Chapter 1555 Going to see you
After a brief mention, Anthony also found out that the other party had indicated that he wanted to see the saint, and it seemed that he had other intentions.

"Anna, do you mean that the Immortal Emperor's Mansion may be related to the Zerg?"

Simply, I have to sigh with emotion, they are all smart people!

"This is just my guess. As for the specific situation, I will only know when I go to the Immortal Emperor's Mansion."

"I searched for Elena's soul, and the person who contacted her has been using the message beads to send messages. She has only seen him once. The person is wearing a black robe and black cloak. identify."

Anthony didn't shy away from it, and said directly.

The information provided by King Shark reminded Jian Jian of the man in black who was suspected to have been rescued from under his nose that the Shoudian Immortal once said.

"Only a mouse in the gutter hides."

Simply disdainful, and then said:

"I can't let Elena go, and they mentioned the saint, but didn't mention Elena by name. We just need to say that Elena has fallen, and the new successor of the saint will be released."

"Hmm! I thought so too. It's just that the saintess heir was selected, so I'm afraid he won't be able to deal with the affairs of the Immortal Emperor's Mansion."

What Anthony said is already obvious, Jian Jian also just wanted to visit the Western Immortal Emperor's Mansion, this is not an opportunity, and Anthony can owe her another favor.

"Your Majesty, since this is the case, let me, the heir of the saint, go to the Immortal Emperor's Mansion! This is the best choice."

"Indeed, only you are the most suitable at the moment, but the danger is also very high, you, Anna, think about it."

Although Anthony didn't want the plan of the Immortal Emperor's Mansion to come true, he couldn't let Anna take the risk alone.

"Your Majesty is worrying too much. You are not worried that I will not respond properly and bring disaster to the Merman Race. I am naturally willing to bear the corresponding risk.

First of all, I can stay on land for a long time, at least they won't have doubts about my status as the Holy Heir.

Secondly, during the battle in the blue sea, the Yuren tribe sent news to the Immortal Emperor's Mansion over and over again, but it never came to fruition. We need to ask clearly, at least the Yuren tribe has a clear conscience.

Third, I have Immortal Gu to help me, so I can also find out if there are any hidden Zerg in the Immortal Emperor's Mansion.

The last point, and the most important point, is that I returned to Bibohai halfway. If something really went wrong on my side, you can shirk your responsibility, say that I am a fake Anna, and present the evidence of investigation, and the matter will be resolved. It has nothing to do with Bibohai. "

After simply speaking, Anthony knew that she was definitely going to go there, and she was ready.

"Okay, since that's the case, I will leave everything to you, Anna, and I will give you a protective scale to strengthen your defense.

In addition, the sharks in the South China Sea are also preparing to return, and you just send them off as the heir of the saint, and then go to the Immortal Emperor's Mansion, how about you? "

"Your Majesty arranged it so carefully, Anna has no objection, and the two human immortals acted as my flower protectors to act with me."

"Okay, I will send another team of merman guards alone, I wish you a smooth operation."

After the matter was settled, people from all three parties took action.

Anthony arranges to see off the sharks in the South China Sea and prepares the escort.

And Nan Feng and Nancy, who hadn't acted together with Jian Jian for a while, also came to see her, and asked her about her plans for King Yadi Shark.

"Before leaving, King Yadi Shark told us that if Miss Anna is willing to return to the South China Sea with us, we will still be your guards."

After listening briefly, his blue eyes blinked slightly, and he said with a smile:

"I was originally born in Bibohai, and now I have returned smoothly. I will never return to the South China Sea. If I do return to the South China Sea, the elders of the Yuren will probably urge His Majesty Yadi to form a bond with me as soon as possible."

"His Royal Highness, the rumors are not credible."

Nan Feng said as seriously as possible.

"Okay! I was just joking, you don't have to take it seriously, I'm not going back to the South China Sea, you go back with Yawei!"

"Yes, Your Highness Anna."

Nancy knew that it was useless to persuade her again, so she could only salute and leave with her brother to prepare for the departure.

Naturally, Tianjun and Tianli were accompanying, but they both knew that their cultivation was limited, so it might be a drag on the simple.

"Two junior brothers, don't be burdened. You are my eyes and brains. Just because you are not mermaids, for me, the heir of the mermaid saint, I must let the mermaids do important things. On the contrary, you are more important." Easy to do."

"Okay, senior sister is so optimistic about us, we naturally can't let senior sister down."

Tianjun hooked her lips and smiled, as if she had accepted the task.

Among them, only Neil was the most unhappy. Anna had only been in Bibohai for a long time, and he, a little guide, had no chance to go online.

"Okay! The matter is over. I will stay in Bibohai for a hundred or eighty years. I will annoy you when the time comes. That's all right!"

Simply smiled and reassured.

"Neil knows that what Aunt Anna did is very important, I hope you come back safely!"

Everything was ready, and on the second day, Jian led the sharks and reappeared in the port of Bibohai in a very prestigious manner.

This time, the surrounding immortals were all waiting and watching, and no one wanted to test the merman anymore, especially after the thousand-blood merman warrior appeared.

"Your Highness Yawei, thank you for your hard work this time! Anna, on behalf of Bibohai's people, thank you again for your great help."

"You're being polite, we're all sharks and allies, so don't be so polite."

After the two finished talking, they simply watched Yawei board a medium-sized spaceship, and after a steady lift-off, they left the blue sea.

"Let's go! We are leaving too."

After simply stroking his blond hair, he boarded a giant conch frame, and the four short-legged rushing beasts pulled the frame away from the port. Next to the frame was a team of nine high-ranking guards.

Anthony knew that there were a lot of dangers on this trip, so he sent the strongest team of guards around him to Jian Jian, whose cultivation base was only one level lower than him. In simple words, he was very prestigious.

Inside the giant conch car, Jian Jian is educating the two about the relationship between Yueluan, Junli and Wu Yi, among which there is naturally the appearance of Yinyuejing.

Naturally, Tianjun and Tianli knew that Yinyue Mirror was brought back by her senior sister from the secret realm of Yunshang Palace, but was left in Tianmo Palace in the end. Unexpectedly, Yinyue also had a former identity.

Yinyuejing's weapon spirit did not show up, but only said via voice transmission:

"Since we're back here, let's take away the resources left by the master."

After Yinyue said this, she simply didn't stop her. Instead of taking advantage of the couple, she might as well use it for herself, which is considered a reward for repairing Yinyue.

"Okay, then we will play by ear."

Tang Jun said.

"Yinyue, you'd better not show your face. I will let him in, including Zhima. What we are facing is Immortal King Junli, so we should be cautious!"

Before going ashore, she also learned that the Western Immortal Emperor was in seclusion, and that all affairs in the Immortal Emperor's Mansion were handled by Jun Li temporarily.

 Babies, that's all for today. I didn't rest well yesterday, and I have a headache. Go to bed first~ Good night
  It's the last day!Ask for a monthly ticket~
(End of this chapter)

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