yi Lianna's voice was obviously a little unstable, but she spoke in a clear and orderly manner, but the more she spoke, the more ugly her face became.

"Your Majesty, I have no experience in dealing with the enemy, so I left Anna in the cemetery in a panic. If she absorbed the shark beads left by her ancestors...or let that kind of black beetle hide in it, wouldn't the shark beads..."

Elena didn't finish the rest of the sentence, but Anthony also understood the meaning.

Only a trace of anger flashed in his blue eyes.

At this time, Tianjun, Tianli, Fanny and Neil who received the news all rushed over.

"Aunt Anna wouldn't do that!"

Neal didn't believe Anna would do this.

"Prince, the wound on my body is caused by her crown made of willow branches."

Yi Lianna stretched out her arm, and there were streaks of red and purple bloodstains on it, which made it painful to look at.

There was no expression on Tang Jun's handsome face, but when she looked at Yi Lianna, she had some deep meaning.

"Saint Elena, we have heard what you said just now. The most important thing we should do now is to remove Anna who is under the control of the Zerg from the cemetery? If she continues to stay there, the cemetery will definitely be severely damaged."

Yi Lianna nodded subconsciously, and then looked at Shark King:

"Your Majesty, please take action, I am not strong enough."

"it is good!"

Shark King escaped from the water, engulfed Yi Lianna and her accompanying guards, as well as Tian Jun and Tian Li, and left quickly, leaving only Fanny and Neil behind. go out.

After going back and forth like this, plus Elena's report, half an hour had passed by the time Shark King arrived at the cemetery.

The guard who stayed behind saluted the Shark King and said:
"Your Majesty, I didn't see Her Highness Anna coming out."

At this time Elena stepped forward and said:
"I was afraid she would escape, so I blocked the exit."

After speaking, she took a deep breath and reopened the entrance to the hexagram.

This time the Shark King entered first, and Tian Jun and Tian Li also stepped into it before Yi Lianna spoke out to stop it, but Yi Lianna, the rightful master, was the last to enter.

Although she was the last to enter, she didn't hear the sound of the two sides fighting. She felt relieved, knowing that she had made the right bet this time, but at the next breath, her pupils shrank.

In the very center of the cemetery, a tall willow tree grew out, surrounded by five people, with a thick trunk, dense wicker like hair, when each emerald green leaf flew out, it could break a shark bead, By the way, cut off the pre-flying black beetle larvae.

"Why did it take you so long to come?"

A simple and lazy voice came out.

Then Yi Lianna saw the wicker parting automatically, and Anna appeared in front of everyone intact.

"Your Majesty, according to my investigation, half of the shark beads in the cemetery have been destroyed, but I don't know whether Irina sent the mother insect away or hid it."

"You spitting blood, obviously you attacked me!"

Elena snorted.

"Before you and I entered, the shark beads here were all intact. You must have watched me escape and knew that I would invite the shark king, so you beat me like this."

"Well, you're right!"

He nodded in a simple and serious manner, and then changed the subject:
"I am so good, it is inevitable that I will be envied by others, but luckily I am prepared."

 Dear children, Chapter 2 is here, Fengling really tried her best today, let's make up tomorrow depending on the situation!Vote a little monthly, don't let Fengling's grains fail! (v) good night
(End of this chapter)

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