Chapter 1554 Creating Opportunities

"This may be a breakthrough."

Yueluan has regained her composure and said softly.

"Please instruct the master."

"The monster must have come from the depths of the Bibo Sea. We happened to have an excuse to summon the Merman Clan from the Bibo Sea and ask them to come to the Immortal Emperor's Mansion to explain, and we will let Elena accompany them."

Yueluan thought for a while, then continued:

"I will communicate with Junli about this matter, you just wait for the news, go down first!"


In the next breath, the shadow disappeared.

And Yueluan saw Junli three days later.

"A Li, you've been too busy recently, and you haven't had a good rest. I made you stewed Ganoderma lucidum soup, and you can use some."

Yueluan wore a red robe with dark gold patterns today, which made Junli feel refreshed, and a smile unconsciously hung on the corner of her lips, and raised her hand to take the jade soup cup.

"It's still Luan'er who loves me the most. The master's sudden retreat caught me off guard, so I've been busy during this time, and my baby has been left out in the cold."

Jun Li glanced greedily at Yue Luan's face, then grabbed the other's waist and let Yue Luan sit on his lap.

"Luan'er feed me a drink!"

Yueluan glanced shyly at Junli, picked up the jade spoon with a smile on her lips, and while feeding Junli, seemingly unintentionally raised the rumor about the monster in Bibohai.

"I just received the news about this matter. I have arranged for the Ji family, who is in charge of Bibohai port, to investigate."

Junli didn't hide it from Yueluan, and told her directly.

"A Li, I think this matter should have something to do with the merman in the blue sea. After all, they clashed with sea beasts on their front feet, defeated the sea beasts on their back feet, and there were monsters appearing in the human sea. Maybe they know more than us. Why don't we Summon them over to inquire about one or two."

Yue Luan said softly.

"What Luan'er said makes sense, and the News Pavilion analyzed it in the same way."

Junli never doubted Yueluan's intelligence, otherwise he would not have cultivated to the Immortal King Realm.

"The Shark King won't leave the Bibohai easily, maybe we can let the saint come here, one thing she can stay on land for a long time, and the other side's force value is low, so we can get information conveniently."

Yueluan continued to suggest.

"Well, Luan'er is very thoughtful, and I will arrange it tomorrow."

The topic is over, and the soup has come to an end, Junli pulls Yueluan to carry out the next round of in-depth exchanges, and Yueluan achieves her goal, and she also nestles affectionately in Junli's arms, extremely docile.

In the depths of the blue sea, after the first round of screening, ten female mermaids entered the list of candidates, all with joyful faces.

"Congratulations to everyone who has entered the list of candidates. Today you go back to rest first. Tomorrow is the test of xinxing. Only after passing this screening can you enter the third round of assessment."

Queen Fanny said softly.

"Yes, queen, we will definitely prepare well."

Ten people said in unison.

When everyone was about to leave the main hall, he simply flicked his fish tail, appeared in front of everyone, and said:

"Please stop!"

Then he turned to Queen Fanny and said with a smile:

"Queen, since it is a xinxing test, there is no need to prepare in advance, why not take the test together today."

After speaking, he blinked his eyes to hint.

Fanny nodded, agreeing with her approach.

Only then did Jian Jian turn around, looking at the immature female mermaids in front of him with azure blue eyes, a gorgeous smile appeared on the corners of his lips.

"Dear babies, are you ready?"

The voice was extremely soft, but the ten female mermaids sensed danger for no reason, and the scales on their tails showed signs of standing up.

In the next moment, they had no time to be afraid, and Jian Jian pulled them all into the dreamland specially constructed for them. The expressions of the ten people froze for a moment, and then they all slowly closed their eyes, and began to accept the simple one-sided devastated.

Fanny beckoned for Simple to sit down, and then said:

"They are still young, so don't make your test too difficult."

Simply playing with his blond hair, he said with a smile:

"Okay, I know that the queen likes these juicy juniors, I won't abuse them too badly."

As soon as she heard the simple tone of these words, Fanny knew that the ten little mermaids would probably be a bit miserable, but after thinking about it, she also realized that it must have been instructed by Anthony, after all, it was Yi Lianna, the saint who betrayed the whole family. .

The reason for Yi Lianna's betrayal is also very speechless, she just wants to have the lifespan like an ordinary merman, and also wants to become stronger.

Hearing this reason at the beginning, he simply hooked his lips into a smile and said directly:

"This is just an excuse for her. If she wants to obtain these things, she can do without being a saint, but she wants to obtain both a long life and the belief of the tribe, which is too greedy.

However, if it is achieved through her own efforts, it is also her practice, but she chooses to take a shortcut and let the clansmen become her stepping stones. Has she asked others if they are willing? "

This is indeed irrefutable.

When Jianjian was talking to Fanny, a female mermaid broke free from the simple dream, and after waking up, she was a little dazed.

After seeing the simplicity again, he immediately stood aside respectfully, lowered his eyes and thought carefully about the situation he had just experienced.

Queen Fanny showed a smile on her face, and said softly:

"It seems that Keke has a good heart, and she is the first to leave the trial environment you created."

"Well, I need to train more in the future."

After listening to the simple words, Fanny noticed that Ke Ke was moving quietly along the sea water, trying to distance herself from Anna.

In the next two hours, most of the mermen came to their senses, only two of them couldn't get out of the predicament, and they were finally awakened simply and directly.

"My lovely little sharks, it's a pity that you were eliminated."

"Thank you, Her Highness Anna, for allowing us to leave the trial environment."

"Your Highness, it's too scary! Joseph'an is too afraid that he will be trapped inside forever. I will work hard to cultivate in the future. Even if I don't become a saint, I will still be an excellent female mermaid."

Joseph Ann, the youngest, expressed his opinion immediately.

"Well! Not bad, I am optimistic about each of you!"

A sly light flashed in the simple blue eyes.

The aftermath of this psychic test is that all the mermaids know how powerful Her Highness Anna is, without using a hand, just a look can make you fall into a place of eternal doom and be trapped in it forever.So the mermaids are more respectful of simplicity.

After simply completing her task, she didn't interfere with the rest, and Fanny would take care of it.

Today, Anthony please go to the main hall of Bihai Palace briefly, saying that he has something important to discuss.

Jian Jian can only put down half of the chess game with Tian Jun, and go to Bihai Palace again.

"Anna, the Western Immortal Emperor's Mansion sent a message, inviting the saint girl to the Immortal Emperor's Mansion to inquire about the Battle of Bibohai.

However, I think what they want to know should be about monsters. "

Anthony said sarcastically.

"Your Majesty, maybe what they want to see is Saint Irene."

(End of this chapter)

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