Space Cultivation: Rebirth Against the Little Orphan Girl

Chapter 1552 The Holy Maiden Was Captured

Chapter 1552 The Holy Maiden Was Captured
He briefly touched his earlobe, took off a small and exquisite earring, and injected a little immortal power into the bead-shaped Yingying jade inlaid in the middle, and then the process of her entering the cemetery with Elena was presented to everyone before.

"His Royal Highness Anna, this time I want to take a few shark beads left by my ancestors to help their descendants."

As Yi Lianna said, she raised her hand and began to select shark beads in a targeted manner.

But since Jian Jian entered this cemetery, his brows have been frowned, because Zhima has never stopped talking since entering this place.

"Master, there are quite a few shark beads here, but half of them are useless, which is much worse than in the South China Sea, but no female insects have been found!

Master, there must be something wrong with this Irina, the shark beads she chose are all stuffed! "

"is it?"

He simply raised his eyebrows and asked.

"Yes, master! Zhima will never be wrong, expose her!"

Zhima cocked her tail, looking for things for her master.

Simply raising his hand, he intercepted a shark bead that Yi Lianna was about to put into the shell.

"Anna! What are you going to do?"

After Yi Lianna finished speaking, she saw that the shark bead pinched in Anna's hand had been cut open by the opponent, and a black beetle larva flew out of it.

The black beetle felt the danger, and the vibrating membrane wing flew towards the simple eyebrow sea of ​​consciousness, much faster than the black beetle larvae in the lower realm.

Simply and seemingly casually raising his hand, he grabbed the bug and crushed it directly.

And Elena's glazed eyes flickered for a moment. She was now sure that the rumors about Anna's talent should be true, and then she blurted out in surprise:

"How could this be?"

Simple is to break open another shark bead, then look at Yi Lianna with a half-smile and say:
"Saint, I have to ask you this question. After all, the shark beads you choose are filled with fillings."

These words couldn't be more obvious, almost the moment her words fell, there was a white light attacking her back.

"So impatient! I thought you should at least pretend."

"It's you, you must have tampered with Shark Pearl, otherwise how could it be like this!"

Elena continued to deny it, and then began to attack it without any pain.

Jian Jian was too lazy to entangle with the other party, she wanted to see what the other party was up to, so she sent a sound transmission directly to Yanagawa and gave Yi Lianna a good beating.

Sure enough, Yi Lianna was throbbing and had no time to fight back, so she opened the hexagram and fled here.

Then in the entire cemetery, the shark beads with problems began to gather towards Jian Jian. As they approached her, they absorbed the energy of the shark beads, strengthened themselves, and began to look for opportunities to rush into her sea of ​​consciousness.

After dealing with it a few times, Jian Jian got impatient and let Liu Chuan take over directly.

Liu Chuan has never been a disadvantaged master. After confirming that there is a piece of wood pith in the cemetery, he directly took root in it. While absorbing the wood pith, he strangled the black beetles that rushed over, while protecting the simple, and did not touch those intact shark pearls. .

The picture just stopped when several people came in front and back, and everyone turned their eyes to Elena again.

"Your Majesty, I was in a panic at the time, so I judged that Anna had done something wrong, so after being attacked, I closed the cemetery to look for you. It took half an hour to go back and forth. Her picture jade may only be recorded in her favor, which does not explain That's my problem.

Besides, I have also vaguely heard that Anna has the ability to distinguish Zerg. This is the first time I have heard of this ability among our mermaids. Perhaps because she has been replaced by Zerg, she can naturally recognize the same kind.

And everything I did before was just to win His Majesty's trust, to make it easier for her to get close to me, and to destroy the shark beads accumulated by my shark race for thousands of years. "

The more Yi Lianna said, the more she felt that she was reasonable, and her simple eyes became more and more unkind.

"Well, what you said seems to make sense, and the logic also makes sense."

Simply nodding, now she knows what the other party wants to do.


After a brief technical pause, he continued:
"The premise of what you said is that I am a mermaid, and my ability is not innate, but because I am controlled by the Zerg, so I have to find a way to prove myself!"

Simply said with a smile.

"How do you prove that you have no problems? You haven't returned to Bibohai for a long time. We don't know what happened outside and what happened to you."

When Yi Lianna spoke, she had already guided her simple identity to the Zerg spies.

"Your Majesty, I can prove myself, but Bibohai will lose a saint, you see?"

Simply seeking Anthony's opinion.

"You don't need to worry about it, the heir of the saint is trained by me."

Elena thought that Anna was using her aptitude as a bargaining chip to fight for herself, so she immediately responded.

"It's okay, I, Bibohai, will not leave behind a saint who has two hearts."

Anthony gave a simple and clear answer.

Yi Lianna thinks this is Shaking King's support for her.

Simply said:
"The reason why I can distinguish Zerg race is because of the Immortal Gu I have cultivated!

Sesame, come out and say hello to everyone. "

Zhima couldn't wait a long time ago, and wanted to make his debut. The moment he finished speaking, he jumped into the palm of Simple's palm, flicked his tail, and his whole body exuded a shining white light, showing his extraordinaryness.

" are...that Jane..."

This time, Yi Lianna was really shocked. The only one who has survived so many fights with the Zergs is this direct descendant of the Jian family, who actually used such a perfect disguise to sneak into the blue sea. How could she not be surprised that she still regarded herself as a mermaid royal family.

"It seems that Elena knows my identity, which proves that I will never be controlled by the Zerg, let alone be a spy of the Zerg. I have an endless relationship with them."

In the next moment, a willow branch sprang out, and Irina who opened the six-pointed star flew away, and the white figure accurately fell in front of the Shark King.

Shark King recovered his calm expression since the Immortal Gu appeared, and when Yi Lianna appeared in front of him, he raised his hand and locked her into the Water Realm.

Then he simply said:
"Anna, thank you for your hard work. Has the appraisal been completed here?"

"Yes, Your Majesty! Taking advantage of Elena's trapping me here alone, my sesame seed has already screened everything here."

Simply and respectfully said.

At the same time, under her suggestion, both Zhima and Yanagawa returned to her, one continued to make earrings, and the other continued to make hair crowns.

"Your Majesty, you can arrange the rest of the matter! It is really inconvenient for Anna to intervene."

Simple and well-measured, Yi Lianna's betrayal of the mermaids must have a lot of involvement behind it, otherwise they would not be so passive in Bibohai's own territory.

Her arrival broke that balance, and the most important thing was to bankrupt the Zerg's conspiracy. Afterwards, it was a mermaid's internal affairs, and she, a pseudo-merman, would not be involved.

 Boys, good noon!Come up and say hello to everyone!At present, Fengling just has a little throat discomfort, no fever, and no cough. She took a nucleic acid test this morning and hopes to clear up as soon as possible, so as not to waste national resources.

  The cabin I arrived in was newly built, just like the cubicle in the open office area of ​​an office building, but the desk was replaced with a camp bed, and food and drink are free. At present, I can still persist, that is, the sound of watching dramas and snoring last night. , let Feng Ling not have a good rest, wake up at [-] o'clock in the morning to wash up, eat a steamed bun and catch up on sleep, now code out a chapter, upload first, the wireless signal is not strong, the notebook can't connect, it affects my hand speed, and the latter will also be Code it and upload it.

  Thank you again for your support and concern~(v)
(End of this chapter)

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