Chapter 1553 Disrupting the Layout
"it is good!"

Anthony heard a simple concern, which was something he was reluctant to say, and he naturally appreciated that he was so knowledgeable.

Then Shark King personally opened the entrance to the cemetery, and left with Elena and the others.

Everyone reappeared, and the guards and Neil who were waiting outside breathed a sigh of relief, but looking at Anna who was intact and Elena who was controlled by the Shark King, this reversal was too unexpected.

The guards didn't expect that it was the saint who was finally controlled by the Shark King, which meant that Yi Lianna's previous words were not credible.

Neil was surprised because he always believed that his benefactor would not do anything harmful to the Merman Race, and Irina must have misunderstood Anna. Now this situation proves that the problem is not Anna, but their saint.

"Father, this..."

"Go back and talk about it!"

Anthony frowned, and only said lightly.

Seeing the Shark King like this, everyone would not be bored, silently followed Anthony, and was brought back to Bihai Palace by the Shark King's water escape.

Queen Fanny, who had been waiting for a long time, was also relieved to see everyone returning safely, but when she saw Elena who was under control, she was also a little uneasy.

"Anthony, what's going on?"

Because she was too surprised, she called out her lover's name directly.

"Fanny, I'll talk to you later."

King Shark answered his lover's question first, then turned to everyone and said:
"Take Elena into the water prison first, and I will interrogate myself later."

Immediately, the two shark king's guards appeared, holding back the Water Realm expressionlessly, and left the hall.

"The mermaid race cannot be without a saint for a day. I plan to temporarily replace Irina with the former saint. What do you think?"

Shark King asked Fanny.

"My lord, this is not right. Although I don't know what Elena has done, the previous saint regards her as her own daughter. If she knows about it or participates in it, or has selfish intentions, the consequences are not something we can bear. "

"You're still careful. I didn't think about it. If that's the case, then follow the convention and choose from the talented female mermaids in the tribe. This time, the queen will be in charge. I will say that Elena is helping the tribe. The wear and tear is serious, and it is temporarily impossible to perform the duties of the saint, and the successor of the saint needs to be elected."

Two words from Shark King decided Elena's future, but no one dared to refute.

At this time, Jian Jian is quietly acting as her background board, and now the thread ends have been picked out by her, and the rest is up to Shark King's decision.

"Anna, I know that your spell of obsessing the soul is considered a minor success. You have worked so hard to help Fanny and test the character of the heir of the saint. What do you think?"

Anthony made no suggestion at all.

"Naturally, this is my honor. I will conduct the test after discussing with Queen Fanny."

The simple meaning is also very clear, she is just helping out, and will not overstep her.

Anthony smiled and nodded, admiring Anna's excellent sense of proportion.

Here, the Bibohai mermaid clan is slowly getting on the right track, but the expelled monsters and sea beasts can't hold back, and start attacking the human immortals who entered the Bibohai to hunt and experience.

Wang Xin was lucky that day, and killed a killer whale. The stalemate lasted for a long time. When he put away his prey, he was robbed by the hunting team.

Wang Xin knew that he alone was no match for them, but if he compromised this time, he would always be targeted by them, so he chose to run away.

Before Wang Xin was exhausted, he rushed to this small island, and before he had time to set up the formation, the pursuers also arrived.

"Wang Xin, hand over the prey if you are more sensible, or you will stay with your life when the time comes."

A male fairy with a murderous face said directly.

"Don't think about it! This is my prey, why should I give it to you?"

Wang Xin gritted his teeth and said back.

"Hmph! If you don't eat a toast and take fine wine, then I will teach you a lesson."

The male fairy with a murderous look rushed up alone, trying to give Wang Xin a good look.

Wang Xin saw that the opponent was attacking him alone, and knew that they felt that he couldn't run away, so he started to play tricks.

A fierce look flashed in his eyes, and he swung his sword to meet the opponent's attack. He intentionally lured a group of people here. There are monsters hiding on this small island, which he discovered by accident. Solved these people by the hands of monsters.

Sure enough, a quarter of an hour after the two fought, a black figure suddenly appeared, sticking out its insect feet, and chilled the murderous male fairy.

This mutation surprised the team members, and some of them recognized the monster:

"This is a hybrid of Zerg and low-level monsters. I didn't expect to come to the fairyland!"

As soon as they spoke, the eight of them fought against the monster, and Wang Xin had already escaped from this small island by using the non-directional teleportation talisman on the bottom of the box in his hand.

The moment Wang Xin left, monsters appeared where he was standing just now, and then those monsters made dumplings for the entire team, and finally only the captain escaped.

The captain dragged his seriously injured body and sent the news of the existence of the monster back to the port. After that, some immortals encountered the monster one after another. If they were alone, they could join forces to grind it to death. For the sake of escaping.

After all, most of their cultivation bases are in the Heavenly Immortal Realm and the Golden Immortal Realm, and there are very few Daluo Golden Immortals, so rumors spread all over the place for a while, saying everything.

In the Immortal Mansion of Dongting, Immortal King Yueluan has been very comfortable recently, because the Western Immortal Emperor is in seclusion, and Junli temporarily takes over the affairs of the Immortal Emperor's Mansion, which gave her another chance to intervene.

Previously, the clan failed to send out the elite disciples, which disrupted her placement plan. Now that the opportunity is presented to her again, she naturally has to grasp it well.

"Master, something went wrong with Bibohai's plan."

Shadow hidden in the shadows, whispered.

"What's going on? It didn't go well before?"

Yueluan's voice was a little impatient, but no good news came back.

"Prince Neil of the Blue Wave Sea brought reinforcements from the South China Sea, turned the tide of the battle, and even destroyed our bases on islands and deep seas."

"You said before that Neil didn't want to live alone, so he returned to Bibohai. He was accompanied by only his aunt whom he hadn't seen for a long time. If reinforcements arrived, would you not notice?"

A hideous look flashed across Yueluan's beautiful face.

"Our spies stationed in the South China Sea said that it was this Anna who persuaded Yadi Shark King to send troops, but he did not announce it to the outside world.

I suspect that he should have used a space magic weapon to transport the reinforcements, and that his subordinates have neglected their duties! "

Shadow lowered his head even lower.

"I'll talk about this later, can you contact our people? I want to know the specific situation!"

"That's why the subordinates came to report. Irina lost contact. What should we do next?"

"Contact Yi Lianna and ask her to bring the shark beads accumulated by her ancestors to see me."

After the shadow responded, he continued to report:
"Master, there are more and more reports of monsters appearing in Bibohai, how should we deal with them?"

(End of this chapter)

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