Chapter 1556 Arriving at Xiping
"Having the opportunity to meet Immortal King Junli is also our good fortune."

Tian Jun said with a faint smile.

From the simple description, he knew that this fairy king was a selfish person who stepped on the bones of his junior sister to achieve his own goals, and he was not a kind person.

"I heard that Junli's partner is the Immortal King Yueluan who is known as the most beautiful woman in the fairy world. I wonder if there is a chance to meet him this time."


He simply raised his eyebrows and replied.

The first stop the group arrived at was Haicheng, which was under the jurisdiction of the Ji family, and the port of Bibohai also belonged to them.

When the giant conch carriage arrived at the gate of the city, there were already guards from the Ji family waiting, and they were politely invited to the Ji family's mansion.

Patriarch Ji is an old and mature man with dark skin and a very bright voice.

"His Royal Highness Anna, you left Bibohai, but because of the monster?"

"Yes, we, the Shark King, received a message from the Immortal Emperor's Mansion to explain the previous battle between our shark clan and the sea beasts. As for why monsters were involved, we really don't know.

However, in the battle against sea beasts, we found mutated sea beasts, and some fighters from our merman clan were killed for no reason...

Shark King was very worried and wanted to take this opportunity to find out the reason. "

Jian Jian blinked his blue eyes and said with a worried expression.

Patriarch Ji didn't continue to ask, this Anna seemed to have said everything, but didn't say anything clearly.

Besides, in the living room, except for the sharks and the two accompanying warriors, everyone's eyes were on His Royal Highness Anna, who only frowned. , was not greatly affected.

"Since that's the case, please take a rest for Her Highness Anna before setting off. The Western Immortal Emperor's Mansion is located in Xiping Immortal City. There is still a long way to go."

"Thank you Patriarch Ji for your kindness, Anna is bothering you."

Then Jian simply took his own people to the yard arranged by the Ji family, and as they left, these people completely looked away.

"Hmph! A group of worthless things, haven't you seen a woman? It's embarrassing!
That merman Anna is not a good person. The last time she only saw each other, she dragged the immortals in the whole teahouse into the demon realm. There are still people who are still awake, and they are probably useless.

The Fenglei Twin Swords, who are quite famous in the port, have also become her attendants. If you don't want to die, just move forward. "

All Ji's family members bowed their heads after hearing the Patriarch's scolding.

Patriarch Ji's youngest grandson muttered:

"Patriarch, we are just curious, nothing else. After all, the mermaid clan lives in the depths of the blue sea, and we don't have close contact with our human race. We also want to know a thing or two."

It's an explanation for everyone.

"Don't be so curious! You don't go around that person, she won't stay for long."

"Yes, master!"

Everyone bowed and said yes.

Because of the order of the Patriarch, there was no one without eyes looking for simple troubles. They only stayed for one day, and then took the spaceship directly from Haicheng to Xiping City.

After entering the cabin, Tianli asked:
"Why are you in such a hurry?"

They thought they could walk through the cities one by one.

"Of course it has to be soon. If the Immortal Emperor's Mansion doesn't see Irina, they will definitely investigate. If Anna is not allowed to go, wouldn't it disrupt the overall plan."

Tang Jun explained with a smile.

"I see! I hope we can arrive smoothly!"

Perhaps it was the Dao of Heaven that granted Tianli's wish. After twenty days' journey, the spaceship finally landed steadily at the port of Xiping City.

Before getting off the boat this time, I covered myself with a veil, which was made of high-quality silk gauze. Only a pair of watery blue eyes were exposed, which enhanced the sense of mystery.

After getting off the spaceship, a group of people boarded the giant conch frame and headed for the Western Immortal Emperor's Mansion.

Along the way, they attracted the attention of immortals, and the news of their arrival was sent to Jun Li immediately.

"It came much sooner than expected."

Jun Li directly waved his hand and said to the attendant beside him:

"When the people from Bibohai arrive, let them come to see me directly."

"Yes, Immortal King."

The carriages of Bibohai and his party were about to arrive at the Immortal Emperor's Mansion, but they suddenly said in a simple voice:
"Look for an inn to stay temporarily. We are in a hurry, so we should take a short rest before meeting the Immortal King, so as not to be rude."

"Yes, Your Highness!"

The merman guards are naturally headed by simple orders.

"John, I think that's a good one."

Simply point to a place called "Xiping Inn" on the side of the road.

The frame stopped here after a while, and someone went to arrange the check-in, but Tian Jun asked directly:
"But what's special?"

"I saw an acquaintance."

Simply said in a low voice, and gestured to Tian Jun, a group of six people before the shark entered.

"Which one?"

Following the simple instructions, Tang Jun only looked at one figure from the back.

"The unworthy descendants of the Jian family actually colluded with the Zerg in order to seize power."

Simple whisper.

"It's just that after being expelled from the family, they lost the protection of the family, and they didn't do well!"

"Do you want to meet them?"

Tang Jun put down the car curtain and asked instead.

"It's okay to meet, anyway, she won't recognize my current identity."

As soon as the words fell, John stepped forward and said:

"Your Highness, the room has been arranged and you can enter."

Tianjun and Tianli got out of the car first, and then helped them out of the car frame pretending to be hypocritical.

When they stepped into the inn, they attracted everyone's attention, including Jian Aoxue and his party.

Jian Aoxue looked at this group of people in strange costumes, and recognized them as mermaids. Looking at the female mermaid among the stars holding the moon, a look of envy flashed in her eyes. She used to be like this, but now... no Mention it.

Simple and natural, she can clearly see her expression. After leaving the sunny water and rain forest, the other party's current cultivation base has only just stepped into the Golden Fairyland. Presumably without the protection of the family, earning resources by oneself takes a long time, and the cultivation base is natural Slow growth.

But she didn't have the slightest sympathy, the road was chosen by herself, and she had to walk on her knees.

"Your guests can stay at our inn and make the small shop flourish. Please come inside."

The owner of Shangdao came to greet Jian Jian and his party in person, and sent them to the best courtyard of the shop, and left consciously after receiving the reward.

He simply waved his hand to let everyone else go to rest, leaving only Tianjun and Tianli behind.

"Meet them tomorrow?"

"No need, it seems that their purpose is the same as ours, and it is also the Immortal Emperor's Mansion."

In the simple consciousness, it is clear that the guards of the Immortal Emperor's Mansion handed Jian Aoxue a jade card, which should be convenient for her to enter and exit, and then transferred to the simple residence.

"I would like to inform Your Majesty that the Immortal King has spared time tomorrow to meet you all. Please come on time tomorrow."

The guard looked a little arrogant, and left without stopping after speaking.

"What kind of master, there will be what kind of guards. I really treat myself as a dish."

 Today I still have a headache, sleep on a hard bed, have a backache, and my throat is inflamed. After taking medicine, I will pass a chapter first to report that I am safe, and then I have to squat for a while to type when I am refreshed. There is still no signal, and it all depends on my mobile phone.

(End of this chapter)

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